As for Zhang Xiaoqiang, he was watching with cold eyes, as if watching a funny and ridiculous farce.

However, although looking at a farce, but Zhang Xiaoqiang that high hanging heart can finally put down.

After his eldest brother Zhang Xiaofan came back, the old Zhang Jia family, after all, stopped at a precipice and would not collapse suddenly.

"Well, second, do you see what you're like now? What's the standard?"

"You're just losing the face of our Lao Zhang family --!"

Zhang Xiaofan was disgusted and kicked Zhang Guangyuan away like garbage. However, although Zhang Guangyuan was kicked away, he still didn't give up. He wanted to climb back and keep Zhang Xiaofan's thigh. He wanted to continue crying, crying and begging.

However, Zhang Zhengguo, who was totally blind to him, immediately used a tone of hatred for iron and steel, and denounced his second son.

"Xiao Fan, we old Zhang Jia, really let you this younger generation see joke."

After teaching Zhang Guangyuan, Zhang Zhengguo also looked at Zhang Xiaofan with slightly embarrassed eyes.

You know, the reason why their old Zhang family can have today's glory is closely related to Zhang Xiaofan.

It can be said that the old Zhang family can have today all depends on Zhang Xiaofan, Zhang Xiaofan is the great hero of their old Zhang family!

But who would have thought, just because Zhang Xiaofan disappeared less than two years ago, the official has not clear that Zhang Xiaofan has fallen on the land of the western Siberian plain.

Zhang Guangyuan, great aunt, Zhang Guanghai and his party, after their own interests were slightly affected, couldn't help but jump out and want to find Zhang Xiaofan's family to settle down, and then they have to abandon the car to protect the cruel thing.

Of course, fortunately, Zhang Xiaofan has never had any expectations for his relatives.

If not, when Zhang Xiaofan has been away for nearly two years and returns to his old family again, it would be really chilling to see the behind the scenes!

"No problem, granddad. I've seen all this for a long time."

Zhang Xiaofan's eyes swept through his many so-called relatives one by one. His face was even more indifferent and indifferent.

"This time I come back, I have a lot of things to discuss with my grandfather."

"Well, since Xiao Fan has something important to discuss, we'd better go into the inner room and take our time."

After hearing what Zhang Xiaofan said, Zhang Zhengguo also quickly got up from his chair. However, before he approached the door, he thought about it in his mind, and then called the old housekeeper to come into the house to serve tea and water and make some arrangements.

In this regard, Zhang Xiaofan also conveniently brought his younger brother Zhang Xiaoqiang in. Zhang Zhengguo saw this behind the scenes and thought about it a little in his heart, but he didn't say anything to stop him.

When Zhang Xiaofan, Zhang Xiaoqiang and Zhang Zhengguo and his party arrived on the second floor and entered the inner room, there was silence in the hall below.

All the people of Lao Zhang's family are sitting in their respective positions. If you look at me, I'll see you. How can you stare at me with big eyes?!


"the boy Zhang Xiaofan actually came back, which is really incredible..."

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