The man in a black suit was furious and subconsciously wanted to teach Luo Yurou a lesson.

However, after thinking of Luo Yurou's own importance, the anger just rising in the heart of the black suit man had to be suppressed.

After the anger, the man in the black suit also felt puzzled and puzzled.

The woman in front of him was so stubborn before.

This is probably because she believes, from a certain point of view, that the power and background behind her will not do anything to her. She has Jiangnan. Luo's family is the backer. Even if the sky falls, there will be tall people carrying it in front of her. "

"But now?"

"Her father, Luo Qingshan, was in a state of change. From then on, she became a common commoner, and the whole Jiangnan. Luo's family also became precarious and precarious."

"In the face of his father, Luo Qingshan, and even the whole Jiangnan, under the premise of the tremendous changes that have taken place in the Luo family."

"But she Luo Yurou is just a weak woman. Where does her reliance and her confidence come from?"

"Where does her tenacity come from..."

"creak --" A sound, the door was closed again, Luo Yurou that full of cold in the eyes just gradually closed back.

However, she did not show the slightest desire for a long sigh of relief or relief.

Luo Yurou is still leaning on the back of the chair with her eyebrows and eyes drooping, which makes her unable to see many emotional changes and psychological fluctuations in the girl's heart at the moment from her eyes.

Because Luo Yurou knows that in this room, there are no less than 10 surveillance cameras monitoring themselves from all angles and directions.

And Luo Yurou's every move, is now sitting in the monitoring room of the guy to see in the eyes, in the heart.

However, if you want to show a little bit of timidity at this time, the farmers who are waiting outside will take advantage of the opportunity to break Luo Yurou's last psychological defense line at one stroke!

Moreover, Luo Yurou is also a woman who is very good at observing and pondering human inner activities.

As for the previous, the black suit man before leaving, with a pair of doubts, puzzled eyes to see himself, Luo Yurou can naturally read the meaning of the other side's eyes.

In fact, it's not only the man in black suit who doesn't know. Sometimes, even Luo Yurou herself doesn't understand.

The insistence of gritting one's teeth like this is... For what?

"Am I doing this just to uphold my inner justice?"

"If that's the case, it's just a big joke God is playing with himself!"

Luo Yurou, as a member of the Luo family in the south of the Yangtze River, has shown all these things thoroughly in this family where power, money and interests are supreme.

In this world, there has never been any difference between good and evil, beauty and ugliness.

As Winston Churchill, the former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, said, there is no permanent enemy or friend on one side of the world, only permanent interests!

But if it is not for the so-called nihilism, illusory justice , the fastest update of the webnovel!