"Then I, I understand."

After hearing this, Zhang Xiaofan is to call directly decisive, get up to leave this scientific research studio.

But just as he stood up, his wrist turned and a jadeite bottle appeared in Zhang Xiaofan's hand.

"Liu Lao, this bottle of pills is a gift specially prepared for you."

"When you take this pill, it will be of great help to your physical function."

"What's more, the power of this pill alone can help you prolong your life by 10 years!"

"What are you talking about?"

"Ten years of life extension --!"

After hearing what Zhang Xiaofan just said, Liu Qinghe's whole person was stunned in the same place. With such a seemingly mediocre bottle of pills, you can increase your life span by 10 years without any reason?

What kind of international joke is this?!

If there is such a panacea, then the whole world, all people do not want to be crazy about this pill?!!

If, if you don't know that person, or ordinary people to Liu Qinghe said so, then his IQ online, it is impossible to believe.

What's more, Liu Qinghe not only won't believe it, but also treated him as a "psychopath" and a "charlatan".

However, the pill was given by Zhang Xiaofan himself.

What Zhang Xiaofan has done can surprise Liu Qinghe. Is there still a few things to be shocked?

Now Liu Qinghe is completely used to this feeling and subconsciously wants to believe what Zhang Xiaofan has done.


"is this gift too precious? I can't take a deep breath from liuqinghe, and then go on.

"All right, you should keep it."

"I've just made it clear that this is the gift that I turned into you. You worked hard for Xuanji Pharmaceutical Group, and these things are what you deserve."

"What's more, without you, I don't think Xuanji pharmaceutical company would be as prosperous as it is today..."

Zhang Xiaofan smiles and pushes back the jade bottle that Liu Qinghe handed over to him.

This is the elixir specially refined for liuqinghe by Zhang Xiaofan when he closed down in the dark world, using the unique aura of that space.

With this pill, it can not only prolong Liu Qinghe's life for 10 years, but also make Liu Qinghe's disease free.

"Mr. Zhang, how can you say that?"

"In fact, you know that if you just take out one of the acupuncture techniques you have mastered, I believe that the threshold of Xuanji pharmaceutical company will be broken by the experts who come to contact with each other the next day, OK?"

"What Liu Qinghe learned in the middle of the night was taught to me by Mr. Zhang. I owe you a lot, not you owe me..."

Liu Qinghe said excitedly.

After hearing this, Zhang Xiaofan slowly shook his head. How can Liu Qinghe not understand?

What Zhang Xiaofan always needs is not "genius" or "genius", but a person who is absolutely loyal to himself.

Of course, only Liu Qinghe, who is selfless and willing to fight for the rise of Chinese traditional medicine all his life, will be assured of the task!

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