"What? You've discovered my whereabouts long ago

"Since you have noticed that I have come, you dare to kill the plain clothes captain in front of me?"

Nie Zhengyuan first because Zhang Xiaofan had just revealed his whereabouts without saying, but also in front of his own face, he killed the plain clothes of the national character face, which also made Nie Zhengyuan afraid and angry.

Zhang Xiaofan shrugged his shoulders and didn't have to explain to Nie Zhengyuan.

"Zhang Xiaofan, I know you are very powerful. Maybe even Mu Hongming may not be your enemy."

"However, in the vast world, there are so many talented people that you don't know how to be. Although you are in a golden body, it doesn't mean that you are really invincible. There are always a small number of people at the top of the pyramid that you can never afford to provoke!"

"In addition, our dragon's scale is not an ordinary person. Don't you think it's too much for you to behave so recklessly?"

Nie Zhengyuan a pair of old eyes for a moment tightly staring at Zhang Xiaofan, angrily rebuke, way.

Smell speech, Zhang Xiaofan also just smile, continue to be silent.

"Yes, you Zhang Xiaofan is really very strong. Even the top officials of our dragon's scale are very afraid of you."

"But rabbits will bite people when they are in a hurry. If you challenge the bottom line of our dragon's scale in public again and again, one day, you will suffer from your own misfortune!"

After seeing Zhang Xiaofan's indifference, Nie Zhengyuan's heart became more and more angry.

"Are you sure that when you attack a plain clothes in the presence of so many people in broad daylight, it will cause a great stir in public opinion?"

"But you don't mean to be restrained in your own behavior. On the contrary, you are becoming more and more serious and killing him in public?"

"I warn you, Zhang Xiaofan, you are forcing our dragon's scale to fight against you forever!"


"So what?"

Hearing this, Zhang Xiaofan's facial expression is still as old as before, Tao.

"So what? So what

"Good... Very good... Very good..."

"then I'll have a showdown with you now. I'm sent by the top management of dragon scale to monitor your words and deeds. If you do anything to disturb the world, I'll report to the senior management at the first time."

"If it gets to the ears of those old monsters, I believe it won't be long before someone will take your head off your neck!"

Nie Zheng's vital energy is that his hair and beard are all open, and he is gnashing his teeth to speak loudly.

In the face of Nie Zhengyuan's fierce threat, Zhang Xiaofan's facial expression is still no different from that before, just a quite free and easy smile.

Yes, as a Chinese descendant, he really loves the land under his feet, but if the dragon's scale really wants to tear his face with Zhang Xiaofan, he is still fearless.

At the beginning, when he was alone in a foreign country, Zhang Xiaofan never retreated in the face of the KGB, which was the same as the dragon's scale. He went to battle for 3000 Li alone, and his hands were stained with many lives!

Today, the dragon's scales dare to attack themselves, then he will definitely let them regret!

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