Nie Zhengyuan is really Wang Ba eating the weight. If he wants to report to the leader of the dragon's scale, Zhang Xiaofan is not afraid of him.

At present, Zhang Xiaofan's true yuan cultivation has reached the golden body realm. Xiaocheng can't use the magic power and Taoism that he learned from Shenxiao Tianting, but if he were to change to the ordinary golden body state, Zhang Xiaofan would not pay attention to it at all.

At the beginning, in the outskirts of the Qianding city of Imperial Russia, I once had a war with belia, the former director of the KGB.

In the course of that war, it is true that belia had to beat Zhang Xiaofan a little bit in the cultivation of Zhenyuan, but the final result of the battle was that Zhang Xiaofan won a complete victory.

Therefore, it is not difficult to see that Zhang Xiaofan's combat effectiveness is far from the simple one seen on paper!

"Now, it's time to solve the hidden danger of Anqing Gang!"

Zhang Xiaofan's eyes narrowed slightly, thinking in his heart.

He intended to kill the Anqing Gang directly, but there are a lot of things on hand, which has been delayed.

Zhang Xiaofan with Zhang Xiaoqiang, toward the road ahead, suddenly, Zhang Xiaofan's sword eyebrow is no trace of the frown, still quietly forward to continue to walk in the past.

But at this moment, Zhang Xiaofan's back a high-speed rotating bullet pierced the air, and in an instant approached Zhang Xiaofan's back center position, clearly wanted to shoot Zhang Xiaofan to snipe!

But at this moment, a golden light suddenly appeared, but Zhang Xiaofan's pace was still moving forward slowly, but the bullet hit Zhang Xiaofan's back heart, which was cut into two pieces from the middle.

Without a moment of frustration, a black figure finally emerged from the Bush, and a little chill appeared. The black figure, holding a dagger, thrust directly at Zhang Xiaofan's throat.

At this time, Zhang Xiaoqiang on one side finally recovered from his previous shock. He had no mental strength. Naturally, he could not be as unpredictable as his elder brother and could feel the assassination of this black figure!

Without the slightest hesitation, Zhang Xiaoqiang punched heavily on the abdomen of the black figure. Now his cultivation of Zhenyuan has reached the magical state. Xiaocheng.

In particular, Zhang Xiaoqiang's current hateful strike is able to kill the man in the opposite with one punch!

However, the reaction speed of this figure is also very good, the body actually came to a stagnant air in the middle of the air, and successfully avoided Zhang Xiaoqiang's domineering punch.

However, Zhang Xiaoqiang's face is still indifferent to this. He also jumps up with his body shape, and he greets the figure with a whip leg.

The speed of Zhang Xiaoqiang's foot is very fast, and only a string of black shadows are left in the air. In an instant, he has been heavily kicked on the figure.

Zhang Xiaoqiang's current combat effectiveness alone shows that his foot used to be powerful enough to shatter all the internal organs of this man in an instant.

But when Zhang Xiaoqiang is kicking on this person, he has a feeling of kicking on a water ball.

I can see that the figure then shrinks to the inside along Zhang Xiaoqiang's legs , the fastest update of the webnovel!