The next moment, Zhang Xiaofan is feeling his lips suddenly spread a cool, sweet feeling.

Zhang Xiaofan opened his eyes and saw that it was red pupil's white hand holding a handful of stream water to Zhang Xiaofan's mouth.

In this regard, Zhang Xiaofan gently opened his mouth, allowing the red pupil to pour the stream into his throat.

Along with it, a wisp of water flows into Zhang Xiaofan's mouth slowly, and flows down Zhang Xiaofan's throat from top to bottom, which makes him feel that the whole person becomes very comfortable and comfortable.

However, when the further completion of swallowing this action, but also let Zhang Xiaofan have a kind of unspeakable uncomfortable and uncomfortable feeling.

Between the throat this kind of slight instinct wriggles, lets Zhang Xiaofan feel one kind of unprecedented pain.

Because the vast majority of the stream water flows along the fingers of the red pupil, so in fact, less than one tenth of the water flows into Zhang Xiaofan's mouth.

Then, after tasting the sweet and cool feeling of the stream, for Zhang Xiaofan, who felt that he was about to die of thirst, it would only make him more eager for water.

But now for the throat hoarse, sore throat, Zhang Xiaofan is unable to say a word.

Previously, when Zhang Xiaofan asked the girl in front of her whether she was red pupil or red pupil, Zhang Xiaofan had a kind of pain that her lungs seemed to be torn hard.

Now, Zhang Xiaofan naturally is impossible to open his mouth again, let red pupil help him to hold water.

However, Chi Tong clearly understood what Zhang Xiaofan wanted to express. After a while, there was cool water from the stream, which poured directly into Zhang Xiaofan's mouth.

That sweet, cool stream let Zhang Xiaofan feel that he has a kind of comfortable feeling which is difficult to describe with words.

At this time, Zhang Xiaofan suddenly felt that there was something wrong between them.

At the moment, Zhang Xiaofan's lips actually have a warm and sweet feeling. At the beginning, Zhang Xiaofan thought it was the spring water, which was sweet and delicious, or he was simply thirsty.

However, after Zhang Xiaofan opened his eyes, he realized that the water was sweeter than just now. It turned out that the red pupil was feeding him water in a mouth to mouth, artificial respiration way.

See, that cool and sweet stream from the red pupil of cherry lips slowly into Zhang Xiaofan's mouth.

The girl crouched in front of Zhang Xiaofan, bent over and held a pool of water again. Then she poured it into her mouth. Then she put her hands on the ground, bent and pointed at Zhang Xiaofan's slightly open lips and printed them directly.

Then, the red pupil movement is very gentle, incomparably put the stream into Zhang Xiaofan's throat.

At this moment, for the present Zhang Xiaofan, his heart faintly feels as if there is something wrong.

Although, there is no way to use the method of red pupil, at least it is much more efficient than just using his hand to hold water.

However, Zhang Xiaofan is not stupid. Naturally, he can think of many other ways to feed himself besides such a mouth to mouth method of water delivery , the fastest update of the webnovel!