After simply finalizing the strategic plan for the future, Zhang Xiaofan and an Mingshi left together. After walking out of the box, both Zhang Xiaofan and an Mingshi got the chips they wanted through this conversation. They were all happy.

However, after this contraction of power, it led to the 25 industries vacated by the Jinmen group. Naturally, the alliance of foreigners selected ten of the most core industries, while Zhang Xiaofan's jiulongcang selected five of them. There were more wolves than meat, and many were one. The two forces could only divide one industry at the same time.

Although some are not very happy, but also as far as possible to let everyone taste some sweet.

After all, if we really want to say that, they have not made any substantial contribution. It is the foreign alliance and jiulongcang that really defeated the Jinmen group. They should be given the biggest piece of fat.

After going back, Zhang Xiaofan gathered all the middle-level backbones of jiulongcang and held a small meeting the next day.

And this small meeting mainly discussed how to allocate the five industries obtained from Jinmen group.

However, Zhang Xiaofan, after pondering in his mind, decided to give all the five industries to Shao Wenhua.

After all, Shao Wenhua was in charge of the related industries of jiujulong group in the Jiangnan area. He was able to bear the four words of "the wind of a great general" in terms of strategy and adaptability.

At the same time, Zhang Xiaofan also told the audience about his future plans, that is, to wipe out the two big villains in Longshan district and Enping District, Liu Haiji and Han Mingcheng.

However, as for Liu Haiji and Han Mingcheng, there are not many people here, and I say nothing.

After all, these two local snakes can only dominate their one acre three part field.

But really to say, if you want to compare with jiulongcang, then the gap between the two hard power is simply not too big.

At the same time, Tian Hongfei directly proposed to send out Jiulong post to these two people. Before they arrived, the post would arrive first, and the momentum of jiulongcang would be typed out first.

After several times of expansion, Zhang Xiaofan also deeply understands the charm of Blitzkrieg.

When fighting with the enemy forces, jiulongcang always pays attention to one who is surprised and attacks them unprepared. At the same time, under the premise of carrying out the combat thought of flash attack, it can also minimize the loss of its own people on the side of jiulongcang.

After finalizing the plan, Zhang Xiaofan directly asked Shao Wenhua to lead the troops to attack Liu Haiji directly, while Zheng Mingkai was in charge of Han Mingcheng's side, and the rest were mainly responsible for pressing and receiving the battle.

Tian Hongfei led the secret department to continue to explore the battle report of the front line, and at the same time, he silhouetted the attack of each hall at the critical moment. He still used the method of Blitzkrieg. He paid attention to the means of taking his life if he didn't go out. Liu Haiji and Han Mingcheng were not given any breathing opportunities.

It will start at 11:30 tomorrow night!

Maybe even Liu Haiji and Han Mingcheng never dreamed that the man in the Chinese tunic who was still pushing cups and changing cups with himself and others in the foreign League yesterday, actually lifted the butcher's knife to their throat so quickly! , the fastest update of the webnovel!