"Yes, President..."

after leaving this sentence, Gao Yangmei did not say anything more, but turned around and left behind a group of young trainees who were worried because they were seen through their worries.

In this regard, Li Zhien also turned to walk, but when passing by the group of young trainees, he couldn't help but stop, pursed his mouth, or turned to look at them.

"Silly girl, next time you can go out from the back door of the practice room. There is a dead corner for monitoring."

"What's more, if it's almost like that, go back to school and study hard. Don't suffer here..."

with that, Li Zhien continued to walk forward.


loen. Conference room -

"do our sunny hills have anything to say to me?"

Said, Gao Yangmei is to look at the left side of the four girls, way.


"however, we don't want to talk to the president, but we have something to say to IU."

An Zhenya, sitting on the left, said that her eyes fell on Li Zhien, who was sitting opposite him.

"Hello, IU, you answer me, we used to be in the same group, but now we don't have you, what's the combination of Sunny Hill?"

In the face of this group of people's questions, Li Zhien held his chest in both hands, and his tone was indifferent.

"It seems that we haven't officially launched as Sunny Hill yet, so I'm going to be a solo female singer?"

"You can't say that. If you didn't choose to fly alone temporarily before you made your debut, would our team lose its vitality?"

"If anything else, I'll ask you which group can stand up without a key lead singer?"

"I know, but may my appearance take away the income of my sisters?"

"At the beginning, because of different opinions on the internal division of the portfolio, I didn't make my debut in the form of Sunny Hill combination. I think my sisters have not forgotten that?"

"But finally, I was very sorry to learn that Sunny Hill's career was not going well. I can only say that my sisters and I are not deeply predestined."

With that, Li Zhien shrugged his shoulder blades and said.

"But then again, it's true that I have made a lot of money in the past 10 years since I started my career, but for me, it's just a bunch of numbers in my bank card. That's all. I'm very busy and I don't have time to spend, let alone enjoy my life."

"Compared with me, my sisters' lives will be much happier. They are traveling abroad and studying. This is life. Am I right?"

"Ha ha..."

an Zhenya sneered and said.

"IU, don't make it so easy. Do you really think we don't want to work?"

"That's not because President Gao only arranges the itinerary for you, and the four of us are not qualified to drink soup at the side."

"What itinerary?"

"Do you mean I'm going to arrange this for you, too?"

Hearing this, Gao Yang suddenly interrupted.

"Good, such as running notices, doing variety shows and so on."

"And last weekend was my Annie's birthday, but I didn't even hold a basic fan meeting. I just made a hasty wish for my birthday on the social platform."

After an Zhenya said this, her face also can't help but show dissatisfaction.


"is the fans meeting?"

"It's really a good proposal. After all, it's also a birthday once a year, which is a good reason."

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