"Don't harm me, will you?"

"If I become a bread Superman, I don't want to be. Do you support me?"

"You are not a small animal. You can keep it if you want to."

"Besides, are you still working so hard to make money?"

"What do you want to do to make so much money? Do you have any special goals. "

Listen, Zhang Xiaofan also put down the chopsticks, some crying and laughing, way.

Smell speech, not only Zhang Xiaofan is puzzled, even Li Zhien himself also feels quite confused.

Zhang Fan has made a lot of money for himself in the past ten years.

And Li Zhien finally realized his childhood dream and became a famous female singer in Xinluo and even in the Asia Pacific region.

All this, if only from the surface, is really very beautiful, but under this beautiful flashy, Li Zhien always feels as if there is something missing.

Therefore, Li Zhien also frowned at this time, and gave Zhang Xiaofan an answer seriously.

"I want to make enough money for my life and then win all the Grand Slam Music Awards in Silla."

"After all these dreams come true, I will choose to retire like Giorgio Giorgio."

"Li Xiaoli?"

Since acting as Assistant Producer for two days and a night, Zhang Xiaofan naturally learned a lot about Xinluo's variety shows in previous years.

Among them, he has seen the birth of the family in which Li Xiaoli participated.

Therefore, when Li Zhien mentioned Li Xiaoli, Zhang Xiaofan naturally heard of it.

"Yes, it's filial piety and benefit."

"In those days, senior Li Xiaoli was a national goblin in Xinluo. When the first song" 10 miutes "was popular in the whole country, it could be said that no one knew about it

However, when Li Xiaoli's career as a singer was still at its peak, she announced that she wanted to quit the entertainment industry

"It wasn't long before Li Xiaoli left the circle that she was going to get married. Moreover, the object of her marriage was a man who had no money, was famous, and even looked very, very ordinary and insignificant."

"However, it is for such a man who looks insignificant from the appearance that the elder Li Xiaoli not only gave up his career, but also refused the pursuit of many male artists, rich second generation and even members of Parliament."

"In the end, Li Xiaoli and her lover left the bustling metropolis of Seoul, chose to go back to the mountains and forests, and went back to Jeju Island to buy a piece of land. They lived together, though plain, but extremely happy days."

Li Zhien is very excited and excited when talking about Li Xiaoli. The color of yearning in his eyes can't deceive people.

Perhaps, in her heart is the most eager to pick Chrysanthemum under the East fence, leisurely see Nanshan day.

Zhang Xiaofan looked at Li Zhien, whose face was a little red. He laughed and didn't say anything. Instead, he chose to be a quiet listener.

"What are you laughing at?"

"I mean it to you."

"But it was incredible for me when I first learned about the big news."

"It's not what ordinary people can do. It requires great perseverance and determination."

"It is just because of the great determination and perseverance of Mr. Li Xiaoli that he has just touched me so much."

Looking at Li Zhien's full face of expectation, yearning to describe his dream life with himself, Zhang Xiaofan also smiles and sometimes says a few words. The night is already very deep.

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