Knowledge is not power, but my fist is strength. Sitting at the opposite table and having drunk three times and touring five flavors at the lowest level, I was somewhat happy. I was also full of challenge and made a face at Lin Yuner.

"You can make an appointment for me. Lin yun'er clenched his fist as he spoke."

Take a look at Zhang Xiaofan. He is also full of threats and warnings between the lines. He doesn't believe Lin Yuanhui really wants to clean up himself, so he also sticks out his tongue.

It is estimated that Lin Yuner also obviously drank some wine at this time. In addition, through this, you and I have also started to play with each other. Now this kind of hand is holding the blue tongue which just came out, and turns around and is elated.

How about it? You give it back to me now?


"um, um, um..."

Zhang Xiaofan never dreamed of playing such a trick himself. His tongue was caught by Lin Yuner, and he could not move. He could only make some indistinct sounds.

While Jin Taiyan only watched Lin Yuner and Zhang Xiaofan playing tricks and fighting wits and bravery. She was laughing, and the whole person had collapsed on the table. Well, at this time, Zhang Xiaofan could only vaguely, and kept punching a kind of mouth at Lin Yuner, which made her wink.

And Lin Yuner this time is nodding, a pair of clear tone said.

"I've just washed my hands, and I've used them. You can rest assured that you have just said that kind of inexplicable words, my hands can be cleaner!"

At this time, Jin Taiyan looks at Lin Yuner with surprise on her face. She is also the one Lin Yuner is doing now. She has a good understanding with Zhang Xiaofan. She is also moved and said with some surprise.

"You can understand all these things?"

"Zhang Xiaofan said the same thing when he bit me today!"

When Zhang Xiaofan heard Lin Yuner's face, she couldn't help but show a look of ugliness. At this time, Jin Taiyan was totally in love with Zhang Xiaofan and Lin Yuner. The interaction between them was between you and me, which made some monks confused.

Let's have a look at Lin Yuner's attitude today.

"What does that mean? He wants to ask me for mercy. "

"To put it bluntly, I just admit defeat and can't afford to play!"

Lin Yuner also loosened his grip on Zhang Xiaofan's tongue and wiped it with a paper towel. Although all the saliva on his hands is Zhang Xiaofan's, Lin Yuner is surprised and doesn't feel any dislike.

But I feel that this is a normal thing.

You know, Lin yun'er is a person who has some Puritanism. Zhang Xiaofan also uses water at this time. She quickly erect a vertical mouth for herself, and then looks at Lin Yuner. She wants to say something more to run and run Lin Yuner.

But now he feels his tongue is sour and numb, and the acid bloating can only make him choose not to continue to provoke.

After all, Lin Yuner, a tough girl who doesn't agree with you, is just like Zhang Xiaofan who feels that she really can't get rid of this aunt.

After seeing this, when she saw Zhang Xiaofan, Taiyan also couldn't help laughing. At this time, he also took the initiative to change the topic and said.

"Mr. Zhang, what you just said is not finished."

"It's the Australian related things you mentioned earlier..."

Zhang Xiaofan took a look and then looked at it again. Lin Yuner, of course, can see through the eyes of these two women. He has a strong desire for survival and a thirst for knowledge about what he has seen, heard and experienced before.

Perhaps at the beginning of the last time, Zhang Xiaofan had or did not talk about her own experience around the world, and Jin Taiyan showed great interest in Zhang Xiaofan's past experience.

Even, Zhang Xiaofan's experiences and experiences are regarded as explorations again and again. Although the story does not have special twists and turns, it is very, very real and immersive, which makes me want to travel around the world to see the world.

However, due to the busy schedule of her daily work, she suffers from no practice. Jin Taiyan has a kind of immersive experience, as if she is following Zhang Xiaofan's steps to complete one adventure after another.

In fact, there is nothing to say about it. The production environment in Australia is very good. Zhang Xiaofan continued at this time. For example, when you go to the bathroom, you may check the water tank of the toilet first.

Because, when the toilet tank, you may find that the water house is not as simple as you can see on the surface. Don't have a snake breathing in the water tank.

Or, you are watching TV in the house, and you find that there is an expenditure about the size of an adult's palm in the TV. When you really look carefully, you will find that there is a big spider beside you.In other words, in the supermarket, you may encounter a kangaroo brother covered with tendons, but this feeling is not to be said.

"Don't say it, don't say it..."

when Lin Yuner heard Zhang Xiaofan's vivid description, he was also a little afraid. He also rushed to let Zhang Xiaofan feel.

And Jin Taiyan in the side seriously listen to Zhang Xiaofan said all of this also can't help but ask whether all this is true? It's really what you described. Is that exaggerated? Zhang Xiaofan looked at it and asked, "aren't you afraid?"?

It sounds exciting...

although Jin Taiyan said that she was afraid, it was in his eyes.

But Zhang Xiaofan did not see how much fear, how much tension in this, and Zhang Xiaofan also can not help nodding when she saw Jin Taiyan, and gave her a thumbs up. She was full of abnormal Yan. She really deserves her reputation.

I said, Zhang Xiaofan, you have been serious for a while, but now you start to deviate. What are you saying just now...

when I heard Zhang Xiaofan describe herself as abnormal Yan, Jin Taiyan was also in a hurry, her smile on her face narrowed down and made a solemn and solemn spirit.

When I saw Jin Taiyan, he was nothing.

I mean, some of the big cities in Australia may give people a better feeling.

But if the place near the middle is where I do the task, this area really gives people the feeling that the wild environment there is really very good. , the fastest update of the webnovel!