He also felt helpless to find the back pot, because the three of them drank a little wine more or less. In addition to the sobering soup specially prepared for them, Zhang Xiaofan poured Jin Taiyan and Lin Yuner a small cup respectively. After looking at the face of the second daughter like a small apple, he also looked at himself absurdly.

I didn't expect that I did face-to-face with these two stars, or because I had a drink. I always wanted to subconsciously explore some relevant philosophy about life and the meaning of the world. Anyway, I thought these games were very absurd.

There is also a sense of absurdity about the sense of time. It seems that Jin Taiyan and Lin Yuner are still reflected in front of us when we met for the first time, because of the start-up of various kinds of relations, or because of alienation or hostility.

However, he never thought about one point...

that is, Zhang Xiaofan asked himself that he would not be in a parallel line with Jin Taiyan and Lin Yuner. They should be in a parallel line with their own lives. One day, they can sit on a table and talk to each other about these things, even talking about drinking and having fun.

It can be said that Zhang Xiaofan did not have all the beautiful things that can not be obtained.

But now, it is all these things are so true to achieve, so reflected in their own world, the kind of initial is just a rural youth, can be said to have no idea of their own future.

Therefore, he does not know where his future direction is. He just does some mechanical things every day, trying to understand. For what Zhang Xiaolai said, he sometimes doubts whether he really exists. In this case, he feels that Zhang Xiaofan has not left any traces along the way.

Clearly did not last long, but feel so long, so long to this long how to describe? It seems that all the things happened in a day can write a novel, which is what Zhang Xiaofan thinks in his heart. But all these things are different from all the things in the past.

If it is the past, all the ideas are completely present in Zhangzhou. In his mind, the root of all these, all the affectation, and the pain, now it seems that all the past has disappeared. Generally speaking, his heart is full of satisfaction and comfort.

There are people you love and friends you love. What do you think you want to strive for and what you want to do? For such a life.

Moreover, the person who had nothing, and even said that he had been forced to the end of the road several times, such a life has been very perfect for the long term, and the rest of the things are also dependent on. Go to the equipment room with your own hands.

This thing really want to say is also a bit good, Zhang Xiaofan now actually began to become all over the body full of positive energy.

He even began to look forward to the coming of Sunday. The more he thought about the past, the more relaxed he felt. Then he saw Lin Yuner and Jin Taiyan. Both of them were dizzy. He passed the sobering soup in front of him and poured a bowl of it with himself.

"I said, why don't you two women go home now? Are you driving here today?"

"But as far as you are, I think it's very dangerous for you to drive now."

"What's more, my battery car is too small to be one of you. It's really inconvenient."

"I'm not sure about the way you two are now..."

for a while, Zhang Xiaofan was in a dilemma. However, it was said that it was Lin Yuner who wanted to drink a glass of ginseng wine. Therefore, according to Zhang Xiaofan's policy, Jin Taiyan took it back directly by driving.

But in fact, what Zhang Xiaofan didn't expect was that this mixed up and down. Jin Taiyan was so happy to see the wonderful play between herself and Lin Yuner. Unexpectedly, he secretly poured himself a glass of wine and drank a little.

Although, today also drink wine is not much, about half a cup of two eggs, but each time is gently sipping on it.

However, who didn't think that Jin Taiyan was a drinker. What was the appearance of an alcoholic waste man?

Just like now, Jin Taiyan can only lean on the chair and giggle, just like a silly girl sitting in the village and enjoying the cool under a big tree in the past, which makes people feel this strong contrast very cute. Of course, compared with Jin Taiyan's words.

Lin Yuner is also not as good as anywhere. He has a good chat and a good time. He can't help drinking a little. Even if he wants to stop him, he can't stop him.

It's also a matter of having more heart than strength. Of course, from another perspective, Lin Yuner and Jin Taiyan have 100% trust in Zhang Xiaofan. Otherwise, they can't drink with Zhang Xiaofan.What's more, it's more open.

However, in the face of two alcohol waste people, especially Jin Taiyan, she would only laugh foolishly. In terms of funds, Zhang Xiaofan also felt very big at this time. My God, what is this doing? Zhang Xiaofan rubbed his swollen temples and sighed.

"I said, two of you, please have a little wine and soup. First you will recover, and then you will have to drive back."

Compared with Jin Taiyan, who has already begun to feel dizzy at this time, Lin Yuner still needs to be sober. Seeing that she is too strict, she shakes her head and says.

"You know, my sister never touched alcohol before, and I don't know what's going on today. She even drank half a cup."

heard Lim Yoona make complaints about this, and Zhang Xiaofan was also opening his mouth.

"Come on, you don't have to settle things for you first, OK? Look at yourself first. What can I do with me

"I'm very natural now, I'm fine now..."

before Lin Yuner finished this sentence, he had already belched a wine, and then made a little face, which suddenly became a red color.

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