As the eldest son of the Li family, Li Changxi's identity, his status, how precious, where he has been so insulted.

Think of all the insults Zhang Xiaofan has imposed on him. This kind of feeling makes him go crazy. Before Li Changxi finishes his words, he sees another steel needle shot out. Zhang Xiaofan does not have any hesitation at this time. Time uses the same method and means as before, and quickly and ruthlessly, abandoning Li Changxi's left palm !

In this regard, Zhang Xiaofan is also extremely cold said.

"If you dare to talk nonsense in front of Laozi, you can go to hell now!"

Zhang Xiaofan's tone and expression are incomparably cold, which also makes the eyes of Li Changxi and Zhang Xiaofan look at each other, and later the mind is uncontrollable and violently shaken.

It can be said that his left hand and right hand have been discarded by Zhang Xiaofan. However, in the face of unprecedented fear and threat of life, he did not dare to shout or shout, but just like a quail, he shivered.

"What you're asking for is just money. Why bother the people of the Li family

"Why do we have to make things come to such an irreparable end today?"

At this time, Li Jianxi's face and expression were incomparably dignified, saying word by word.

"If I say I'm injured, I'll hurt you. It's reasonable and normal for you to provoke me and be injured by me."

"What's more, with my identity and status, why do you have to be like a mole ant like you and spend too much time talking?"

I saw that Zhang Xiaofan's face at this time is very much the voice tone, and before can be said to be the same, there is no difference, the face of calm said.

"What's more, even if I've all been killed today, what can I do?"

And with the fall of Zhang Xiaofan's last sentence, you'll have a humble face and look, a huge scene of 180 degrees.

However, not waiting for him to say more when, but heard Zhang Xiaofan again cold words said good, redundant nonsense don't say.

Otherwise, you, the old man, will have no better end than them.

"What are you talking about, boy?"

Li Jianxi was also blocked at this time. What he said in his heart was something he couldn't say, and his heart was also a feeling. You feel a burst of depression, he felt his throat a sweet, almost no mouth of old blood directly spurt out.

However, although Li Jianxi was indignant at this time, he did not dare to do anything about the current concept, and dare to continue to anger, or even provoke Zhang Xiaofan's behavior and behavior.

Because, just after Zhang Xiaofan's quick attack and attack method, he has been a very personal example. He deeply realized that the terror and power from Zhang Xiaofan, a Buddhist, is not a time when there is no comparability between the two.

Even if Zhang Xiaofan was further angered, the future development and the control of the situation would be far away, which was beyond his expectation. After he wanted to understand the cause and effect of this matter, as well as the advantages and disadvantages, Li Jianxi could not help shaking his head again, and his tone was full of helplessness.

In fact, if we really want to talk about this matter, it's not that the Li family is not willing to give you this money. Objectively speaking, the money is too much, such as 2 billion, 3 billion and so on, which is really not what people like us can take out.

Why don't we sit down and discuss this matter? I can accept a suitable reward that you can also accept. What do you think?

For example, how about 300 million?

Originally, Li Jianxi only planned to give Zhang Xiaofan 30 million yuan. That's all. He wanted to fool Zhang Xiaofan away like a beggar.

However, the matter has come to this point. Seeing that Zhang Xiaofan has already killed their family's door with a knife, how can he say what he said before in the face of such a life and death threat?

This elegant man, I'm afraid, is crisp to say it, to his throat to pierce.

In that case, you don't want to end up in such a dead situation, which is really unjust to death.

Do you think you and I will give you any chance to bargain when we come here? Zhang Zhen is naive, is it really ridiculous, or do you Li family think that giving me Zhang Xiaofan money is giving me charity?

This is what you Li family owes me. It's natural for you to pay back the debt. Today, you can either shoot 3 billion yuan in front of me.

Or, if I don't want this 3 billion yuan, you can keep it as your coffin, and use your lives to repay my medical expenses!

In the face of Li Jianxi's retreat, Zhang Xiaofan doesn't eat it at all. His face and expression are as cold as ever. Obviously, for Zhang Xiaofan, he doesn't want to continue to talk to you. His voice is also full of determination between the lines.It is certain that for him, he has no intention of changing at all. Instead, he has decided not to give him any retreat, nor give him any chance to continue to play tricks.

After listening to Zhang Xiaofan's words, Li Jianxi's body also shook violently. He never thought that the young man in front of him would be so determined.

So firm from the beginning to the end do not give themselves any bargaining room, really there is no chance of any tactful?

Thinking of this, Li Jianxin also felt helpless in his heart. In their previous meetings, they mainly thought about the cause and effect of all these things, which were too beautiful and naive.

Even to say, it's not easy to think about the original simple things. It's impossible for this kind of thing to happen. Let alone 30 million, it means 3 billion.

Zhang Xiaofan, the man in Zhongshan suit, would not agree with the condition of the Li family.

And, before that, I was so confident, so sure, and saying a thousand things.

In fact, the reason is very simple. It is based on their absolute dominance in Seoul.

And their self-confidence is just like the miracle doctor who came to see them. No doubt, it also depends on the faces of their three brothers' families. , the fastest update of the webnovel!