"Have you all heard the place name that Zhang Xiaofan just said?"

"Then you'll arrange for the man to be informed."

"That is to say, those who hurt his disciples are on the top of Qiuming mountain!"

Li Jianxi ordered his later arrangements and plans to the children of the Li family under his seat.

"Father, do we really want to do the right thing with that Zhang Xiaofan?"

"Do we really have to make it to such an extent that we don't die? I don't think it's necessary... "

Li Zairong couldn't help but talk after seeing his father's fight with Zhang Xiaofan to the end.

"Five billion of such a large sum of money, let us honestly and obediently give to this young boy? "

" however powerful Zhang Xiaofan is, he can't be the opponent of that adult? "

"As the saying goes, there are people outside the people, and there are mountains outside the mountain. That man in green is really powerful, but he is too arrogant when he is too strong and easy to break."

"As long as that adult can kill Zhang Xiaofan, then this matter has nothing to do with our Li family from the beginning to the end, and we don't have to spend another 5 billion to buy it a favor."

At this time, Li Jianxi opened his mouth with cold eyes and said word by word.

"Li Jianxi, you're playing with fire, you're killing yourself..."

the old man said with emotion at this time.

"Ha ha ha ha..."

"this is a huge sum of money, which is also a huge sum of money. How many people will be crazy about this huge sum of money? How many people will throw away all their own things and take this fund to gamble like a crazy gambler?"

Li Jianxi this time is also old eyes micro Mi a sentence said.

"Father, will your birthday party be held as scheduled tomorrow?"

At this time, Li Zairong on one side asked again.

"What else? I will go to Qiuming mountain with me tomorrow

Li Jianxi waved his big hand and set the tone.


the night has gradually darkened, and the night in Seoul can be said to be turbulent and turbulent.

One crazy news after another swept through the upper class of Seoul in an instant. The little miracle doctor who cured Li Jianxi reappeared in the river and lake again. The elixir was cured, and the elixir for progressive frostbite was even priced at $5 billion. Now, people have come to ask for medical expenses.

Moreover, this miracle doctor is not as simple as it seems on the surface. He is also a true practitioner. Before, at Song Haoran's private banquet, he defeated the old man's disciple with one move and hurt song Haoran.

After that, the miracle doctor directly took away Li qiuxuan, the little princess of the Li family. The news spread one after another, which shocked the upper class society. At the same time, one side sighed that China was indeed a generation of crouching tigers, hidden dragons, and it was even possible that this unique talent could emerge.

This man is not only a rare one, but also a little miracle doctor who can kill people. He has extraordinary strength. Even the adult's disciple is far from his opponent. Some people feel that the Li family has provoked such a powerful and terrible practitioner.

"Five billion, how to make a good choice between the two

However, soon all the people present received it again. The news is that the person's position will be the day when the Li family and the miracle doctor will complete the transaction with each other. The adult who hasn't done anything for many years will choose to go out in person to avenge his disciples and suppress the cruel one.

At this time, one of the great men who came to China began to look forward to a great war tomorrow. They must see that on the one hand, they can see that the adult's hand can be witnessed. At the same time, it is a great blessing in life.

All people are also looking forward to that adult will be able to directly crush the hairy boy from China with lightning speed tomorrow.

In any case, the man came from the mainland, and the old man is a symbol of absolute strength in the Seoul Xiuzhen world.

Although, how to make a trade-off between the two for all the people present, it can not be more obvious if they stand in line. Naturally, they have no conditions to stand on the side of their own people and Seoul people.

Everything should be considered for Han, which is also a matter of reason.

At this moment, night falls on the mountains opposite Qiuming mountain, and Zhang Xiaofan still stands on the cliff, feeling the mountain peaks blowing from the deep of the canyon.

Li qiuxuan and song Yunzhen dare not get close to them. After all, the problem of wanzhang cliff is too dangerous and frightening.If they have any accident or accident, then they have no ability to wait for Zhang Xiaofan, and their end must be a road of death.

At the same time, song Yunzhen is sitting under a cypress tree, and here you can overlook the whole of Seoul. Most of the beautiful night scenes are bright in the distance, which gives people a feeling of incomparable dazzling. After all, the night scenery of Seoul is very famous in the whole Asia Pacific region, where the mountains are high.

Looking around, there are no buildings or other obstacles that can block your view.

It can be said that standing in this position is the best and the most perfect point of view.

But at the moment, song Yunzhen is alone here, and Li qiuxuan doesn't know where to go.

However, Li qiuxuan can't leave the mountain in any case because the surrounding cliffs are too steep to go down.

And Zhang Xiaofan this time is also naturally lazy to pay attention to, this woman's heart is thinking what.

in addition, even if Li Qiuyuan is really afraid of sacrifice at this time, Zhang Xiaofan has 1000 kinds of 10000 ways to send this person directly to hell and let him know what sanctions are.

And at this time, in the heart of Zhang Xiaofan is disdain, cold thinking of things.

At the same time, Li Qiuxiang didn't know where he came from. He rushed to Zhang Xiaofan's back without saying a word, until he saw the cliff at his feet.

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