The spine is bent, I didn't retreat!

Legs slowly sink into the soil, I did not retreat!

The body is constantly trembling, I still did not retreat!

Because I know I can't go back.

There is my home and my comrades in arms behind me. As soon as I retreat, my home and comrades in arms will be exposed to the eyes of the monkey king.

At that time, all tactics and all commands will be in vain.

"No, I can't retreat. I can't let the monkey king disturb our position." Heart cry, spine slowly straight, body slowly calm down.

According to the above arrangement, Lena, who is good at defense, enrages the monkey king, and then starts sniping from Durban.

But the strength of the monkey king is really too strong, and then completely destroyed Lena.

So the burden of all this falls on me.

"I didn't expect you to have some skills!" Sun Wukong found that my back slowly stopped, and there was a faint sign of rivalry with him. A strange light flashed on his face: "but do you think this can stop my grandson?"

All of a sudden, Ruyi golden cudgel body issued a burst of bright light, stabbing people's eyes can not open, and I feel an unprecedented pressure hit.

It felt like countless mountains were pressing on me. I couldn't breathe!

"Why?" While resisting the pressure brought by Ruyi's golden cudgel, I gritted my teeth and looked at the monkey king in the air and asked, "you are fighting against the Buddha. Why do you want to harm us weak human beings?"

"Weak human? "With a smile, the monkey king said coldly," you are not weak human beings, or you would not have made these destructive iron shells. "

"Look at these iron boxes with black breath behind their buttocks. Are they less destructive than my grandson? Today, my grandson is going to kill these demons. "

No, the monkey king is going to attack other tanks again!

This time, without waiting for Admiral ducao to give an order, I yelled at the messenger, "Gavin, get it trapped!"

Jiawen also knew that it was urgent and rushed out from behind the cover.

All of a sudden, a huge lithosphere rose from the foot of the monkey king and trapped him firmly in it.

"Caitlin, shoot."

"Big d, Mengmeng and Yi, you attack from the side to prevent the monkey king from breaking through."

Several orders came out of my mouth, but no one moved.

They looked at me face to face and didn't know what to do?

Seeing this, I sighed a little, not because they didn't believe me, but because they didn't give orders, they didn't dare to act.

"What are you doing? Don't hurry up and follow Xiao Lun's instructions. " All of a sudden, so the voice of admiral ducao sounded from the communicator in people's ears: "next, I declare that Glenn is in full charge of this operation."

"Yes The crowd roared and rushed madly towards the monkey king.


We found that although the monkey king was trapped in the lithosphere, he was madly pounding.

Every time he hit, the huge rock ring would shake down the rocks.

"Fast, Jiawen can't hold the monkey king for long, everyone move faster." I yelled wildly, "Caitlin, fire now."

Heisensen's sniper muzzle aimed at the rock, shooting madly, flashing cold bullets hit on it, sending out a burst of sparks.

But at this time, Jiawen's face suddenly became very pale: "no, I can't trap it."


As Jiawen's voice fell, the rock burst. A light burst into the sky, cutting through the sky, unrestrained and rebellious.

"Big d, Mengmeng and Yi masters should stop it immediately, and never let Monkey King fly to the sky to fight with us."

However, my words are still a bit late. When the big d's just ready to move, the light cut across the sky, straight into the sky.

The evil spirit filled the whole world, and the monkey king looked at us ferociously: "in those days, the Tathagata couldn't hold me down. Now, it's just a dream for you to suppress my grandson! "

"You care about these iron boxes, don't you! Today, my grandson will smash them in front of you. "

The monkey king turned into a ray of light again and dashed into the sky towards the moving tank in the distance.




Several harsh explosions sounded in my ears, looking at the fireworks like brilliant fire, so silent down.

The monkey king has gone to heaven, and no one can stop him.

We can only watch him destroy our homes and our compatriots!

Unwilling, humiliated...

an inexpressible feeling emerged in my heart.Every time there is an explosion, a living life will disappear in front of us.

Is the soldier in the tank guilty?


They didn't.

They are driving the iron box in the mouth of the monkey king to defend their homeland, so that the sacred territory will not be violated.

They have no crime and no need to pay for the war.

They are real heroes!

I turned and looked, Rose's eyes were red, ruimeng cried...

my heart was also bitter.

The wind blows!

Blowing on people brings a cool feeling.

I don't know when it started. It rained sporadically, beating on people's faces, giving people a sense of despair.

"What are you doing?" All of a sudden, Admiral ducao's roar sounded in the messenger: "don't forget that you are soldiers. What are the responsibilities of soldiers? Defend the homeland, protect the compatriots! Are you still qualified to be in a daze? "

Yes, we are soldiers, and the duty of soldiers is to protect their homes.

After taking a deep breath, I yelled: "Zhao Xin, now you are the only one who can keep up with the monkey king. Now I order you in the name of the team leader to pester the monkey king, and never let him continue to attack other comrades in arms."

"Got it!" Zhao Xinjing gave a military salute and ran out quickly.

"And me!" I don't know when Lena staggered from the ground to stand up, patted her chest and said in a loud voice: "I can follow the monkey king, please let me fight!"

At this moment, I saw firmness, determination... And a trace of pride in Lena's eyes.

All of a sudden, I laugh!

Yes, as a granddaughter of the sun god, how could she fall down so easily.

"Lena, help Zhao Xin, be ready to support at any time!"

The last command came out of my mouth.

Then I turned and looked at the arrogant light in the sky, with no joy or sorrow on my face.

I know, this battle may be very difficult!

I know that some people may die in this war!

I know that I may be the one who fell down in this war!

But I won't, and I can't.

Because behind me is my home, behind me are the people I want to protect.

Regiment war can lose, homeland must be protected!

Because there are people I love, people who love me!