Suddenly, heaven and earth are filled with that light!

It has not faded for a long time.

Monkey King, who is playing with Zhao Xin, suddenly feels a crisis. When he turns his head, he only sees that the sky and the earth are full of bright colors.

"What kind of magic do you make?"

Sun Wukong's face suddenly changed, and he didn't care to entangle with Zhao Xin. With a wave of his hand, Ruyi's golden cudgel flew back to his hand.

I can't control the windstorm sword which weighs ten thousand tons. I can only lift it reluctantly and then aim at the monkey king to chop it down!


The huge crash sound sounded in people's ears, many people subconsciously covered their ears.

At this moment, the sky and the earth are silent, and the whole space is only the sound of sword and stick.

On the flat ground, several big trees, which were still strong, were blown about by Yu Bo.

I don't know how long after that, the roar slowly receded, and was replaced by a dead silence.

The sound of insects and roars disappeared, and the trees on the roadside were calm again.

As the light faded away, I knelt on one knee, and the storm sword had already fallen out of my hand and slid down to one side.

I felt that my sight was a little blurred. I touched it with my hand and found it was wet and smelly.

What is this?

I just came up with such an idea in my mind, but I heard Zhao Xin roar: "blood, xiaolun, you are full of blood."

At the same time, rose they finally rushed to me, lifted me up from the ground, a worried face said: "xiaolun, are you ok? There's blood under your eyes, ears and nose

I rolled my eyes when I heard Rose's words.

You're not talking nonsense. You've come to try the side effects of using Dun class weapons.

I shook my head, trying to keep my head awake: "where's the monkey king?"

No one answered, looking at a certain place.

As they looked at it, I found that the original majestic and invincible Dou defeated Buddha was lying on the dry grass pile, looking at me with a complicated face.

"Xiaolun, while the monkey king has lost his fighting ability, hurry to put the exile society into the myth!" General ducao's voice was heard again.

But I did not pay attention to him, took off the ear of the communicator, slowly toward the monkey king.

Everyone was shocked to see my action!

Although the monkey king now looks very miserable, but after all, it is still a mythical Buddha, who knows if it will burst up and hurt people.

If the monkey king really has such a mind, it's hard to cope with my current state.

Jiawen tried to stop me, but I waved him down.

"The monkey king is not our enemy!" Leaving such a sentence, I finally came to the monkey king with my broken body.

At this time, more than half of the monkey king's exquisite lock armour had been destroyed, and the golden monkey hair was exposed to the air, which was very desolate when it was gently blown by the breeze.

And the wishful golden cudgel, which has been fighting with the monkey king for many years, is not far away from it, no longer as proud as it was just now.

At this moment, the monkey king is not like the great sage fighting alone with millions of heavenly soldiers. On the contrary, he is an old man in his twilight years. His eyes are so lonely!

"You win!" Sun Wukong lowered his head, looked at the tender grass that had just been washed by the rain at his feet, and said with a complicated look: "in those years, no one could force my son to such a field except the Tathagata. Of course, this does not mean that you are stronger than the mythical Tathagata Buddha. All this is due to the strange weapon in your hand."

I did not speak, so quietly listening to the monkey king said: "you know! How happy I was when someone rescued me from the confinement of myth. I'm glad to finally see Huaguo Mountain again, and see the heaven and earth that Shifu once cherished. But when I rushed out of the myth, I was angry. That piece of heaven and that piece of land had already disappeared. Black smoke and stink. At that moment, my grandson wants to destroy this piece of heaven and earth, and you human beings. "

Sun Wukong said a lot about their master and apprentice. I didn't answer, just listened quietly.

Because I know that I need an audience to fight against Buddha at this moment.

I don't know if it's because of Sun Wukong's tiredness or other reasons. He finally stopped and looked up at me: "you are the winner, I am the loser! History has always been written by winners. It was like this in those days, and it should be like this now. Let's say, what are you going to do with me? "

Suddenly, I put my hand in front of the monkey king.

Seeing the bloody hands, Monkey King's face was full of doubts.

"I won't banish you to mythology!" Facing the puzzled eyes of the monkey king, I didn't retreat. Instead, I stretched my hand a little closer and said with a smile, "let's be comrades in arms!"

Not only the monkey king was stunned, but also our comrades in arms who had been watching us.Zhao Xin's face was filled with a look of disbelief: "I heard you right! Xiaolun wants to surrender the monkey king. "

I turned around and glared at him. I didn't have a good way: "it's not to surrender, but to make it our comrades in arms."

"I want to fight with the Buddha and protect this huge home!"

But to my surprise, Monkey King shook his head: "this is not my home. I will not protect it with you."

"Why?" Zhao Xin rushed out and yelled at the monkey king: "you have lived in this land, so why do you say it is not your home?"

Sun Wukong laughs and points to the tank nearby. He says coldly, "without these iron box monsters in my home, my home will not be so dirty now!"

After a pause, the monkey king said, "besides, there is no one here worthy of my protection."

At this point, Zhao Xin's mood became a little excited: "NIMA, do you think we are willing to make the great rivers and mountains like this. All this is war. Without these iron box demons in your mouth, our homeland would have been ruined and we would have become slaves. "

I know the nature of the monkey king. If you let him go on, it may not be another big war.

Waving his hand to stop Zhao Xin from speaking, I said, "I beg your last point to disagree."

As soon as the tone changed, he yelled: "who said that no one in the world is worth your protection? Do you remember the fox

"What did you say?" Mention Ali, monkey king suddenly excited, pulling my collar roared: "you say Ali still live in this world?"

"That's right!" I spread out my hand, my eyes narrowed slightly and asked, "Ali, is it worth your protection?"

The monkey king struggled from the ground, picked up his golden cudgel and asked seriously, "have you ever cheated me?"

I shook my head. Anyway, Ali is about to enter the super Seminary. It's a good choice to win over the monkey king with the opportunity.

"Since Ali lives on this planet, of course I will protect her." Sun Wukong's eyes floated to the distance, clenched his fist and said, "but before that, I'm going to see if this world is the world that master has gone through all kinds of hardships and longitude from the West. Let me just come back to you after a stroll in this world. See you later!"

The monkey king left, just before he left, he put a seed in my body!

I don't know what that seed is, but the monkey king told me it was a seed of hope.

Maybe one day it will sprout, take root, and bring the hope of the next life!