Chapter 111

The black streamer faintly flows on the ginseng fruit tree, and the original crystal fruit on the tree is permeated with black air.

The black fog is like the cry of a wronged soul, in which there is a faint cry of a child.

It's a little frightening when it's combined with the surrounding gloomy and horrible atmosphere.

Qingfeng and Mingyue saw this, their faces showed a burst of ecstasy, Qingfeng couldn't help exclaiming.

Listening to this, I was a little confused.

Didn't they find the abnormality of ginseng fruit tree? In their cognition, ginseng fruit trees are just like this.

At this time, Yan slightly close to me, deliberately lowered his voice to remind: "before I came here, I had read" journey to the west ", the ginseng fruit tree in Miss Wu's book carries the noble spirit, but at present this ginseng fruit tree is full of death!"

You know that?

Hearing Yan say so, I immediately looked at two more eyes, with a little doubt in my eyes.

Maybe my eyes stimulated Yan. She rolled her eyes and didn't have a good way: "I lead the angel army to fight all the year round. I'm very sensitive to death."

I slightly nodded, and then looked at ginseng fruit trees, eyes full of vigilance.

Qingfeng saw that we didn't move for a long time, so she couldn't help urging: "Ge xiaolun, ginseng fruit tree is right in front of you. What are you still doing? Help us to take back ginseng fruit tree."


There is no mistake!

Well, this operation is under my command... Well, you won't follow my command even if you look like this.

But there is nothing next to ginseng fruit tree. What else can I do for you.

I just wanted to talk, but I found a row of green lights in the distance.

Look carefully, it was a pair of green eyes.

One pair, two pairs...

after careful counting, we found that there were dozens of them.


suddenly, a loud wolf howl sounded in my ears, accompanied by dozens of strong wild wolves appeared in front of us.

The wolf standing in the front is about one and a half meters. His hair is swarthy. At a glance, it blends perfectly with the night.

The fangs on its mouth are high and up, flashing cold light, and a trace of crystal liquid is left with the corner of its mouth, dripping on the ground, making a "Zizi" sound.

Behind him were more than ten wolves with black hair, but they looked ferocious and had a cruel smile on their lips.

Nima! More and more mysterious, when the wolf can become so big?

Seeing the wolf in front of me, I rolled my eyes.

It's just a tiger in bigger size... Or more ferocious than a tiger.

At least the tiger can't salivate when he sees people, but the beast's saliva keeps flowing when he sees us.

"These wolves should have been destroyed by dark magic." Yan protected Xiao Annie behind him and said coldly: "no wonder zhenyuanzi knew the position of ginseng fruit tree and didn't dare to act easily. He knew ginseng fruit tree had been occupied by the evil spirits of the dark system for a long time."

Hearing Yan say so, I frown slightly: "can you confirm which evil spirit?"

Yan shook his head and said with a gloomy face: "it's not sure yet, but it's certain that this evil god should have the same strength as moganna."

With the same strength as moganna, it's easy to do.

After fighting with moganna for so many times, this woman didn't get any benefit from me every time. It's just a five scum battle. If the power of the evil god who occupied ginseng fruit tree is equal to that of moganna, the task this time will be much simpler.

Perhaps I saw the heart in my heart, Yan coldly smile: "do you think moganna is very weak?"

"As a fallen queen, if her strength is so small, how can she frighten the demon army under her hand?"


before I finished, Yan interrupted directly: "with your brain, as the commander of the third legion, Kurus can easily beat you, let alone mogana. I'm not afraid to tell you the truth. Now moganna's strength is only one tenth of that. "


hearing Yan's words, I couldn't help taking a breath.

Just thinking about it, I really feel that there are many doubts.

You should know that moganna in the previous life was extremely powerful, but this life was like a tiger without teeth.

But why is Morgana so weak?

He cast his puzzled eyes on Yan, but to my disappointment, Yan turned his lips: "don't look at me with such eyes. I don't know why Mo ganna is so weak now. But Queen Kaisha once told me that there are only two reasons. One is the suppression of the world, and the other is that moganna has injuries, so she has to send out some strength to suppress the injuries. ""Hey, are you two muttering enough? It's time to get down to business!" Qingfeng snorted coldly, then sneered: "if you want ginseng fruit, show your sincerity!"


a roar broke the silence.

With the roar, the whole pack rushed towards us.

Looking at the fierce wolves, I turned to Yan and said, "protect Annie."

The big sword of storm is shaped in the hand in an instant.

Raise your sword and chop.

So the action at one go, happened to split in toward me on a black wolf.


But to my surprise, when the big sword of storm struck the black wolf, it just made a sound of metal collision.

The black wolf just flew two meters and then got up from the ground.

Looking at the white blade on the black wolf, I opened my mouth and said: "lying trough! It's invulnerable. "

The wolves came one by one.

These black wolves are not afraid to die... And they really can't die.

Each of my swords fell on the wolf, but the black wolves just shook for a while and then got up from the ground.

Kick your ass, I don't believe I can't kill you bastards.

Hold your breath and instantly increase the weight of storm sword to 5 tons.


With heavy sword marks, he cleaved down and happened to cleave on an unlucky black wolf.

All of a sudden, the black wolf made a "whine" sound in his mouth, and then fell to the ground.

After staring at the black wolf for a long time, I found that he didn't get up from the ground at last. I couldn't help but feel relieved.


These animals haven't been trained as good as monkey king.

But at this time, I heard a scream behind me. Turning around, I found that I didn't know when Yan was forced to join the war and left Annie out of the battlefield alone.

Yan exclaimed because a black wolf came to little Annie.

Looking at such a scene, my eyes want to crack, I want to catch up and tear the animal.

But how far away, can only watch the black wolf toward little Annie.

At this time, there was no panic on little Annie's face, but indifference.

Even I could see a hint of irony on her face.

All of a sudden, little Annie smashed the teddy bear in her arms towards the black wolf, and gave a strange laugh: "come out, my little bear!"