Chapter 147

Found leopard female did not respond, Yan repeated: "I would like to join your team."

"But..." the leopard girl opened her mouth, and there was a trace of embarrassment on her face.

I'm afraid she doesn't know the real identity of Yan.

AI Xi knows that Yan is an angel because man Sandao told her that Yan is just like an ordinary person now. No wonder leopard girl hesitates.

Yan chuckles, along with the body move, the next moment appears in the Leopard Woman's side.

I found that with this action of Yan, her pupils couldn't help contracting a few times.

Then, it was exclaimed: "good speed."

Yan finished all this, shrugged: "now I am qualified to join your team?"

This time, the leopard girl didn't hesitate too much. She stretched out her hand and said, "Welcome

Nima! That's it.

Don't ordinary scripts have to be tested?

Looking at such as years of friends together, I can't help rolling my eyes.

"I'd like to join you." At the same time, ash stood up: "the Burning Legion is in my territory, so I want to find out everything."

When man saw that ash had joined, he quickly added, "can you count me in?"

Oh, I'll go!

Man Sandao is a traitor. I don't know to follow your master's steps.

With the addition of ash and them, the team of exploring the Burning Legion also grew up.

At this moment, I found that all people's eyes fell on me.

He rolled his eyes and said reluctantly, "count me in!"

Facing people's disdainful eyes, I want to find a crack to drill in.

Nima! It's OK to refuse someone just now, but now it's shameful.

Fortunately, leopard girl didn't embarrass me in this matter. She just laughed it off.

On the way back, I asked why Yan would take the initiative to join the team of Leopard women, but this woman just gave me a white eye.

In this regard, I can only secretly erect the middle finger.

Needless to say, I also know that Yan must want to get back the "humiliating armor"... That is, the angel armor through this exploration.

I got the name of the humiliating armor.

Angel's armor is the treasure of the angel clan, but it falls into the hands of the demon legion, which is a great humiliation for the angel clan.

It is estimated that this is the idea in Yan's mind now.

Get it!

Since you want to get back the humiliating armor, I will help you. Who told you that you are my future daughter-in-law.

In this way, we stepped into the ash forest under the leadership of the leopard girl.

The reason why this place is the forest of ashes is that there was a great war here.

I can't remember the details of the war, but because of the war, the whole forest became dead gray.

At a glance, it's like stepping into the ashes.

Because this time it's just to explore the whereabouts of the Burning Legion, so the team is not very spectacular.

In addition to the original five, leopard girl also took Robin with her.

But the boy didn't give me a good look from the beginning to the end, as if I didn't pay him back.

Suddenly, the leopard girl in front stopped.

She pointed to the forest in front of her and said, "if you go further, you'll be the forest of ashes. It's said that people and horses are guarding here for generations. I don't know if we can have the chance to meet them."

"Sister, are you talking about the legendary people?" Robin came forward with a mysterious look on his face and said, "I heard that this family has ever served God and is also the closest one to God."

I can't help but curl my lips while listening. What is the closest to God is pure nonsense.

I don't know if it's because I've made Robin angry. The guy turned around and asked, "what's your expression just now?"

Nima! It can also be found.

I thought my movements were very secret, but I didn't expect to be discovered by Robin.

But since the other party found out, I didn't hide it. I said directly, "there is no God in this world. It's just your imagination."

As an earthman, I am an atheist.

Although they have been called gods, they are just higher life in my opinion.

Even zhenyuanzi can't be called a God.

"You're bullshit Robin's face was cold and said coldly, "my sister and I have seen God with our own eyes. Why do you say there is no God in this world?"

What am I talking about?

Which of your eyes saw my bullshit.

He turned his eyes, pointed to man Sandao in the distance and asked angrily, "if there are gods in this world, where are those gods when man clan was slaughtered? If there is a God, why doesn't he appear? ""You..." Luo Bing was so angry that he rolled his eyes.

What surprised me even more was that this guy rolled up his sleeve and came towards me.

Yo! You want to do it again.

I tell you, if I can beat you down once, I can beat you down twice.

Just as I was about to summon the storm sword, I found that the leopard girl stopped Robin and said coldly, "don't be impulsive. Have you forgotten our purpose here?"

"Elder sister, but...

robin was still a little unconvinced, but the leopard girl didn't give him a chance to speak at all, and said in a flat tone:" he can't believe that there is no God in this world, but we believe it is enough. "

With that, the leopard girl didn't care about robin and me. She turned and walked towards the ash forest.

I didn't expect that this woman could bear it!

Feel chin, if there is thinking of looking at the leopard female left back, my mouth corner tilted for a while.

At this time, Yan slowly moved over, asked in a low voice: "why deliberately irritate Robin?"

I turned to look at her, found her face puzzled, said with a smile: "you can see it?"

"No?" Yan shook his head and said: "at the beginning, I thought you were just joking, but when you summoned the storm sword, I believe it's true, because I felt a trace of lethality from you."

Listen to this, I deeply looked at Yan one eye, then sink a voice way: "just that silk murderous performance is very obvious?"

Yan Leng for a while, slowly shook his head: "not very obvious, but I can be sure that at least ash felt it."

That's it!

I thought I could continue to hide it, but I didn't expect that my acting was too bad.

He shook his head with a smile, narrowed his eyes and asked, "what would you do if I said I really killed Robin just now?"

"What?" Yan listen to this, lost voice to cry out a voice, soon realize oneself of lose manners, lowered a voice to ask a way: "why, we but a team now?"

"Yes, we are a team, but we don't have one mind!"