Chapter 164

With the phantom shouting, people in the field have different expressions.

The sword devil stopped his action and glanced at the phantom coldly. Morgan cursed directly at the phantom breach: "I knew you were a bitch with a different heart. Today, it's finally exposed."

But I didn't have time to pay attention to that much. I thought that if I could snatch the angel resurrection armor, the sword demon's control over the Burning Legion would be greatly weakened. My heart was furious, and my other hand grabbed the angel resurrection armor.

"You dare!" Morgan saw that I actually grabbed Angel resurrection a, and his mouth burst out a roar.

But when he just wanted to come up to intercept me, Eric stepped forward and blocked his way.

The sword devil saw this, and a trace of astonishment appeared on his face.

"Eric, do you want to betray Lord ACTO?" Morgan's face sank down, and he said, "don't forget that you dark elves are the targets of everyone's fight now. Apart from the Burning Legion, Frederick may have no place for you any more."

Eric shook his head, and his voice grew colder. "But do you think it's better to be in the Burning Legion than to be a mouse that everyone shouts to beat?"

Morgan's face stagnated and he couldn't speak.

As Eric said, as long as the Burning Legion dare to appear in the human world, it will immediately usher in a crazy pursuit.

I don't know where Morgan got the confidence to say that.

On the altar, my hand was close to Angel resurrection a, but when I was about to hold Angel resurrection a in my hand, a black flame rose from the sky, separating me from angel resurrection a.

Looking up, it turned out that the sword demon who was forced to stop sacrificing urged the black flame to attack me.

Looking at the black flame in front of me, I gritted my teeth and stretched my hand into the black flame.


With a strange sound, angel resurrection a was abruptly withdrawn from the demon altar by me.

Holding Yan in one hand and angel resurrection armour in the other hand, he rushes to the direction of the phantom quickly.

With the help of the phantom, I finally landed on the ground smoothly.

On the altar, the sword demon stares at me with no joy or sorrow on his face. After a long time, he breathes out a breath, turns to look at Eric and says, "Eric, I didn't expect that even you betrayed me."

Eric bowed slightly with an apologetic face and said, "dear Lord ACTO, thank you for taking care of the dark elves all the time. But as the head of the dark elves, I have to think about the people. "

"You fart!" Morgan's face turned red: "if you really think about your own people, you won't collude with outsiders to rob Angel resurrection armor."

"As long as you sacrifice this angel, angel resurrection armor will be completely transformed into demon resurrection armor. At that time, the Burning Legion will be truly immortal."

Eric listened to Morgan's words, not only not angry, but also smiling at him.

Morgan saw this, slightly frowned: "Why are you looking at me like this? Am I right? "

"Morgan, I always thought you were a smart man, but I didn't expect..." Eric shook his head slightly, his face suddenly changed: "but now I find that you are an idiot."

"What did you say?" As soon as Morgan listened to Eric's words, he couldn't help retorting: "where do I think of an idiot?"

"Say you're an idiot, you don't believe it." Eric regained the appearance of a gentleman and said with a smile: "you are right, as long as the angel resurrection armor is transformed into the devil resurrection armor, the Burning Legion can be called truly immortal. But do you know what that means? It means that we will become Akto's efforts, the killing machine under moganna. "

Morgan was stunned by Eric's words, and finally retorted: "isn't that good? Our Burning Legion was born for war. "

"I don't think the dark elves only know how to kill like you demons." Eric's tone suddenly became a little excited: "we are flesh and blood, and we have our own lives. You know, my people have complained to me many times that they don't want to live here, even if they give their lives."

Speaking of this, Eric stopped for a moment, and then said word by word: "from now on, I will leave the dark elf Legion from the Burning Legion."

"The phantom army leaves the burning army."

The voice of Eric and phantom spread to the whole Canyon, and suddenly the whole Canyon became lively.




Countless figures began to gather here. When I looked at them carefully, I found that they were all ghosts and Eric's people.

All of a sudden, the atmosphere in the canyon is frozen, like an enlarged balloon, which may explode at any time.

The sword devil took a deep breath and said slowly, "so you two legions are challenging me?"I don't know if it's my illusion. Until now, there is no panic on the sword devil's face, as if everything is under his control.

This kind of feeling makes me very uncomfortable.

The phantom and Eric didn't speak, they just acted to show their determination.

"Ha ha... It's ridiculous. Do you think you can turn out the Burning Legion in this way?" ACTO's mouth burst of harsh Laughter: "I tell you that life is the people of the Burning Legion, death is the ghost of the Burning Legion, you already have the brand of the Burning Legion, you can't escape the control of my sword demon in your life."

All of a sudden, there was a roaring sound from the sword devil's mouth, and then a series of figures appeared in front of him.

"It's impossible. Isn't the convoy out on a mission? How could they be here? " There was a cry of surprise from the phantom's mouth, which made me look sideways.

Eric's face also became heavy, but this guy also explained to me: "the guard group is the pro guard of the sword demon, and it is also the strongest fighting force of the Burning Legion. It seems that the sword demon has defended us. This battle is worth fighting."

Guard right?

Looking at those winged demons, I was slightly surprised.

It's not difficult to see their fighting power just from the momentum of these guys. Turning around, he glanced at the people in the shadow behind him and found that they were all pretty girls. He couldn't help but curl his mouth.

Get it!

It seems that we have to rely on ourselves.

Take a deep breath, will Yan slowly on the ground, turned to the phantom command: "take care of her for me."

Then, no matter whether the phantom agreed or not, staring at ACTO in front, a awe inspiring war spirit burst out from my body.

Akto, the sword demon, we should settle our accounts.