Wang Qian looked at the man with a sneer and said: "I don't deserve to be the president, and you don't deserve to be a feng shui master. I advise you to give back your money to others when you go back to show Feng Shui to others next time. Your feng shui accomplishments are wrong for your children!"

After Wang Qian finished this sentence, he looked at all the feng shui masters with burning eyes, and then said: "you feng shui masters. There are three dragon spirits behind the valley, which is the place where the dragon's head is buried. "

"Dragon Spirit? Don't be kidding. Master Wang, what's the dragon's pulse in the mountain? "

As soon as Wang Qian finished his speech, he suddenly exclaimed.

If Wang Qian can prove that there are dragon veins here, it means that di Ping and Xu Lin have lost. After all, none of them can see the Dragon veins here.

"Yes! Master Wang, this is a poor place. How can there be a dragon vein? " Hearing Wang Qian's words, all feng shui masters showed disdain.

There are many hills here, and this valley is just because there is a bright river flowing below, so many people choose to bury their ancestors here. As for the dragon vein, they don't even see the slightest breath of the dragon vein.

Wang Qian heard the man's taunt. He said: "if I can prove that there is a dragon vein here, I can prove one thing, that is, Xu Lin and di Ping are wrong!"

"Master Wang, if you can prove that there are dragon veins here, you just want me to learn how to bark! I agree with you all! " Du Qingshan laughs. He may not be sure about anything else, but here he once ordered Fengshui in a shady house,

"where is the dragon's pulse. It's just that it's better to store wind and water. " With Du Qingshan's words, all the feng shui masters laughed.

Xu Lin and di Ping have a look of disdain in their eyes. Wang Qian sees the disdain in their eyes, shakes his head, and then takes out his compass.

As soon as Wang Qian's compass was taken out, people's eyes gathered around him,

the pointer on the compass was pounding.

"The surrounding aura has been in such a state of confusion. Master Wang, you also said that there are dragon Qi and dragon veins. The compass pointer can't beat like this!" Immediately Xu Lin retorted.

Xu Lin's words made feng shui master nod. Another old man took out his compass and put it in front of Wang Qian's compass. Wang Qian's compass was much smaller than the one in his hand, but the beating of the compass pointer was much more violent than that of the old man's compass. The old man shook his head when he saw this scene and thought that Wang Qian was crazy.

Wang Qian saw that people's suspicious eyes didn't care. He took out a piece of Rune paper, and then roared: "monk!"

The monk ran to Wang Qian in a hurry.

Wang Qian put the paper on the monk's back, then took out the cinnabar from the bag he was carrying, and began to draw.

"In terms of my understanding of the Qi of the Dragon vessel, I'm sure I'm much better than you. After all, it's not the first time I've dealt with the Qi of the Dragon vessel!" After Wang Qian finished this sentence, the Dragon leading Rune had been finished.

He pasted the talisman on the ground, and then recited a mantra. After a difficult and obscure mantra, Wang Qian stretched out his hand a little and put out a yellow paper.

Boom! It's a big noise.

The Dragon Charms ignited without wind, and then from the top of the mountain above the platform, there was a dragon chant.

"What's going on?" The shaking of the whole platform, and the shaking of the wind and water on the master's head, is just a sign of the dragon.

"Everyone, please turn back!" But at this time, Wang Qian yelled.

After hearing Wang Qian's words, all feng shui masters turned back and saw a thick fog on the hill behind them, in which the outline of a dragon appeared.

"How can it be? Is this really the spirit of the dragon All feng shui masters take out the compass.

The compass pointer points to the dragon from a distance.

"Is it really the Qi of dragon pulse?" Xu Lin and di Ping are so scared that they haven't seen such a acupoint. They can show the Dragon Qi.

Then, the white fog like Dragon air penetrated into the mountain. They quickly looked back and looked down, only to see a huge dragon head under the platform.

And the Dragon fog under the platform is rising slowly.

"My God, this platform is built in Longkou! It's a terrible omen to be buried in Longkou! " Feng shui master immediately added.

Feeling the majestic dragon Qi, both Di Ping and Xu Lin are livid. Of course, they also see that their selected acupoints are on the lips of the Dragon Qi.

The great murderer buried in the dragon's lips and even the great murderer, this time, the two people's acupoint tapping is just life-threatening. Even if Wang Qian didn't do it, they can still judge that the two people's acupoint tapping failed at this time.

"I don't agree! Wang Qian, where is your point? " At this time, Xu Lin asked. He grabbed his beard as if he wanted to tear it off. There was a ferocious look on his face.

It can be said that this contest is already a time when he is infinitely close to victory. Unexpectedly, he was attracted by Wang Qian's Dragon Charm.Wang Qian shook his head, then pointed to the hillside and said, "there."

Xu Lin and di Ping quickly looked up, and all the feng shui masters looked out at the same time. Half way up the hillside, there was a dazzling flash in the dragon's eyes, as if there was something reflecting the sun's light, as if there was a light in the dragon's eyes.

Seeing this light, Wang Qian's mouth showed a faint smile.

"My God, Master Wang is above the dragon's eye?"

"Yes, how can it be? There's no dragon eye acupoint above Master Wang. Is this really your geomantic master from Chuzhou? " Immediately on behalf of the city of geomantic division began to ask.

And those Fengshui masters in Chuzhou city also showed a trace of complacency.

Until the car drove back to the city, Xu Lin and di Ping still did not wake up from the state of shock.

Wang Qian's shock to them. It made them feel like they were in a dream, before the team stopped in a wasteland again. This is the last stop of today's Feng Shui competition.

In the previous two contests, Wang Qian won with a total victory. In fact, in the last contest, Wang Qian could completely avoid it. He asked for a vote on the spot, and he would become the president of the Feng Shui Association.

However, Wang Qian knew that there were still some old people who didn't agree. Wang Qian knew that it was the pride of those old guys who were causing trouble. Before leading them to the wasteland he bought, Xu Lin and di Ping slowly got out of the car.

"Is this land the one that boss Gao Minggao gave up?" As soon as I got out of the car, there was a voice of surprise from the geomancy master.

The feng shui master's surprise also attracted the attention of others. , the fastest update of the webnovel!