The NBA is a lot more intense than the NCAA.

After ANLO made a three-point shot, the 76ers were on him.

Henderson in the defensive end of the ability, can be more excellent than his attack. After all, I've been in this league for seven or eight years, and I've got a lot of defense experience. Plus, I'm very talented. I can deal with a rookie, but I still have no problem.

This guy is sticking to ANLO all the time, and the little movements on his hands make him very uncomfortable. But he knows he has to get used to it and it's part of the NBA. And then there's the chatter.

ANLO played the last few minutes of the first quarter and was fully qualified as a second place substitute. In less than four minutes, he went out of the three-point line three times, hit two goals and scored six points. In addition, there was a steal and a rebound.

Donovan is still quite satisfied with Anluo's performance, especially the defensive end. You know, thunder has always been a team with good defensive genes.

The thunder ended the first quarter with 22-25 points. If it wasn't for Rodriguez's super long three-point whistle at the end of the day, thunder would have even the score.

In the second quarter of the game, both sides sent out the substitute lineup. The main players of the team usually return in the second half of the game. If the situation is not particularly difficult, the manager will ensure that these players can have enough rest time, after all, the season is still very long.

To die to make the main force of the head coach, in the end or less!

Donovan left only one oladibo on the court, and he and Anluo partner, forming a two-point backcourt combination. Kyle Geller and ilyasova are on the front line and Kant is on the inside.

Although oladibo can pass the ball, he is a No.2 player after all. Like ANLO, he is also a master who can score on his own without bothering others. Naturally, ANLO's days are not as wet as playing with Westbrook.

Fortunately, Anluo still seized a few rare opportunities to raise his score to double digits.

Throughout the second quarter of the game, the top of the inside line is more eye-catching than the outside line. The thunder side Cantor is very positive, he is in the interior, okafu and rijon Holmes can not limit. On the contrary, he couldn't restrain okafu. After all, the opponent's characteristic is to attack strongly and defend weakly.

This has not changed until enbid and Westbrook played. In particular, Cantor, under the care of Westbrook, ate cakes frequently, which made Anluo envious.

Enbid finally stood up. In the last few minutes of the second quarter and throughout the third quarter of the game, he showed his rich offensive means: under the basket attack, turn hook, middle shot, three-point, free throw

As Adams turned around and missed the hook under the basket, the two sides drew 51, ending the first half of the game.

In the first half of the game, Westbrook and Adams held up half of the thunder. Among the rest of the players, ANLO and Cantor played brilliantly. Oladibo half-time 4 points, 3 rebounds, 2 assists, for a starting two position is completely unqualified.

In the second half, it was easy to play again.

The first two rounds, both sides feel bad. Enbid, oladibo, Rodriguez and Westbrook took turns to make iron, and the basket of the 76 men has withstood a great test.

With enbede's hook and hit, the two sides launched a counter attack war.

Sabonis under the basket to receive the wishbrook points the ball, the layup is successful.

Stouskas caused Robertson to defend fouls, two free throws.

Ilya Sawara went outside to pick up wesbrook's point and hit three points.

Stouskas attacks the basket, receives Rodriguez's goal, flies the body to smash!


You come and go on both sides, and the score goes up in turn.

In the last two minutes, thunder players suddenly lost their accuracy. The 76ers, 6-0 in a wave, opened the score and ended the third quarter.

ANLO didn't play all the third quarter. He had some regrets, but he couldn't say much about it. Although the NBA head coach is not as bossy as NCAA, as a professional player, he must respect the coach's decision. What's more, he is still a rookie in the league.

However, he believes he still has a chance to play. Thunder team's attack efficiency is not good tonight, especially outside shooting, the shooting percentage is very low. He can help the team.

In the domestic studio, it has been scolded. They all think Donovan will not use Anluo, Audi will be placed in the second lineup, Anluo starting partner wesbrook is right. What's more, in some people's eyes, Westbrook has been reduced to the role of passing for anlow.

At the beginning of the fourth quarter, Donovan's lineup was unexpected.

Both sides are two main players with three substitutes. Thunder side by oladibo and sabonis with eliassova, Sinclair, Kristen three on the field, Anluo is still sitting on the bench.

But anlow had no sense of loss. Donovan, after arranging the lineup, said to ANLO alone, "Ann, you'll play with Russell later."To the last 6 minutes, thunder took the lead to change the main line-up, Anluo suddenly in the column.

Under the leadership of Westbrook, the thunder began to fight back.

Anluo received a pass from Westbrook in the bottom corner, hitting two of the three points and closing the score quickly.

But the 76ers were clearly reluctant to give up the victory. Enbede and Rodriguez, both inside and outside, tenaciously withstood the thunder's attack.

With 1:07 left in the game, Westbrook's middle shot was successful, and thunder was 97-95 against the score.

When he came back from the break, he forced a goal under the basket to level the score again.

The game is getting tense!

At the last minute, Westbrook was blocked by enbid mercilessly in the fast break. Fortunately, Kanter grabbed the offensive rebounds under the cover of Adams and kept the ball right.

Donovan immediately called a time-out, which was crucial and had to be set up.

Donovan replaced Robertson with Audi, and Westbrook served the side ball. ANLO and Audi run around the 76ers, and Cantor and adamsla come out to cover the brothers.

Wishbrook swayed a few times and then lifted the ball straight into the inside line. Oladibo was already under the basket. Enbid and Henderson were immediately wrapped up. But he is not the end point of Donovan's arrangement.

After Westbrook receives Audi's pass, he spurs the real pass and leads Rodriguez away. At the same time, he sends the ball to ANLO, who slips to the bottom corner. The latter hand up and down, directly hit three points. unfeeling!

100:97, thunderbolt 3 points ahead! 10 seconds to go!

The 76ers have not been suspended, so they can only play freely.

With enbede in the camp and Anluo under the strong shot three-point miss, the game officially ended. , the fastest update of the webnovel!