ANLO just got up with people again. This time, though, Donovan didn't let him play. He also wanted to save some strength, and tomorrow with the warriors to pull a wrench.

No one knows Durant better than he does. Last season thunder had Durant, but was reversed by the other side. Now Durant has become a member of the other side, the strength of the difference is even greater.

But it's not his style to admit defeat before he plays. NBA has never been short of miracles, and there are many examples of the weak winning the strong. Durant is strong, but Westbrook is not a man who can't do miracles. What's more, thunder's current staffing is not without the strength of the first World War.

Therefore, in such an idea, Anluo's playing time in this game was compressed by Donovan. In the second quarter, ANLO played only half a quarter. In the next third quarter, I only played half a quarter. In fact, at the end of the fourth quarter, Donovan would not have let Anluo go on the court if it hadn't been for oladibo's decline in attack efficiency.

But it turns out that ANLO is now more suitable to partner with Westbrook than Audi and is more suitable to play in the decisive moment. Audi's three points are not very accurate. He is similar to Westbrook and likes to play under the basket. But Anluo is different, his three-point is accurate enough, the other side's defense line is not too close to the inside. In this way, we can make room for Westbrook.

Because of the conservative thunder, plus the Clippers feel really bad today. The two sides have been in a stalemate.

In the last four minutes, ANLO replaced oladibo.

At this time, the score on the field was 76-77, thunder was 1 point behind.

In fact, thunder at the end of the first half, 10 points ahead of the Clippers. They took a clipper in the second quarter, a 28:17. But in the third quarter, under the frequent connection between Paul and little Jordan, thunder was 25:16. It's like playing a turn based game. You play a wave, I play a wave.

On the first attack, Westbrook carried the ball to the front court. He faces Paul and suddenly speeds up to the basket. But little Jordan was in position, big enough to block Westbrook's breakthrough, and held his arms high to keep him from shooting. Westbrook's vision was really good. He threw the basketball through the cracks.

The basketball fell right in front of sabonis. He didn't hesitate to take the ball and throw it. But Griffin was not slow. He jumped up a step away from him.


This guy's hands are shorter, but he's really high! Face to face blocked sabonis's shot.

Careless! Sabonis didn't expect Griffin to jump so fast and so high. Fortunately, Anluo was clever and grabbed the ball in front of Crawford.

But this time there was little time left for the attack. He quickly moved the ball to the left and took off to shoot.

No one's going to block it this time. Crawford is not good at it.

It's a bit of a big shot, but good luck. The basketball bounced twice on the basket and fell into the net bag.


Westbrook and anlow clapped at the middle circle. It's time to take the victory!

But the Clippers are not weak.

Back in time, Chris Paul, under the cover of little Jordan, played Adams in a misplaced single. After consecutive dribbles, the straight back jump shot leveled the score. It's his signature move to play small and big.

Unfortunately, a Sao Paulo can not afford this team! Tonight, the rest of the Clippers did a terrible job.

So far, the first five, the shooting rate more than 40%, only one small Jordan. But he only shot three times! Including the bench, there are only two more Marles sbetts and Raymond Felton. Griffin is six for 20, Reddick is 2 for 10, Paul is 4 for 11, Crawford is 3 for 11, rivers is 2 for 9

What a terrible sight! How can we win the game?

In the last two minutes of the game, with ANLO and Westbrook scoring three points one by one, the Clippers lost their resistance.

In the end, the score was set at 94:89, with thunder in the front.

With the whistle at the end of the game, Paul looked helplessly at Staples' floor and returned to the dressing room. At the last minute, their tactics were very good, but they couldn't shoot! If you want to kill the enemy, you can't go back to heaven. It's probably the most real feeling in his heart!

After the game, Donovan felt very satisfied. With this victory, tomorrow will be much easier.

This game, Westbrook finally stopped the pace of three consecutive double. He made seven of 16 shots in 25 minutes, two out of four three-point shots, five of six free throws, and scored 21 points with high efficiency. At the same time, there are 4 rebounds, 5 assists, 1 stealer, 1 block. Both sides of the attack and defense have contributed a lot to the team.

Anluo fell back, played 16 minutes, 10 shot 7, of which 3 out of 5 three-point shot, got 17 points.

Although the score is not high, but the efficiency is still as high as ever. So far, his average field shooting percentage is 63.3%, and his three-point shooting percentage is 48.6%. This is the only rookie this year. Get the league, but also the best.But the MVP of this game is not the two of them.

Oladibo was even better. He played 32 minutes, got 28 points, 6 rebounds, 6 assists and 2 steals. He has always been very positive and carried the team on his shoulders during the break in Westbrook. He was very happy and finally played a game he enjoyed. He is also very proud, as it turns out, if you give him a chance, he can play.

For the majority of gourd eating masses, thunder these three guards are really surprised them. So far, the three men have scored at least 70 points, 20 rebounds, 15 assists and 5 steals, ranking first in the league's backcourt combination.

For the rest of the team, it's just eye watering. Who could have thought that thunder, which lost Durant and Ibaka, was not in a state of depression, and was still a strong teacher under a series of operations of the management!

Anluo's excellent performance is a very important part of it. He should be thunder's best backup player since harden!

After staples won the victory, thunder and his party rushed to Auckland. Of course, Anluo can't go to UCLA and have to wait for the next time. Fortunately, there are still a lot of visits to Los Angeles.

The next game against the Warriors is a battle of focus, with thousands of gourd eaters watching. Of course, the focus is almost always on Durant and Westbrook. These two former teammates, are the lone hero Westbrook continue to lead thunder to victory? Or is Durant, who has received strong support, personally attack the old master?

All the answers will be known on the evening of November 4. , the fastest update of the webnovel!