Before this game, no one thought the warriors would lose. Not even Westbrook thought that! Otherwise, he would not care so much about winning or losing.

The first game lost to the Spurs, let's say that the warriors didn't run in enough, or the old guy turned the rot into a miracle and found a way to restrain the warriors.

But this time, it makes no sense to lose. Warriors in the players and lineup, have an absolute advantage. However, by comparing the data, we can find some reasons.

Durant has 39 points, 7 rebounds and 1 assists, curry has 21 points, 7 assists and 1 rebounds, Thompson has 18 points, 2 rebounds, 3 assists, and green has 9 points, 10 rebounds and 5 assists

The four giants cut 87 points, overall, or play very well. Although green and Thompson scored less, they both contributed more on the defensive side.

Thunder side, Westbrook 20 points 10 assists 7 rebounds, oladilpo 18 points 3 rebounds, Adams 14 points 4 assists, Anluo 32 points 2 rebounds 1 assists 1 steals

These four guys also scored 84 points together! Westbrook is not as good as the last few games, shooting percentage is not high. But he still made a great contribution to the team by passing and defending.

Everyone else is in order. Only Anluo, it's really amazing! It's not the first time he's scored 30 points, but it's more impressive than the last game. You know, their opponents are warriors!

Especially in the third quarter, when the Shuihua brothers were powerful, it was almost Anluo who resisted the strong attack. And in this competition, Anluo still maintains the extremely high efficiency! In 29 minutes, he made 8 of 16 three-point shots, 3 of 5 from mid-range and 2 of 4 free throws.

It can be said that Anluo completely made up for Durant's role in thunder! At least in this game. This for a rookie, already belongs to the supreme evaluation!

This season, Anluo has played five games on behalf of the thunder, with an average playing time of 24.4 minutes per game, with 23.4 points, 1.6 rebounds, 1.2 assists and 2 steals. In the history of NBA, there are many rookies who can play such data, but the 13th rookie who can make such data is the only one.

ANLO is far ahead of this year's rookie. So far, the 16th rookie, in addition to a game not played Simmons, the performance of others can be described with the word "unbearable"!

People have to sigh, thunder really made a lot of money! And the other teams are blind!

However, the draft is a gamble. Just in time, thunder won.

After the game, Anluo was selected as the MVP of the game. His performance at both ends of attack and defense can only be said to be perfect.

"Ann, how are you feeling now after defeating the mighty warrior?"

"I'm happy! Very happy. It was a very good game and we all tried our best. Warriors are so strong! In the game, it brought us a lot of difficulties. Fortunately, Oklahoma belongs to victory. Thank God

"Where do you think you do better to win the final victory?"

"We trust each other, are willing to share the ball with each other and are very positive on the defensive side. As a leader, Westbrook did everything he could, on and off the court. We are all united, we always believe that the thunder is still the thunder! "

Boss still has to boast, after all, holding this thigh, Anluo can have a good life.


In an interview with reporters in Anluo, thunder players under the leadership of Westbrook, and warriors players embrace greetings. Of course, it's a winner's gesture to say goodbye to this trip to Auckland.

Somehow, Westbrook found Durant and hugged him. This feeling, very strange. People have seen countless times such pictures, but it is not a white and a blue!

Durant did not see any reluctance, but his face became very gloomy with a murmur from Westbrook. And Westbrook is laughing, in the eyes of the audience, quite a bit of a "villain" sense of seeing.

After the game, Donovan took Westbrook and anlow to the conference. This is the first time Anluo has attended a post game press conference in the NBA. This is not easy, after all, according to the Convention, the press conference is attended by the star players of the team. You know, before Anluo can only be in the dressing room to interview reporters.

At this time, Westbrook was not afraid to talk about Durant.

People are so strange! When a friend who has a good relationship has conflicts and does not communicate with each other, there are often two situations. If the other side is better than their own, the heart is particularly uncomfortable, mentioned the other side is angry. But if the other side is not very good, then he is particularly willing to mention the other party, and then with a "know today why the first" attitude to express his heart.

Anlow felt that Westbrook was in the back of the line. As soon as the reporter mentioned Durant, he was very happy."Russell, did you make targeted preparations before the game to defeat warriors tonight?"

"No special preparation. No, every game is the same for us. Besides, it's back-to-back competition, we don't even have time to train

"Did you want to beat the warriors before the game? After all, they beat thunder without Durant

"I always thought we could win. Our best players, Steven, ANN, Victor We did our best in the game. We have the best coaching team and we won't lose tactically. We have a group of loyal Oklahoma fans who are the source of our efforts. So why do I feel like I can't win? "


And, of course, the one on the left, norkwardo and Weasley are sitting on the left. Take tonight's performance, you can't overstate it.

Donovan: "Ann is a very good young man. His technique is very mature, the attack efficiency is very high. The three-point goal and defense can help the team a lot. He is modest and we like him very much

Westbrook: "he's just a superstar! In fact, he was. You know, this guy is the one who led UCLA to the NCAA championship! We old guys didn't have that ability in those days

In the face of the reporter's questions, Anluo was also well prepared. After all, he is also used to the media, has long been used to talking in the spotlight. But what he was most concerned about was what Westbrook had said to Durant, which made his face look so ugly in an instant.

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