In the NBA, there are no players who are always strong, and there is no team that will never be defeated.

Thunder still failed to continue their winning streak. They at their own home, 48 minutes of hard work, or unfortunately lost to the Raptors.

As a matter of fact, the thunder is one quarter ahead. For the rest of the time, they were always at the bottom.

After a pause, drozan finally broke the scoring gap for the Raptors. Once again, he backed oladibo, the same place, the same step, the same jump shot. Only this time he was more decisive and quick, so he was not disturbed by Robertson.

Basketball steady hit, the sleeping Raptors finally wake up, showing its sharp claws.

Next, both sides came and went, and the scene once fell into the road of peaceful development. Raptors slowly chasing points, they in a point to close their distance with thunder.

By the end of the first quarter, raptors had already chased the score to only 2 points!

Thunder's 13 point lead has been wiped out!

The second section, Anluo appeared.

He rarely plays in the first quarter now. Donovan often makes him play a full second quarter and two and a half more in the second half. It's just to stagger Anluo's playing time with oladibo. Anluo's current technical characteristics, need a very strong ability to pass a guard partner, in order to play a maximum effect. He is not compatible with Audi.

However, today Anluo's condition has declined a little. He missed two three-point shots in a row!

ANLO was a little surprised! But it doesn't matter. The next goal is sure to score!

However, the next ball, also did not score!

"It seems that ANLO doesn't feel very good today! His offensive means are still lacking! This is what we have been talking about all the time. Once it is targeted or feels bad, it will be very troublesome! "

"Indeed, in fact, it is not difficult to enrich one's own breakthrough with Anluo's physical condition! And before that, Anluo often went in with the ball, and his middle shot was very accurate. Now it's less! Maybe it's the coach's arrangement! "

The commentators in the studio analyzed the situation of Anluo. The fans were all talking about it. However, everyone's central point of view is similar, basically all think that Anluo's offensive means are too poor. It felt good before and didn't show anything, but now it's a problem.

Because Anluo did not play this point, the thunder situation became passive.

Raptors seized the opportunity of these rounds, played steadily, leveled the score, and then surpassed. Thunder on the side of the Cantor scored a goal from time to time, but can only moisten the throat, not quench thirst.

After Anluo's fifth three-point miss, dolovan replaced oladibo. It's not that he has a problem with ANLO's performance. He wasn't really surprised! As a head coach, he understands that players will not be in good shape all the time and that there will always be a downturn in the long season. Especially rookies, it's normal that they're not in good shape.

He's going to give ANLO a break and try again. Feel this thing, very mysterious. Some people need to keep casting, and then they will get more accurate. But ANLO can't. He's not qualified to open up.

"Ann, you don't look very well. Is there anything wrong? " Dolovan is close to ANLO and wants to know about it. As a manager, you have to care about all aspects of the players.

"I don't know, coach! I've been shooting like that all the time, but I just didn't make it today. I don't know what the problem is! " ANLO knew what the other side was saying, but he was really confused.

It's reasonable to say that a three-point shot with the lowest 40% shooting rate should not have lost all five shots in a row.

Is there something wrong with the bracelet?

Anluo's heart is a thump! If that's the case, it's over! You know, Anluo's ability is all given by the bracelet. If it is true, it is undoubtedly back to the original form!

The more he thought about it, the more afraid he was.

A lot of things, when it is too far away from their own time, will not care so much. Only if you really have it, you will be afraid to lose it. Now Anluo would like to enter the space of the bracelet to see what happened. But after several attempts, he found that he couldn't get in.

Only when we are calm can we sink our consciousness into it. ANLO knows that himself!

"Don't worry, Ann! Every rookie has a variety of dilemmas. But when you overcome it, you will be better. " Donovan looked at ANLO with a dull expression, and instantly anticipated a possibility.

That's the rookie wall!

This is a thing that can't be explained clearly. After the rookies enter the NBA, they usually have no state in a certain period of time, just like an invisible wall blocking the way forward. Some people don't believe it, but many rookies will feel this invisible wall.

Westbrook is very concerned about anlow. After all, he is his junior brother. He knows what he will experience as a rookie. That's what he's been through."Ann, you have to keep casting! Just like every night before, throw whenever you have a chance! Don't lose heart, man, believe in yourself

Two minutes later, dolovan sent Westbrook. Thunder this period of time attack is too bad, has been behind many points. If you're too far behind in the first half, it's demoralizing.

After Westbrook came on the field, he immediately revived the team's attack, and through his own continuous score for the team to get the lead again. However, five minutes before half-time, Lori and Derozan of raptors suddenly opened fire and jointly shot down 25 points to help the Raptors finish the first half by 7 points.

Back in the second half, the Raptors played an 8-2 double-digit lead. After that, Lori and Derozan firmly controlled the situation for the team. Finally, Westbrook set off a wave of chasing points momentum, but his two consecutive mistakes let the thunder fall short, and the Raptors won 112-102.

ANLO played again in the third quarter, but his condition was not much better. I still can't make it!

This game, raptors double shot, Derozan 37 points, 4 rebounds and 6 assists, Lori cut 19 points, 9 rebounds and 13 assists, the quasi triple double data. Other players, Karol, 10 points, 10 rebounds.

On the thunder side. Wes Brooke is no less than Derozan, 36 points, 7 rebounds and 7 assists, but 8 mistakes are a bit eye-catching. Oladeibo had 18 points and 8 rebounds, Adams had 14 points and 12 rebounds, Kanter had 8 points, Anluo had 2 points and 1 rebounding.

The thunder, which opened high and left low, finally suffered defeat. Toronto Raptors from afar have won honor for the Eastern team! They ended thunder's seven straight wins. Since then, there has been no unbeaten team in the league this season. , the fastest update of the webnovel!