Denver lost a little bit. It took them 48 minutes to level the score, but in just two minutes they gave up the victory. It's a process that all young teams go through. The players are hard-working, but the stamina is not enough. They can catch up with each other when they are lagging behind, but they always fail to deal with the advantages and even balance of power, which is easy to collapse.

Thunder in the last minute by the other side hit a surprise, but fortunately the other side did not directly kill the game. It gives them a chance to save themselves.

In this battle, Westbrook played well. 38 minutes on the court, handed over 26 points, 12 rebounds and 18 assists. It's a well deserved MVP. Other players also played well, Anluo 23 points 2 steals, oladibo 21 points 3 assists, sabonis 13 points 7 rebounds, Kanter 11 points 12 rebounds. They did what they were supposed to do.

On the Nuggets side, Chandler played the most brilliant. 34 points, 11 rebounds and 4 assists is the report card handed in by a star player. In addition, Nelson had 16 points and 13 assists, mudier had 15 points and 5 assists, farried had 10 points and 8 rebounds, and Murray had 20 points and 7 rebounds. It can be said that in terms of player performance, the Nuggets are no worse than thunder.

Most praised by those who eat melons, the performance of the three Lotto shows this year was quite outstanding in this competition. This makes countless people who joke about the 2016 rookies look silly.

After the game, Donovan also openly praised the other side.

"The Nuggets are a very dynamic team. They have a lot of very talented players, excellent tactics, and they work very well with each other. I think when those players grow up, they will definitely become a very strong competitor for us. I think maybe they can do it this season

Praising your opponent is praising yourself.

The next morning, the thunder team went to the airport and left Denver.

Back in Oklahoma City, ANLO felt relieved. This time, I ran three cities in just four days. I was really tired. The most unaccustomed is of course the climate on the Denver plateau, which is somewhat depressing. It's not as easy and comfortable as ocheng.

However, they can not rest for the time being.

Because thunder had another game to play that night. The opponent is the Detroit Pistons, who have played before. It's also interesting to say that the last time I went to Detroit was back-to-back, and this time it was back-to-back in Russia. In the regular season, I played with the Eastern team twice, and each time I added a debruff to thunder first, and forced them not to have a better time!

According to the results of the two teams, thunder is 7-3 in the last 10 games. And this time it's at home, Donovan won't let the other side take the victory away.

With the energy coming out of the stadium, Westlake's cheers were unrivalled.




Both sides jump ball, pistons attack first.

Ismail Smith took the ball over the centre line and gave it to Harris in the left elbow. The latter does not hesitate, in the face of Robertson, is a shot in the distance. As the first scorer in the pistons, he showed a strong desire to attack from the start.

Robertson's right hand is held high, directly over each other's eyes. This is a very practical technique, by affecting the opponent's aim at the basket and affecting the shooting.


The basketball hit the rim of the basket. Westbrook grabs the backboard, launches the counter attack directly.

The ball is passed to sabonis on the move, who shoots from the free throw line. Not in! But Adams got the offensive rebounds. He tried twice and was stuck by Drummond, so he immediately distributed the ball. Oladibo caught the ball from the bottom corner on the right, then made a three-point shot. Still not!

The continuous strike of iron, let Chesapeake energy stadium continue to ring sigh.

Harris got the rebound. He made a direct long pass and threw it to Morris, who had already crossed the middle line. The latter crossed the free throw line in two steps, swung past oladibo and made a layup.

Finally the goal!

There was a burst of jubilation on the bench of the visiting team, which seemed to be going into normal state.

But in fact, for the next six minutes, they didn't get a point. And with Westbrook's rapid advance, an accelerated change of direction, lightning into the forbidden area after the layup hit, thunder a wave of 14:0, will open the score.

Piston coach Stan van Gundy called a time-out when his player was knocked out of the way. The pistons have improved this season. So far, they are 9-9, ranking sixth in the East. They are expected to enter the playoffs.

Van Gundy repeatedly stressed the word "defense.". His team has always been defensive, but this time, the pistons have not done well. So he has to tell.

Pause back, Drummond takes Smith's pass and points to Morris in the right corner. The latter faces the young sabonis, steps back and hits! Breaking the Pistons' scoring shortage that has lasted half a quarter.After that, Donovan let ANLO and Cantor play to replace oladibo and Adams. Let them have a rest first. After all, they have to play in the second quarter.

Focus on defense after the pistons, but it was a tie with thunder. In the last few minutes, relying on Drummond's advantage in the interior, he made several goals.

Finally, the two teams ended the first quarter with a score of 29-17.

In the second section, both sides are almost a copy of the last few minutes of the first section. The pistons worked hard, but couldn't get close. At the same time, thunder can not directly open the score and take the game away.

Of course, most of the second quarter, Donovan will be the main force on the bench. So in the second half, the thunder all forces out, the pistons can not resist!

Westbrook in the third quarter, completely became a traditional point guard, by the way, did something about the center. Under his organization, ANLO and oladibo have completely released their energy. The two men, a melee assault and a long-range strike, scattered the Pistons' defense lines.

At the end of the third quarter, the score was rewritten as 75-93. Oklahoma thunder entered the last quarter with an 18 point advantage.

However, the 18 points did not make the pistons give up the race. They took advantage of Westbrook and other key players off the field to launch the final counter attack of the game. Under the leadership of Harris and Popper, they once chased the score to only 4 points!

However, tonight's piston, can only do this step! With ANLO and Westbrook scoring three points one by one, the pistons lost all hope of winning. Thunder, the main force all out, quickly opened the score to double digits and kept it until the end of the game. , the fastest update of the webnovel!