Anluo started his first NBA start with two three-point goals in a row. He remained very positive for the next six minutes. Especially in the defensive end, after adapting to the playing style of McClellan, he finally showed his elite level of single defense ability.

The two sides played a full quarter in the first quarter.

Thunder this side, in the organization of Westbrook, Anluo outside the frequent force, inside the Adams also repeatedly eat cake. This one inside and outside of the excellent play, thunder in the first quarter scored 38 points! Among them, Anluo's three-point shot was 4-for-7, and 3-for-4 in mid-range, cutting 18 points! Such scoring efficiency, so that in the end, Westbrook simply took the ball to anlow after half-time.

But the pioneers were not inferior to thunder. Unlike the thunder, they are everywhere, Lillard, pramley, harkles and substitute Leonard all contributed to the offensive side.

38:36, thunder lead two points into the second quarter of the contest.

The second section is the pioneer. After a 12-3 high tide, Donovan was forced to call a pause. No way, Donovan can only replace their own players here in advance. He was trying to give these players more rest, after all, there is another game tomorrow night. But now it's time to measure again.

Westbrook strengthened his attack. With Anluo on the field, he rushed to the inside more determined, the effect is also very good. Under his leadership, a wave of 10-0, once again the score will exceed. Then Lillard led the Blazers' players to launch a counter attack. It's like two teams are playing a game of turn system. You wave, I wave, the score rises alternately.

72:72。 In the first half, there was a draw between the two sides.

The turning point of the game was in the third quarter.

Donovan criticized the team's defense in the first half at half-time.

"We have to rely on tough defense, force the other side to make mistakes and take the opportunity to turn it into a score. We're going to play at our own pace, instead of following each other's rhythm and running around the court. "

Donovan's concerns are justified. On the whole, the Blazers are in better shape than Oklahoma. Once Westbrook and anlow's efficiency comes down, the other players can't resist it.

So at the beginning of the third quarter, Oklahoma changed his playing style. After they began to focus on defense, the Blazers' players were dragged into their own defensive array by thunder. In particular, the restrictions on Lillard and McLaren, Westbrook and anlow and Robertson did well. As long as one person holds the ball, it will be wrapped immediately.

Without the organizer and the pioneer of scoring point, the efficiency of attack has decreased a lot, and there have been mistakes. Thunder seized the opportunity and played a lot of counter attack. The whole third quarter, thunder only let the Blazers get 16 points! And they themselves scored 38 points again!

In the fourth section, the pioneers launched a fierce counter attack under the leadership of the two guns. However, thunder continued the third quarter of the state, although the other side finally chased back some points, but did not affect the game.

In the end, thunder won a 126-118 victory in Portland. The pioneers, on the other hand, have experienced five consecutive defeats.

In this game, the trailblazers, who are all soldiers, rotate 10 people and score in double. But none of them scored 20. Lillard had 17 points and 9 assists, McLaren had 15 points and 4 assists, pramley had 18 points and 7 rebounds, harkles had 15 points and 4 steals, Turner on the bench had 14 points and Crabbe had 11 points.

There are more players on the thunder side. All the 12 people in the big list were on the stage, even the treasure of the mountain like collison went up to play for 8 minutes! But only three players scored in double. Among them, Westbrook had 25 points, 7 rebounds, 12 assists, Anluo had 32 points and 3 steals, and Adams had 14 points and 11 rebounds. But everyone else scored.

After the Portland game, Donovan rushed to Utah with his players.

It's another tough game! First of all, Utah is the devil's home as well as Denver. What's more, the Jazz have been in good shape recently. Despite injuries, the Jazz are still on track to win. In the last game, Hayward, who was back on the field, played well and brought the team to easily beat the king. The record reached 15-10, ranking seventh in the western region.

After the last game, Adams felt a little sore in his back. This scared Donovan a lot. Fortunately, after careful examination by the team doctor, it was confirmed that there was no big problem. That's a relief.

But it's also a wake-up call for Donovan. The players are tired, so he can't make them play every game. Therefore, in this game against the jazz, he is not prepared to let these key players play for too long. Of course, it almost gave up the game. After all, thunder is now on the bench, can no longer find a player like Anluo!

In fact, Donovan's effort to prepare for the game might not have made a difference.

The Jazz generals waiting for work did not give the tired Russian a chance at all.At the beginning, Utah will play a wave of 10:2 attack climax under the leadership of Hayward. In the first four minutes, thunder scored only one goal. Westbrook hit the basket several times, but the effect was poor. He's in really bad shape.

After half a game, thunder scored 6 points! Not only is Westbrook not in good condition, Anluo played this game very lazy, the offensive desire is not strong. Instead, the substitutes did well. After Donovan replaced the substitute, the thunder chased the score to only 3 points. But to the second quarter, the main force of the jazz and quickly open the score. After mark hit the whistle three points in the quarter, they led 55-41.

Although the third quarter in the efforts of Westbrook and anlow, the thunder will be 56-63. But then ingers scored three points, and the Jazz opened the score to double digits again after a 13-6 wave.

Three quarters later, the Jazz 80:63 lead thunder 17 points!

In the last quarter, the Jazz's momentum was like a rainbow, directly opened the difference to more than 20 points. Donovan pulled the last two starters off the court and surrendered.

Finally, the Jazz beat the visiting thunder 109-89 at home.

In an interview after the game, Donovan objectively commented on his players. After all, it was a back-to-back game, and the last one was quite fierce. Of course, the impact of a game is not too big. At least, with their 19-7 record, they are still firmly ranked third in the West. , the fastest update of the webnovel!