After three away games, the thunder returned to Oklahoma to welcome the Nuggets.

Last time in Denver, the thunder crowd fought for 53 minutes and won hard. This time, thunder, who lost three times in a row, is eager to win at home to change the recent decline.

The Nuggets have lost the amazing performance they had at the beginning of the season. They have been defeated in the last four games and need a win to adjust themselves.

So this game, both sides attach great importance to it. No one wants to lose again!

But the Nuggets' poor defense paid for their failure.

Donovan in tonight's platoon, let the attack better Anluo and Cantor play longer. He set the tone is to seize the Nuggets defense is poor this point, to maximize their offensive ability.

So as soon as he came on the court, thunder's players played against each other.

Westbrook didn't start well. But it doesn't have a big impact on the game. For the thunder players and the Chesapeake energy stadium fans, there's nothing to be surprised about. After all, Westbrook does it almost every night.

Oladibo shared the burden of scoring. He's 3-for-5 on the outside line, helping thunder to dominate all the time.

When Anluo came on the court, thunder's attack became simple. Whenever he gets a chance, either Westbrook or Kristen will give him the ball.

In the face of Nelson, ANLO played well.

When he runs out of the open position, he catches the ball and throws it. The other side can't react. Anluo's shooting speed has exceeded Nelson's reaction speed. If holding the ball, Nelson's experience can help him defend ANLO, but only a little. Whether it's back singles, or using rhythm to shake the other side away, Anluo has done very well.

Not only Nelson can't stop Anluo, but also the Nuggets' No. 2 player, Barton. However, the guy's scoring ability is still very strong, Anluo can not limit the other side.

In the second quarter, both sides almost gave up defense. The Nuggets scored 40 points with Barton and Chandler. But thunder is not afraid to fight against opponents. They also scored 38 points in the second quarter!

In the end, the two sides tied 60 to enter the second half.

Donovan praised his players at half-time. He wasn't upset about the score. After all, the tactics are like this, and the players have done well enough.

In the second half, there was no big change in the way the two sides played. They were all mainly offensive. Donovan just stressed the protection of the rebound, after all, grabbing the rebound means one more chance to attack.

In the third quarter, Westbrook tried to throw two balls, but failed to score. So he reduced his own shots and focused on passing the ball and constantly assisting his teammates.

Not to mention that once Westbrook gets rational, thunder will have to improve a lot.

In this section, Anluo and oradi Bolun went to battle, under the leadership of Westbrook, the Nuggets have been a bit overwhelmed. However, Gallinari scored six points in a row at the last minute to pull the Nuggets back from the edge of the cliff.

However, this is just a reflection.

In the fourth quarter, Westbrook has full fire. He picked up his bag again and hit more and more. With five minutes to go, Westbrook opened the gap to 20 with a three-point goal. This is the goal, Nuggets completely lost hope of winning.

Finally, with Westbrook's perfect performance of 35 points, 17 rebounds and 13 assists, the thunder beat the Nuggets at home, ending three consecutive losses and giving the opponent five consecutive losses.

After the game, ANLO talked to Murray for a while. Murray didn't get a lot of chances in this game, but this guy has a good mentality. That kind of "I'm sure I can do it" mentality, Anluo is really envious of tight.

Of course, he doesn't know that his average score of 20 + per game is the envy of all rookies.

A not too difficult victory brought good luck to thunder. The next two games, thunder also very strong won down.

On January 10, thunder played away against the bulls.

The bulls are the most disappointing team of the season. With Wade, Rondo and Butler, their goal must be more than just getting into the playoffs. But so far, the bulls are not doing well.

In this game, Rondo is absent, Butler is depressed, and Wade is left alone.

In fact, there are fewer and fewer hardliners in the league. We are looking forward to the match between Westbrook and butler. But Butler's downturn has disappointed everyone. Throughout the game, Butler felt nothing and didn't score a goal! One point from the free throw.

Despite Wade's excellent performance, but the double fist is difficult to defeat four hands, except one micaway can provide a little help, other bulls players are not expected to.

And thunder is different. Westbrook didn't score high, but he had a lot of help.ANLO, Adams and Cantor, the three most cared for by Westbrook, scored more than 20 points. Their excellent performance also allowed Westbrook to finish a triple double with four minutes left in the third quarter.

After the game with the bulls, thunderbolt returned to Russia to meet the Memphis Grizzlies again.

This time, Westbrook was avenged!

As soon as he came up, Westbrook was very hard on the Grizzlies' forbidden area. Although the hit rate is not high, but thunder in the momentum of the stability of the other side.

Throughout the first half, the Grizzlies didn't make a few decent responses in the face of the home team's strong attack. So they had to go into the third quarter with 20 points behind.

In the second half, Conley and Randolph played tenaciously. They not only limited the thunder attack, but also tore up the thunder defense line.

Throughout the third quarter, they went back to 10 points. It's not easy.

In the fourth quarter, Conley and Randolph remained tenacious. But Donovan put his three defenders and two inside players on the court. This not only ensures the quality of defense, but also increases the output point of attack.

When the Grizzlies were close to the score and saw the hope of winning, it was Anluo who came forward again. As a bear slaughtering warrior. His three-point goal directly defeated the hope of the Memphis people.

In the end, thunder beat the visiting Grizzlies 105-95 at home. After another three consecutive defeats, he won three games in a row. , the fastest update of the webnovel!