Everyone wants to see if Westbrook and Durant will interact. After all, there are too few opportunities for them to be teammates.

Cole thought so, so he didn't let Durant go. Someone has to create a little chance for them!

Everyone thought it would be a long time. But who knows, this opportunity is coming!

After Millsap scored a three-point hit on the east side, Westbrook quickly advanced to the front court after receiving the ball. Durant is under the basket, three meters away from the three-point line. For the first time, they were so close!

At this moment, everyone was watching whether Westbrook would pass the ball to Durant. You know, last year, this is an air relay directly!

Westbrook passed the ball to Durant. He's quick, but Wall's defense made him stop thinking about hitting the basket. In fact, the two sides didn't defend much at that time. But as soon as Westbrook came up, he took one of them. It's natural for people to defend like crazy.

In the end, after playing together in 1989, the tacit understanding between Westbrook and Durant is really immersed in the bone.

After passing the ball, Westbrook did not stop, but went straight to the basket. After receiving the ball, Durant did not play to the basket, but directly threw the ball with one hand. Westbrook shot straight up into the air and one handed shot the ball into the basket.

At that moment, the whole stadium burst into intense applause. Everyone wants them to make up.

ANLO stood up and applauded them. He has a very good relationship with Westbrook. But the better the relationship is, the more hope Westbrook can handle it.

After all, there have been years of mutual support. Even Anluo remembers the scene when he was defeated by James in the finals and comforted each other. Even ANLO was so moved when he thought about it now. As a party, it must be remembered more clearly than anyone else.

As for the latter things, they are all for their own good. The human nature, originally also nothing!

Of course, this connection may not change anything. However, the Bank of thousands of miles collapsed in the ant nest. One day, the ice between them will melt away.

Then Cole called a pause. He took advantage of this to replace Durant. It's been a long time! Besides, we've seen everything we want to see.

After the game, more is a number of substitutes in play. They all rely on their own personal ability. There is no cooperation between the two sides, and there is no defense to speak of.

At the beginning, ANLO thought it was worth watching. Leonard's style doesn't match the all star, but under his leadership, the game is very antagonistic. As soon as he's off the court, there's no one to defend.

The offensive side is also boring. No matter big or small, almost all take up the ball and throw it. The more and more distant three-point goal dominated the whole game!

ANLO is a good player, but he has to admit that if the game becomes a three-point competition, it is the worst thing.

Fortunately, it was Westbrook and little Thomas who came forward. First, they showed each other "embarrassing" scenes. Westbrook couldn't make three bucks in a row, and even he laughed. Even the commentators were shouting "can play!".

And it's the little Thomas who can play. In a fast break, he could lay up normally, but he had to do something. I saw him hit the ball to the ground heavily, and after the ball rebounded, he was ready to make a smash. His take-off height is not high, but the ball is too difficult, the strongest 175 on the ground can only be smashed to fly.

It was really a failed attack. But from the point of view of pleasing the audience, it was an MVP performance. The audience at the scene burst out a knowing smile.

Their performance is not over yet. In the first match between the two, Westbrook turned and scored three points. Looking back, young Thomas in Westbrook's defensive pressure, dry pull three-point still hit.

Such against the wind in the first quarter of the competition intensity is not enough to become a major bright spot, but also mobilize the atmosphere of the whole court. Unfortunately, the two people's next three points against the wind failed to hit, this has adjusted the audience's appetite against the wind did not continue.

Westbrook played very positive today. After all, amvp of three companies is still a very challenging thing for him. He's really good, too! In his few playing time, his score has risen quite fast.

At the end of the third quarter, Westbrook came back on. He made three consecutive three-point shots on the outside line to help the West regain the lead. And he got a personal score of 31. Westbrook's mood suddenly rose. I saw him holding up his hands with a smile on his face, obviously very happy.

However, Westbrook failed to win the all star MVP in the end. After all, this is New Orleans, and Anthony Davies has also been very good in the game. Statistically, it's better than him.

Of course, Davis' amvp is inseparable from the efforts of all western players.In the last quarter, the whole team was making his wedding dress. And thick eyebrow also live up to expectations, constantly complete the dunk under the basket, or follow up to make up the basket. In the end, Davis won the MVP with 52 points and 10 rebounds, and won the MVP trophy in the cheers of the home fans, becoming the most dazzling star of the game.

After this game, this year's all star is over. Everyone had a good time. When we went back, we would start a new round of competition.

Generally speaking, the all star game is the watershed of an NBA season. Before all stars, all teams are still in the period of running in, adapting and adjusting. But at the end of the all star game, teams will start sprint mode to better prepare for the playoffs. Of course, there are still some teams that have no hope of playing in the playoffs and just start to play bad and try to get a good signing.

Thunder is naturally the former. Their goal at the beginning of the season was just to get into the playoffs. Now it seems that at the beginning, I underestimated myself. The playoffs are a sure thing. They want to go further in the playoffs.

During the all star weekend, many teams in the league have begun to make final adjustments to their lineups. Anluo doesn't know if thunder has any action. Maybe when he goes back, he will change some people in the team. But it has nothing to do with him, and the league can't find a player who is more cost-effective than him!

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