The playoffs are more difficult than the regular season. The intensity of the game is much greater, and more importantly, with the series, the two sides will become more and more familiar with their opponents, and the response will become more and more targeted.

ANLO was given special care in this game. This can be seen from Hill's preference to leave Westbrook empty and to pack enrol with Ingels. However, they can be excused for doing so. Although Westbrook is strong, it is not as efficient as anlow.

Moreover, this situation changed with the adjustment of jazz and the fate of Anluo. There are two ways to be a playoff team.

Thunder 19 points in the last few minutes by the other side to erase more than half. By the end of the third quarter, the Jazz were only seven points behind them.

During the break, Donovan talked to grant alone for a while. He has the potential to be a top defender. Height, arm length and bounce are excellent, but also very flexible. Unfortunately, the body is a little thin, some poor confrontation. On several occasions, he was pushed directly behind him by Johnson.

In addition to defense, Donovan also emphasized the cooperation of inside and outside players. In the third quarter, these guys are crazy, one by one holding the ball to the inside line. Although the effect is good, but it lacks their usual explosive scoring ability.

Without the support of scoring outside the three-point line, once they have a stalemate with the other side, they can't continue to open the score. So Donovan stressed that, especially with the cooperation of Westbrook, Adams and anlow, the whole third quarter was not able to play.

In the last section, I went back to the thunder that I always played in order to stabilize the situation. Westbrook no longer has no brain to drop down and slam. He and Adams and pick and roll, showed great power. He can also score three points from the line. The fault tolerance rate has been improved a lot, and the attack efficiency has naturally increased.

ANLO finally got involved in the attack again. He kept on running without the ball, with the help of his teammates' cover, he got a lot of mobile phone meetings.

On the defensive side, he still headed to the third position, but with Robertson's help, the pressure was much less. Although Hayward and Joe Johnson are still scoring, the thunder is not behind in this area.

In the end, thunder beat the Jazz at home again. This game seems to be more relaxed than the previous one. Although there are some twists and turns in the middle, they always hold each other down from the score.

After that, the thunder players will move to Utah city to play two games with the jazz. For thunder, that's the real challenge. , the fastest update of the webnovel!