Easy times always go pretty fast.

After spending two days at home with his mother and girlfriend, Anluo has to put his energy back into the game.

The Spurs next door didn't give the Grizzlies a chance in Game 6 of the series. With the excellent performance of Tony Parker and Leonard, they settled each other cleanly and advanced to the second round.

Now that the opponent is out of the water, you can spare your hands to prepare for the next game.

Donovan should have had a terrible headache! It's hard for them to deal with just one Leonard.

This season, Leonard has grown so fast. Although there was no more Duncan behind him, he still held up the sky of San Antonio.

Especially in the playoffs, it was perfect.

In six series, Leonard averaged 31.2 points, 6 rebounds and 4.8 assists per game. In terms of shooting percentage, Leonard reached 54.8%, and in terms of real shooting rate, he reached 74.4% against the sky. Facing the Grizzlies in the league's top five defense efficiency, Leonard's data is no less than LeBron, Westbrook or harden, which is enough to prove that he is no doubt a superstar.

Even their opponent, grizzly coach David fitzdale, said of Leonard after the game:

"Leonard is really excellent, he is better than other stars in attack and defense."

Compared with Leonard, the most valuable player in the finals, spurs No. 2 is much stronger than then. On the defensive side, his ability has no need to say, single defense and co defense are the top. On the offensive side, Leonard is one of the best singles in the league today. At the same time, he can also use his offensive power to drive his teammates. According to the statistics, when Leonard was present, the Spurs scored 122.4 points in the 100 round playoffs, while he was not there, the Spurs scored less than 98 points.

This is Leonard's role for the Spurs, and in terms of importance, he has been close to Duncan.

"Leonard is the strongest player in the league right now." Popovich after the game so praise to his favorite students.

Popovich once praised Duncan in the same way, and now he gives the same praise to Leonard. On this issue, there are different opinions, but it is undeniable that this round of series really let Leonard get sublimation again.

The better Leonard is, the more difficult it is for thunder to solve.

Fortunately, there is a Robertson in their lineup, which can limit Leonard. Of course, it can only be limited. What's more, the specific effect has to be tested through the competition.

In addition to being inferior in the front line, the interior line can basically maintain the situation of opening in May and may. Aldrich is good enough, but he can't do it alone. David Lee and Pau Gasol are both all star players, but they are old. It's OK to give full play to the waste heat occasionally. If you really want to expect it, you can't expect it.

Thunder's interior line is also average. It's the back line that has the advantage. Parker and Ginobili are old. Anderson, mills and Murray are too young. There's another Denny Green who's going to be a year to play. The defense is very good, the three-point goal is also good, with Anluo's type.

In short, each has its own advantages. What kind of final play can be achieved depends on the players' performance in the game. But in those media, reporters, commentators, thunder has no chance to defeat the Spurs.

It's really a bad thing that people don't think highly of before they start. Don't mention Westbrook. Even Donovan is a little unhappy.

"I'd better wait until the series is over! It hasn't started yet! God can't see

In the face of the reporter's question, Donovan's reply was very euphemistic. But Westbrook is much more direct.

"They are excellent. There are great coaches, great players, great records. But don't we do the same? I don't understand the basis of their forecast, but I think we will win

No matter what the outside people think, thunder's preparation work is still in an orderly manner.

Donovan, with his coaching staff, studied videos of six spurs and Grizzlies. Constantly find problems from it, constantly think of countermeasures. And then, with this group of players, keep practicing.

The players are also very serious.

Westbrook has been practicing his three-point goal. In the last series, his three-point shot seriously slowed down the thunder. Especially in the third game, if he can be accurate, he will not lose. His breakthrough ability is strong, but once the other side shrinks defense, such long shot ability, want to score is too difficult.

ANLO and Kristen are also practicing shooting. Of course, he has to take some time now to practice passing. This is Donovan's request. In his tactics, ANLO must maximize his deterrence.His biggest problem now is that he can't hold the ball. To be precise, you can't pass the ball to the bag after holding the ball. Westbrook can attract defense through breakthrough and then distribute the ball to ANLO on the outside line, but if Anluo can hold the ball on the outside line, attract defense and then pass it to Westbrook, then his breakthrough ability can be maximized.

This problem can't be solved for a while.

Of course, Anluo can solve it, but the cost is too high. Especially with Tang Xiaoru, he did not dare to play with his life. After all, it is not known whether there is integral after all! If the game is broken, it will be wonderful.

Adams, Cantor and oradiebo are all training hard. No one wants to be a drag on the team, everyone wants to help win. Even Robertson was working hard on layups and three-point shots. Last season, Durant was angry with those three-point open shots that he didn't dare to throw, so he didn't want to see the same thing again. At that time, Westbrook complained.

Like the thunder, in San Antonio far away, it is also a hot scene.

Popovich was not a bad guy. He soon worked out a solution and didn't worry at all.

Now the Spurs momentum and state are very good. Although the Grizzlies spent a lot of effort, but let those young people in the team get training. After all, the playoffs are the most honing. Otherwise, how could the Spurs have so many players to play these years.

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