Although he lost the game, Donovan was not in a bad mood. To be sure, he was a little bit excited.

There is no doubt that Paul George is powerful. But in the decades of NBA history, there are a lot of stars who failed to integrate into the new team. So when all the thunder fans are celebrating, Donovan is very worried. Although in the training time, he has experimented countless times, but the actual combat is different after all.

Now he was relieved!

This game, Paul George appeared 22 minutes, scored 26 points, plus 3 rebounds, 3 assists, 2 steals and 1 block. In these 22 minutes, he got 16 shots, and effectively put 10 of them, with a hit rate of 62.5%, of which 8-out-of-3-point shots were 4-for-8, with a shooting rate of 50%.

He's not the only Oklahoma player to hit more than 50% of the three-point goal. And then there's ANLO. He played 24 minutes and handed in the report card of 28 points, 3 assists and 3 steals. The 3-point shot of 6 out of 11 still kept the style of the league's three-point King last season.

Two people who almost played half court contributed 54 points! Although the pre-season defense intensity is not too high, but this combination is also enough for everyone to maintain high expectations for the future of thunder.

It is no wonder that Donovan, who has always been cautious, was also elated. Facing reporters, he said confidently: "Paul's addition makes up for the weakness in our lineup. I believe this season, we will do better

As an old player, Anluo also spoke highly of himself and his new teammates at the press conference: "Paul is a very good player. He is a great threat anywhere on the field. Breakthrough, mid range, three-point ball, he has all the ability to cause damage. What's more, he's also good at limiting the other side's forward players. He is so perfect! I can't wait to start the new season

A pre-season game, let us see thunder in this summer to do the efforts, is how wise. I'm afraid the most happy fans are thunder fans. A year ago, they fell on the way to the championship and lost some of the best players in the team. When they thought thunder would go through a long rebuilding period like other teams, God gave them a big surprise.

Because of the appearance of Anluo, thunder not only did not sink, but also played the third record in the league. And made it to the second round of the playoffs. And now Paul George's arrival, directly let thunder directly evolve into a championship level team. Even in everyone's opinion, this is a team that can completely compare with the team that made it to the finals and belongs to the "three less thunder".

After a two-day break, the thunder ushered in the second preseason. The New Orleans Pelican also has twin towers at home.

Westbrook, who was absent from the first game, came back in this game, forming a "three giants" with ANLO and George. However, Westbrook didn't play much time, only played nearly 10 minutes, Anluo only played 17 minutes. George is the protagonist of today. He blooms both inside and outside and steals the limelight.

Thunder had the upper hand 53-44 in the first half. At the beginning of the third quarter, Pelican scored three points in a row to narrow the gap. At this time, George stood up. He made a 10 point run from inside and outside, and once again opened the gap. In the last quarter, Pelican once made it 77-79. At this time, Westbrook and Anluo were on the bench. At this time, George stood up again and made a series of strong attacks under the basket. After 9-0, he stabilized the position by 88:77, and then firmly controlled the situation.

In the end, thunder beat the opponent 102-91, harvesting the first win of the preseason.

Then, the thunder attack again, defeated the visiting Melbourne Tigers at home. This team should be said to be an old friend of the Chinese men's basketball team. They are the most visited foreign teams in China. The team has played in the NBA David Anderson and others.

Although this game's opponent is not NBA level team. But surprisingly, the tigers showed a strong competitive state, causing a great threat to the thunder, the whole court has been playing inseparable, so that the thunder "three giants" face disgrace.

As a client, ANLO feels that the biggest problem is not the lineup or tactics. Thunder is a little arrogant! Facing the Australian team, they didn't pay attention to each other at all. Sure enough, the first quarter suffered a loss. But under, had to increase the main force's playing time.

Even so, the thunder still played hard. At the end of the day, George scored two free throws and Adams scored hard under the basket, and the thunder regained the lead. But the tigers still have the ball, but Paul George's big hat five seconds before the end of the match, extinguished the flame of the other side's victory. In the end, thunder narrowly beat the opponent by 86:85.

NBA team has a record of losing to European teams, but it's surprising that a strong team like Oklahoma has played so hard against a team from Australia. Also have to sigh, the progress of world basketball.

On October 10, thunder visited Denver highlands to challenge the bitter host Denver Nuggets last season.

Maybe it was a near loss to a non NBA team in the last game, which brought shame on the players. As a result, thunder played very strong at the beginning of this game. In the "three giants" under the excellent play, once obtained the advantage of 30 points. Donovan also therefore sent the pure substitute lineup to fight with each other in the third quarter.But the Nuggets didn't give up the game because it was pre-season. They all came out of the main team, and soon the score reached single digits. Can see, after Anluo into the starting line-up, thunder last season proud of the reserve lineup, weakened a lot. The regular season may be OK, but it could be a big problem if you face warriors in the playoffs. Of course, they still have time to build up the squad.

Seeing that the situation is not right, Donovan changed his main force again. The Nuggets quickly capitulated after three-point strikes by ANLO and George. In the end, they beat their opponents 103-89. Won three consecutive pre-season wins.

It can be seen that there are still many problems in this new thunder. How Westbrook and Paul George should be compatible still needs to be adjusted slowly. But Anluo is OK, he doesn't need any ball right, defends, shoots, completes own matter to go.

However, this does not affect them to become a championship level team. No matter the individual ability of the players or the potential of the lineup, there are still few teams in this league who want to find out how to hold down the thunder. , the fastest update of the webnovel!