Just like last season, thunder's winning streak ended its first month. At the same time, thunder is also firmly at the top of the Western league with six consecutive wins.

Thunder's three core players' performance, in this period of time's performance is also quite outstanding.

Westbrook seems to like the feeling after last season's three double average. After six games, he averaged 18.5 points, 10.5 rebounds and 12 assists per game. Judging from this, it is likely to be another three double season.

The most stable scoring point of Oklahoma thunderbolt has got more chances without the competition of oladibo. In these six games, he was able to average 25.5 points, 1.5 rebounds, 3 assists and 2.8 steals. Scores ranked 11th in the league and steals ranked second in the league.

Paul George, who traded with oladibo and young sabonis, has been down for a while, but the overall performance is quite good. Average 24 points 5.5 rebounds 4.8 assists 1.2 blocks 3 steals. Both attack and defense are very strong.

This thunder now in addition to the bench seat thickness is also some insufficient, attack and defense both ends are the league's top three. In terms of three-point goals, Anluo can hit 4.5 three-point goals, Paul George 3.2, and Westbrook 1.5. Every game can score nearly 110 points, no team can withstand the attack of such a team.

What's more terrible is their defense! The average field steals more than 2 players, thunder accounted for 3, more than a foot of 7! Robertson, Paul George, ANLO formed the defense line, no matter who came to take off the skin. Such a group of excellent single defense players integrated into Donovan's infinite defense tactics, making their loss per game less than 95 points.

Thunder, with good attack and defense, has been hailed as the biggest opponent of warriors defending the championship this season. Even more threatening than Knights! This means that if the thunder can pull down the warriors in the playoffs, then their chances of winning the championship are quite high.

In November, thunder is still unstoppable.

The first game against the Bucks, they were very relaxed. This season, "letter brother" was born, as the fastest growing player last season, he has grown into one of the most dazzling players in the league this season. He has super long arms, can be inside and outside, really caused trouble for many teams. But the trouble with the bucks is that they don't have a good support point except for him. What's more, they have lost Monroe, a senior general, who has broken his arm. Thunder guard against "letter brother" does not let him easily to the basket, has achieved good results.

Then they went back to Oklahoma to meet the Celtic challenge.

Celtic have been lucky this season, but unfortunately. They won the championship as the western team last year. After trading with the 76ers, Tatum, who is very talented, was selected by the Scout. Then he bought Owen for Thomas Jr. and Hayward from the jazz. From this operation, we can see that they are not satisfied with only entering the western finals. As an old and powerful family, the championship is what they pursue.

But it didn't work out. Celtics lost general Gordon Hayward in the opening game and then lost two games in a row. Owen, who has high hopes, doesn't seem to be able to lead the team like Thomas. Although after a wave of seven consecutive wins, the morale was greatly improved, but this game met thunder, they fought hard for four quarters, and finally regretted defeat.

Thunder's strong firepower, let Celtic cannot defend. However, Owen and hofford played well enough, but still failed to give a successful reversal.

Then they beat the Blazers in Portland. In Westbrook 18 assists in the series, Paul George's 33 points, Anluo's 30 points let Lillard eclipsed. Although he scored the highest 36 points in the match, it seemed that Li had forgotten his watch!

Then, thunder beat the king away. Funny thing is, after the first quarter, the king's starting five tigers didn't get a point.

At this time, thunder has won ten consecutive wins! It's the longest winning streak in the league and the only team that hasn't lost so far.

But then they got into trouble in Denver.

Came to the plateau, thunder played very hard. Paul George was in good form at the beginning, scoring seven points in a row and leading the team to play 7-2. In less than 4 minutes of this section, he had 10 points, but Westbrook was in a mediocre state, even dunking was blocked. However, led by pickled peppers and Anluo, thunder was still 53:52.

In the second half, the two teams were still hard to break up and drew several times in the third quarter. With 1:07 left in the quarter, Patterson made a three-point shot and the thunder led 75-71. But Barton broke through the layup twice in a row, both sides entered the last quarter 75-75. Westbrook still failed to find his form in the last quarter, and his teammates' shooting rate also dropped. The thunder played more and more difficult, once falling behind 86-91.

Donovan quickly suspended, he did not tell the players how to improve their offensive, but stressed how to defend each other. He put the hope of scoring on ANLO.

After raising the point, thunder's increased own defensive intensity. Nuggets in this defense, attack also began to have problems. At this point, ANLO began to score. He's always been that steady scoring point. So is this one. After hitting two three-point goals in a row, he used his own containment effect to attract the quotation, and then assisted Westbrook to make a layup. After a wave of 8:0, thunder regained the advantage.In the last few minutes, thunder did not give the other side a chance. With the ball in the hands of ANLO, and Paul George's containment, Westbrook's empty cut played a huge role. In the end, thunder beat the Nuggets with difficulty. He continued his winning streak to 11 games. And, after leaving Denver for Oklahoma, the thunder extended that number to 14 at home. Break the original record of the longest winning streak in one fell swoop!

120-103 Los Angeles Clippers, 118-98 Dallas Mavericks, 100-79 Chicago Bulls, won 58 points in three consecutive games! These teams didn't even bring the thunder any trouble.

In this more than half a month, thunder has become the most concerned team. Of course, the focus is a little bit biased, and almost everyone wants to see who can end their winning streak. Unfortunately, during this period of time, thunder did not meet a particularly strong opponent.

But then, they'll play the Spurs away. As the bitter owner of last season, thunder naturally is holding a breath.

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