With a three-point goal from Yao Dao, the Spurs opened the gap to 11 points.

Donovan had to call a pause. The game played for three minutes, and thunder didn't get a point. According to this momentum, thunder really has no chance. From more than 20 points ahead to more than 10 points behind, Donovan, who was originally happy to see a defeat, could not accept such a gap.

Thunder in the suspension after the main out. Paul George had to play early and fight with his teammates.

The suspension and substitution had an immediate effect.

Paul George got three free throws for guy's defensive foul outside the three-point line. And, in the sky under the boo, he three fine all. Then, in the defensive end, Anluo changed defense in time, so that mills shot out of the basket. After Westbrook rebounded, he passed the ball directly from the baseline to ANLO, who made a three-point attack.

Donovan was very satisfied with this round. First of all, thunder's defense played a role, infinite change defense tactics let spurs very uncomfortable. Based on the success of defense, thunder played its own signature counter attack.

In 43 seconds, the thunder made it to 5 points. Moreover, the performance of the "big three" is not over yet.

After Aldrich forced Robertson's hand, Westbrook found ANLO again in the process of breakthrough. The latter had just appeared close to the bottom left corner under Paul George's no ball cover when he received the ball. Westbrook can really pass the ball! Although he is running to the other side's penalty area, but has been paying attention to the position of teammates on the field.

Of course, ANLO is in a good position. At the time he got the ball, Denny green, who was closest to him on the Spurs, was still a meter away. With his shooting speed, Rao is the other side's defense is good enough, also did not interfere with him.

With another goal, the score was 87-91, and thunder was only four points behind.

Then, Denny green got an open spot outside the three-point line, but missed, giving the thunder a chance to continue to close the score. And thunder is not wasted. Westbrook went straight to the penalty area, but this time neither ANLO nor Paul George had a good chance. He had to come by himself.

I saw him under the cover of Adams into the interior, and then a large European step over the changed defense of Aldrich, and then hit the plate against Gasol, and also caused a foul.

Make a steady shot with a penalty to make it 1 point behind the Spurs!

Popovich can't calm down! He stood up and went to the referee to express his dissatisfaction. His voice was so loud that he didn't know how to control his emotions.

Maybe seeing the old man lose his temper, Aldrich played very hard in the next round. After receiving the ball, he leans his whole right arm on Robertson and smashes it away with great strength. Then he turned straight and squeezed under the basket, slightly exerting force on his legs and smashing the ball with one arm.

However, this dunk did not bring much interference to thunder. Paul George turned around and faced guy with a three-point super far to level the score.

The Spurs made a pause. With less than three minutes left in the game, both sides were very cautious.

At this time, the atmosphere of the thunder team is not as depressed as it was just now. They were caught off guard by the other side in the first few minutes. Fortunately, they stabilized the situation in time. Now that the game is in balance again, it's time for the showdown.

"Guys, we have to defend! Only the strongest defense can get more chances to score. We have to play the rhythm of the first quarter to win. Next, we fight like this... "

Donovan began to lay out the tactics for the last few minutes. He still put the hope of winning the game on the defensive side. After all, scoring is always affected by the feel, and defense is the most stable thing in the thunder.

At the same time, Popovich on the other end is telling his players:

"let's go to the basket! Paul, you get to the free throw line, and Denny and Rudy are out there holding each other's defense Next, we will push the defense line out, as for the basket, give it to Paul... "

Pausing back, the Spurs began their first attack in accordance with Popovich's tactics. Mills pushed the ball out of the three-point line, then went on to Gasol's cover to get rid of Westbrook's defense. Thunder or immediately change defense, Adams to defend mills. With a huge defensive area, it's not a big problem. But Westbrook has no special way to deal with Gasol. Even if he is very familiar with such tactics, he can only watch Pau Gasol lay up after receiving a pass from mills.

In retrospect, Paul George's success in singles against guy with his own personal ability immediately levelled the score again.

In the next two minutes, both sides played very efficiently. You come and go, the score has been biting, no one can seize the opportunity to open the difference.

At this time, Westbrook seized the Spurs defense gap, directly rushed to the basket, layup. Helped thunder get ahead. But then, Aldrich came forward, he was a middle distance to tie the score. Then there was the rebound after Paul George missed three points. And assists, and Denny green made a priceless three-point shot.With eight seconds left, the thunder still has a chance to pull the game into overtime.

Donovan quickly deployed a three-point tactic during the pause. He doesn't seem to be particularly worried. After all, shooting the three-point ball is not particularly difficult for the thunder.

Adams delivered the ball steadily, and Westbrook stood on the right side of the center line, not in a hurry, as if waiting for something. At this point, Adams and Paul George both stood on the three-point line near Westbrook, and anlow, under the cover of both men, broke away from the pursuers behind him and rushed out.

Westbrook moved. He took the ball straight to the left, attracted the Spurs' defense, and passed it to ANLO on the right. However, the basketball was touched by Ginobili, who jumped up, and the flight track deviated a little bit.

But I didn't lose the ball! ANLO made a lunge, grabbed the ball, pulled it up and threw it.

After the basketball leaves, time goes back to zero. Everything, it's on this ball!

The thunder still has five minutes to win. Without that, the Spurs ended their opponents' 14 consecutive wins.

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