It was a tough game, but I won. Although the win is not very good-looking, but everyone is still happy.

Donovan has always been dignified. As a manager, he doesn't think he won the game. The old guy let go all the players he could play. I guess he didn't want those players to fight too hard. Give them a good rest, so that the next Leonard comeback, can steadily harvest a big victory.

But in this situation, Donovan's team won only three points. He sent two all stars and two quasi all stars to win a remnant three points. It seems that he is more like the one who lost the game.

I have to say that dono is qualified to be the best manager. He never ignored the construction of the team's offensive and defensive system because of the strong lineup. He said he was discovering problems, whether he won or lost the game.

As he thought, thunder still has problems.

Paul George's play was too choppy. Although he is still able to score at least 25 points per game, he has scored less than double digits in three of the 20 games before the thunder, including 8 points in this game.

In this regard, Donovan in the face of reporters, this is the evaluation of Paul George.

"As you can see, Paul's shooting is difficult. But he made a good start for the team and we didn't stop attacking. We did a good job in many aspects in the game tonight, our players worked hard to shift the ball when attacking. Whether it's Paul, Russell or Ann, they are helping the team in the most advantageous way in the game. We all know that it's really difficult to get them not to play singles. But they did it! "

After the game, Paul George didn't feel down because he didn't play well. He had been joking and chatting with Westbrook and anlow. In thunder's dressing room, his hearty laughter kept coming. In the face of his 2-for-17 data, he did not avoid questions, nor did he belittle himself.

"Billy set the right direction. We just need to play well. Tonight's shooting was not good, but the good thing is, I can still provide energy for the game, the ball moved well

In addition, he did not forget to praise his teammates: "Russell made a great sacrifice, reduced the number of shots, using his own ability to pass, defend, rebound, until we win the game."

Constantly find their own positioning in the various tactics formulated by the coach, make the attack more offensive, and strengthen cooperation with teammates to win more games for the team. This is Donovan's request for Paul George. It's something he's been trying to do. After all, for this thunderbolt, he gets along with the least time, tacit understanding of this thing is not achieved overnight.

And one of the winners of the game, Anluo, also expressed his views on this.

"Now the team is still running in and it will be a process. The good thing is, we always win. Although many times, the process is relatively difficult. " Faced with reporters, Anluo said: "everyone is trying to be the best. The team is still trying different changes and we are looking forward to finding the best way to play as soon as possible

As the team's boss, Westbrook has grown a lot in these two seasons. His personal ability is still strong, but he plays more rationally and is more conducive to victory. In the face of the fans of those sharp problems, the performance of a very general demeanor.

"I didn't do anything different than every previous season. Getting the offense organized is something I love and I've been doing. You all know I should do that. "

"What Billy needs me to do in the game, I'll do that. I don't need to score 20 or 30 points in every game, my teammates can score more easily. We've won the last six games. We are constantly shifting the ball, the overall performance is much better than before. Victory is more important than anything

After winning six games in a row, thunder didn't stop.

In the next 11 games, the thunder and jazz met three times, and won three races. Unfortunately, they lost two games in the middle, leaving their winning streak in nine.

The first defeat in December was to the Charlotte Hornets.

It was an unexpected game. Before that, the Hornets had lost three games in a row, while thunder had won nine in a row.

There is a way to win in grief. The hornet has hit the bottom and rebounded. They had a 22-2 run in the third quarter, leaving the thunder without a goal in four minutes. Hornets substitute Graham to become a surprise, 3-point 3-shot.

Interestingly, thunder, one of the top three-point shooters this season, lost on the three-point shot. Collective outbreak of the hornet outside line, let thunder experience a time oneself often give to the opponent's powerless feeling.

Then they easily defeated the Indiana Pacers. Oladeibo's performance was not as eye-catching as his first encounter, and young sabonis was also squeezed into the bench by Turner.

Then, they fought hard in three extra hours away from home, beating 76 people 119-117.What's more, the game against 76ers was the thunder's back-to-back first game.

In a hurry to New York City Thunder general, barely played a good quarter. From the second quarter, that tired thunder player, was Knicks hit a wave of climax. They hit only two goals in five minutes. In the second half, Donovan, out of cautious consideration, put Westbrook and Paul George on the bench, and even Anluo and Adams played only half of the game.

In the end, thunder lost 96:111 to the Knicks.

After experiencing the local conditions and customs of an international metropolis, the thunder did not affect his own performance. After leaving New York, they easily beat Utah twice in four days, winning 41 points in two games!

At their feet were not only jazz, but also nuggets and eagles. But both teams are more depressed. The way they lose as like as two peas. The former had just been killed by anlow with a two-point goal, but not two days later, the latter was beaten by a three-point goal by Westbrook. Seeing the victory of the hand, flying with wings. There is no more difficult brother than brother.

After defeating the Hawks, thunder's record became 28-4. Continue to consolidate their western first position, and lead behind the Rockets three games. For a while, a lot of people began to flatter. The unstoppable thunder seems to be about to break the record set by the warriors. , the fastest update of the webnovel!