Another away trip is over. Thunder returned to Oklahoma City with two wins and one defeat.

No one to blame, they lost to the sun. After all, tigers still have time to doze. And even if they lose, they are still the first team in the league.

In recent days, people are more concerned about the result of the all star vote than the outcome of the game.

Before the thunder and Suns game, NBA officials have released the results of the first round of voting. Yannis adtokumbo, who won 863416 votes, was temporarily ahead of LeBron James, who won 856080. Kevin Durant led the West with 767402 votes.

Letter brother's very empty birth, let the domestic fans have a very familiar feeling. It's also a country where fans vote for a player. When Yao Ming became the All Star Ticket winner, I can still remember.

In the thunder fans as the attention of the three people, Westbrook with 438469 votes, ranked third in the Western guard, after curry and harden. Anlow followed Westbrook by 387692. Then there are clay Thompson, Ginobili, Paul, Lillard and so on. Paul George, with 291495 votes, temporarily ranked fifth in the western front court. More than 80000 votes ahead of Leonard.

According to the current form, thunder "big three" are likely to enter this year's all star game. Thunder is also likely to become the biggest winner of this all star game with Golden State Warriors. In the latter case, four players are likely to be selected as all stars.

Of course, it's just the first round of fan voting. It's only a few days later, after the final vote, that it's possible to see who's going to be the all star. And it's only about certain. There are too many variables in the votes of players and coaches.

Many fans are calling on the Internet for all Oklahoma people to vote for their players. You know, in thunder, such a grand occasion, or the first time.

Thunder's players are actively preparing for the next game.

Back at the Chesapeake energy arena, their first opponent was the Portland Trailblazers of the same division.

This is a playoff team. In the west, as long as it is a playoff team, there is no weak. What's more, this team's recent state is very strong. Although they temporarily lost the team's leading star, but this did not affect their continuous win. So far, the Blazers are sixth in the West with 22-17. What's more, they just beat the Spurs for two consecutive wins.

This game, they still continued that set of three back starting lineup. Inside combination of nurkic and Aminu, with shabaz Napier, Evan Turner and mcclem. One of the substitutes Lillard as the starting number one pipir played quite well in these games. At the same time, he is also an important link for the pioneers to pass without Lillard.

This season, thunder always can find the state with the fastest speed in the game. In most of the games, they are preemptive and play the advantage in the beginning.

But this game, they did not play the rhythm.

Westbrook in the low turn to pick the basket hit, for the thunder to open the record. The Blazers rely on nurkic's off the basket singles to help the team respond immediately. Next, under the series of Napier, the pioneers set off a whirlwind.

The attack rhythm of both sides is very fast.

It was only after three minutes of the game that ANLO tried his first shot. This game, the cooperation of Westbrook and Adams played smoothly. As a result, there are not many opportunities for basketball to reach him.

In the face of mcclem, anlow didn't care. He is better than the other side in everything but explosive power. So ANLO went straight in with his back. His first strength was very strong, and he could obviously feel that the other side couldn't resist it. So he didn't wait for mclem to settle down and get another one. This time, the opponent was directly headed out of defensive position. ANLO saw the trend, turned left, and then shot the jump shot. The body slightly back, looks quite natural and unrestrained freehand.

"You are too weak! Man

After the ball went in, ANLO patted himself on the shoulder and shook his head at mclem. By the way, I also spray a very gentle garbage.

Looking back, mclarham asked for the ball in the right elbow. As a top scoring guard in the league, he doesn't want to be humiliated by a second year rookie at his own home. So he has to find it back.

He chose the same way as ANLO. Back to back singles.

"Boy, I'm going to single you!"

With that, his right body was directly attached to ANLO's chest. A not weak force came over, Anluo's upper body slightly tilted back, but the lower wall was still. Michael saw that ANLO didn't move, and immediately came again. But it turned out to be the same. He did not like it, so he went to Anluo with all his strength.

In fact, this is what ANLO is waiting for. At the same time as mclem made his third effort, he retreated slightly, and the opponent couldn't stop and ran into ANLO's arms. At this time, the loss of center of gravity of mcclarham has lost control of the ball. Anluo's eyes were quick, his long arm extended, he picked up the basketball and ran to his own basket.Facing the empty basket, ANLO went straight through the free throw line, then flew high, held the ball with his right hand, made a round in the air and smashed the ball in.

"I said, you are too weak! In my eyes, you're like a little guy in a diaper. "

Anluo's dunk, helped thunder play momentum. They went back to the next round and kept the lead until the end of the third quarter.

Michael calmed down is really strong. He's very fast, he's got a sharp break, he's scoring a lot under the basket, and he's got three points. Under his excellent performance with Napier and nurkic, he made a very strong attack at the beginning of the fourth quarter. A wave will be more than the score, and lead by as much as two digits.

At the critical moment, ANLO stood up again. He was first suddenly strong, forcing Aminu to miss the ball. Help thunder get a ball right, by Paul George hit three points. Then he opened his bow from left to right and hit the three-point ball in two bottom corners.

In the last minute, the thunder defense let the Blazers not get a point. At the same time, Westbrook in Anluo and Paul George were strictly guarded, the impact of the basket box continue to cause damage, help the thunder against the super.

In the end, with a two-point layup and two free throws from Westbrook. Thunder in the away game to 115-111 hard to beat the opponent. It avoided the team's second losing streak this season. , the fastest update of the webnovel!