After the end of February's campaign, the NBA has entered the most critical moment of the playoffs.

Like thunder, rockets, warriors, raptors, these teams are more relaxed, they can have entered the playoffs of the team. The team's eyes have already touched the last two rounds of the playoffs. There are also some teams are more nervous, the original lineup is good, but can enter the playoffs, or an uncertain thing. Of course, there are more nervous than these teams. That's the teams that have been rebuilding or have been on the road for a long time. They're all trying to make their best signings more likely.

For thunder, March is a rare time for them to practice their lineup. The highlight of April must be the first round of the playoffs. After all, there are not a few games in the regular season. Donovan's tone for this month is running in. Different at the beginning of the season, thunder's origins have been very familiar with each other's cooperation is also very tacit understanding. Thunder's starting time is different from that of the substitutes. It's a matter of how to allocate the players' starting time. After all, in the playoffs, you can't just play with six or seven people. There are not many players on the thunder bench who can take on a big role. We need wesbrook, Paul George and anlow to take them with them. All three of them have been in rotation individually, but none of them is particularly ideal.

On the first day of April, thunder beat the other side in the home of lone ranger. This is the last time the two sides meet in the regular season this season, and the thunder still has the upper hand in the last few times. Lone ranger is doomed to be unable to enter the next race, this season, "Mavericks" is really not strong. And while Smith, whom they picked last year, was not the core of the team that Dallas were waiting for. So they're still heading for the draft in June. It is said that they took a fancy to a European player. Dallas has always preferred international players. In addition to Nowitzki, Nash, Jos é baria, Peja Stojakovic, Wang Zhizhi and Yi Jianlian have all played for the Mavericks.

But in this game, the lone ranger played very well. Although the first quarter by thunder strong attack and defense hit a surprise, behind 15 points. But in the subsequent game, they did not give up to catch up with the score. Barnes and Powell became the arrowheads of the lone ranger. The two brothers reversed the passive situation of the lone ranger. Of course, Smith and the old chariot also contributed a lot.

At the end of the game, the lone ranger even beat the score three times. Donovan had to put all his main players on the court. With 38.2 seconds left in the game, ANLO caught the ball from the three-point line. At this time, thunder was 2 points behind the other side 108-110.

In fact, in Donovan's arrangement, Anluo can make a move. His position is not bad, although Matthews is very positive, paste very close, but with his strength to Anluo can not cause too much trouble. But anlow saw a better placed Westbrook. Without hesitation, ANLO passed the ball directly. If it had been put in the last season, ANLO would have voted. It can be seen that after the passing ability, some things in consciousness also received some influence.

But Westbrook didn't waste ANLO's pass. After receiving the ball, he got rid of the young Smith with an acceleration under the cover of Adams. After entering the inside line, a fast change to shake off the defense over Powell, and then rely on Barnes, layup. The two collided in the air and the referee blew Barnes' foul.

After a steady shot and a free throw, the thunder beat the score again.

111:110, although only one point, but in this critical moment, enough to determine the outcome of the game.

With 27.8 seconds left, lone ranger attacks. Barnes forced the inside line, and Robertson made an offensive foul near the reasonable collision zone, and missed the chance of anti overtaking. However, thunder then returned to the other side an offensive foul, once again gave the opportunity. In fact, the two fouls are controversial. Barnes's offensive foul was very unreasonable. Maybe the referee himself found out that in order to compensate for the lone ranger, he took the opportunity to blow the thunder. It seems that one side of the blow, also do not favor anyone. But in fact, neither side is satisfied. Therefore, the referee is not so good. Maybe it's the mouse that gets into the bellows.

The lone ranger's last attack was done by Smith. But he was blocked in the final shot by Paul George and Angelo. In the end, thunder narrowly won the lone ranger, relying on Westbrook's two plus one and a perfect defense.

After the final whistle, Westbrook took the lead in the embrace of Nowitzki and others. Then he and his old teammate McDermott began to warm up. The mood of the players on both sides didn't fluctuate much. Thunder should win. Lone Ranger is willing to lose. Moreover, after losing the game, they were closer to the top pick, the top spot and the top spot.

After leaving Dallas, thunder and his party went to Phoenix. This is another opponent that thunder can't take lightly. Not long ago, they lost to each other. But this time the Suns played quite normal, they lost the game cleanly. And this game, Westbrook and anlow did not play! After all, this game is just the thunder away game back-to-back. In this case, Paul George became the big devil on the court, scoring 45 points with a volley. None of the Suns can limit his players.After winning the game with the Suns, the thunder crowd will continue to rush to Portland, away to challenge the Blazers.

This one is not easy! The Blazers are not what they were at the beginning of the season. Under the leadership of Lillard and McCollam, they have become more and more brave and are now fourth in the West. And in the previous five games, all have won. In terms of momentum, they are not weaker than thunder.

In fact, this game is also the most difficult one that thunder played after warriors. Even if they had won in Dallas before, it was a thrill, but they were in the lead for a long time. In Portland, they spent most of the night chasing each other. , the fastest update of the webnovel!