"Ann, you have to be ready for 40 minutes a game! This year is our best chance! "

On the way back to the dressing room, Westbrook suddenly said this to ANLO. ANLO was stunned! But then he was able to understand what Westbrook meant. Paul George's contract expires this season, and it's not clear whether he will stay in the thunder next season. Neither Westbrook nor thunder's uniform team is sure about this. After all, Los Angeles is definitely better for Paul George than Oklahoma.

Once Paul George leaves the thunder, it's very difficult for them to find another all star third. After all, the NBA is so big that there are only a few players at this level. So Westbrook cherishes the thunder. He hopes to achieve his dream this season and he has made great efforts to achieve it. Whether it's playing every night as hard as he can, or a lot of things he sacrificed for it.

But thunder is a small team, Oklahoma is also a small place. It turns out that there are not many players here, their lineup is not particularly perfect. But Westbrook himself understood that Presti had done his best. After this season's big action, has been with repair, the greatest possible improvement of the team's competitiveness. However, the thunder substitutes the lineup question, has not obtained the very good solution.

So, the main players will definitely play more time in the playoffs.

"I'm fine, Russell!"

He patted himself on the chest and ANLO nodded to Westbrook. As long as he doesn't get entangled in the defense from the beginning to the end, he can play the whole court without any problem.

In the third quarter, Westbrook began to rush. He had to take advantage of the opposition's defensive focus outside the three-point line to try to score as much as possible, while at the same time forcing the Rockets to withdraw the defense line, creating opportunities for outside ANLO and Paul George.

In fact, we are all familiar with this kind of play. D'antony is no stranger! Thunder has always been the offensive structure is Westbrook, Anluo outside the shooting, Paul George both. The three people support each other and create opportunities for each other by using their own technical characteristics. Most of the time, we all see that Westbrook is very active, but at the end of the game, his shots and scores are not much. It's because, most of the time, Westbrook is involved in the offensive process, not the end. As soon as the opponent's defender is taken away by him, the ball is immediately passed into the hands of ANLO or Paul George, who has a better chance. If you don't care about him, Westbrook's scoring ability under the basket is quite strong! In this case, it is not appropriate to deal with it.

But d'antony dealt with this problem in a very extreme way. He pushed the boat and let Westbrook score. And only within the free throw line to defend him, put Westbrook three points. The Rockets' defensive focus is on Paul George and Angelo.

In this defensive strategy, Westbrook's score continues to rise. But thunder is constantly being pulled apart by the other side. In this case, Westbrook can't help it. After all, I have the best chance. I can't force ANLO and Paul George to fight!

By the end of the third quarter, thunder has been 16 points behind each other! It's like boiling frogs in warm water. The Rockets didn't play that kind of very strong attack wave, just one point two points slowly opened. It's just that the process lasted the whole game.

"Paul and ANN, I need you to step up and score. Russell can't beat a team on his own. I'll let Steven and Andrea cover you. I'd like to see you on the outside and echo Steven and Russell. Steven, remember... "

Donovan in the third quarter or let Anluo and others rest for three minutes. Don't underestimate these three minutes, for thunder now this kind of situation, already quite rare. The old guy on the other side is much more ruthless. Their main players play more time than thunder! And over and over, it's just a few players playing on the court all the time.

In the last section, thunder launched a very fierce counter offensive. Anluo put his focus on the offensive end, he kept catching the cover of his teammates, shuttling between the other nine people on the field, looking for space to shoot.

Paul George also changed his position. He took two steps from the three-point line and switched to traditional basketball. After receiving the ball, he played under the basket in a consistent manner. Fortunately, Ariza's defensive skills are still there, and Paul George has not taken advantage of it.

But Paul George's change forced the Rockets to shrink their defense line a little bit. This retreat was just the intention of gianlo. He was able to get the ball in the three points now and finally be able to shoot.

Facing harden, ANLO shoulders a shake, the luck to the left breakthrough. But in response to the opponent's movement, ANLO's left hand slammed, pulling the ball from behind to the right. A moment and a pull. Then ANLO pulled up and threw the ball.

Harden didn't rush in. He is a master of foul making and naturally knows when to pay attention to his movements. Like this one, his movement has been half a beat slow, and it is easy to be whistled by the referee if he pours on it again. So, fortunately, Haden didn't go up."Shua!"

The ball is in! ANLO's three-point goal, finally scored! In fact, he didn't throw a few three-point shots today. But when I don't come, I don't have a chance. In this case, I'm one after another. In retrospect, Hadden wanted to return one, but it ended up with iron. Westbrook grabs the backboard and then assists directly in the hands of ANLO, who has retreated from the midline. The latter quickly steps close to the three-point line and opens his hand in a three-point dash.

But the thunder did not be able to take advantage of Anluo's attack to turn the situation around. At the critical moment, James Harden became the man in the way. He first made a big step back three-point hit, and then twice from the middle to the basket. What's more, he also sabotaged a quick down counterattack by Westbrook.

In the end, thunder lost to the Rockets 109:113. James Harden finally beat Westbrook and his thunder team head-on. After the game, the players on both sides hugged and saluted each other. Hadden and Westbrook exchanged greetings in the middle circle for a while. I can see that he is very happy.

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