"Guys, it's time!"

Westbrook and his teammates formed a circle around the players' aisle, hands folded and heads overhead. In fact, he has a lot of things to say. Before that, he has made adequate preparations. But a mouth, forget all!

Tonight, the thunder will kick off this season's playoffs at the Chesapeake energy arena. There are still some hot activities before the game on the court, and the thunder players can't bear their own mood. Even ANLO wants to be on the stage right now. The playoffs are the time to fight. The Timberwolves players are in another player lane. As an away team, they took the lead. However, at this time, the mood of the Timberwolves should be very nervous! Outside that momentum of the day's shouting and cheering, very shocking.

They didn't have to wait too long, and with a shout from DJ, Westbrook rushed out of the players' aisle with his teammates. When they appeared on the field, the audience broke out the most enthusiastic voice tonight.





At the Chesapeake energy arena, it has always been the only slogan. But that's enough! Everything the fans want to express is included in it. Nearly 20000 people are uniform and powerful. ANLO was carrying a basketball around the court. He did get a little excited. He wasn't so excited when he was warming up. When the war came, everyone could feel the different atmosphere.

Soon, the starters from both sides came on. Thunder is still the same old style, the outside combination of Westbrook, Anluo and Paul George, the interior Adams with Robertson, attack and defense are good. The starting lineup of Timberwolves has changed many times this season, and finally changed to the first set. Wiggins, Teague, Butler, Gibson and Downes, the five men after a season of training, the strength is not bad.

There are only a few games a day in the playoffs, so each game focuses on countless pairs of eyes focusing on the NBA. And, of course, the media. They don't miss a moment that catches the eye. Those wonderful moments in the game is still in progress, has become the form of text, pictures, video spread all over the network.

As the only Chinese player, domestic eyes are focused on the thunder in this game. And in ANLO's second playoff, there were a lot more people watching than last season. In the studio, millions of viewers have been gathered for a long time, and they are increasing at a very fast speed. For domestic fans, thunder has replaced the Rockets as their home team.

”Can thunder reach the finals this year? I don't think they can do it this year! "

" at least the West! And I think thunder has a big chance this year. There are three championship teams in the Western Conference. If the two brothers get together, they will have to fight to the death in the semi-finals. Thunder and lightning have a great advantage. "

" I feel the warrior level is still difficult! But the Rockets can play at least Game 6 with them this year! Whether we can get through this level depends on how many flaws Donovan can capture from their game. “


There are a lot of people talking about it, but they are generally optimistic about thunder. After all, the thunder in this season has shown something to give everyone a lot of confidence. Although the regular season will not necessarily play the full strength, but in this respect everyone is the same. Especially those championship level teams, who has not hidden anything!

After ANLO's big windmill dunk, the referee whistled, and the game finally began.

Adams and Downes stood in the middle circle for the jump ball, and the other players were divided into two sides. All the fans at the scene stood up. It's an old tradition of the Chesapeake energy arena, and every Oklahoma City fan supports his team with his own actions.

”Bi ~ "

the game begins. In the jump ball, Adams is even better. He pressed Downes and pushed the basketball into Westbrook's hand. Teague followed, but he didn't put it too close. After all, everyone knows that Westbrook's breakthrough is more dangerous than shooting.

Westbrook didn't make a move. He took the ball with him across the centre line, observing the position of his teammates. Angelo was clinging to Butler, and Wiggins was pestering Paul George. It's a very regular match, there's no transposition. In fact, the Timberwolves have the best defensive options. Butler holds down the thunder, the most stable scoring Anluo, as long as the effect is good enough, the Timberwolves will be much easier. Apart from Butler, other players really can't do it well. It's not that Wiggins and Teague don't have the ability, but they prefer to work on the offensive side. Most of the time, Butler is the most defensive player in the whole Timberwolves.

Westbrook gave the ball to Adams, who pulled it out to pick and roll, and cut himself directly to the basket. The overall defense line of Timberwolves is relatively close to the inside, and Westbrook is really not very good. After Adams took the ball at the top of the arc, he held the ball high and didn't get it. His ability to control the ball is OK, but after all, he is a big man, which can reduce mistakes. At this time, ANLO went from the baseline to the top of the arc with Robertson's cover. There was a handshake with Adams, and ANLO took a step to the right, pulled it up and threw it. Gibson was blocked by Adams, and Anluo had a good chance.”Shua ~ "

the clear sound of the goal was transmitted throughout the Chesapeake energy stadium through a loudspeaker on the basket. Suddenly, the whole stadium was boiling. After a rustle, all the fans sat down. You can enjoy the game.

Looking back, the Timberwolves are struggling under the thunder defense. In particular, Butler and Wiggins, as the two most important players of the Timberwolves, could hardly find a shot under the defense of Robertson and Paul George. Donovan in this game will defend the better Robertson to deal with butler, will release Anluo from the defense, concentrate on scoring.

Finally, the basketball was hoisted by Butler to Downes. As there was not much time to attack, he had to play hard. But Adams is not a good person. He had been carrying Downes to the basket. After the other team took off, he jumped up and stretched out his right hand to cover it. Downes could have shot directly, but in order to avoid Adams's cover, he dodged in the air. And then he pushed the ball out.

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