The game is like this, as long as the referee's whistle, everything is unknown. No matter how strong the team is, how big the gap is, the performance of the players is the key to determine the trend of the game. Thunder's player performance is not bad, but suddenly appeared Rondo, really makes them very passive.

Donovan called a pause. He's not sure Rondo will continue to feel that way. But not afraid of 10000, just in case! He was unwilling to take the risk. Donovan, who had always been cautious, did not want to let the situation deteriorate because of his own luck.

Back out of the break, ANLO crossed the court with two screens from Robertson and Adams and got a shot in the bottom corner on the right. Although the defensive side suffered setbacks, but the offensive side did not have much impact. And through the first two games, Anluo has adapted to the defensive intensity of horadi. He has been able to make a sound on the offensive side in the last game, this game, of course, to do better. Of course, it's all about Paul George. He helped ANLO share the pelican's defensive attention.

He also scored a three-point goal to stabilize the situation. Next, change them to defend.

Donovan didn't make any changes in defensive tactics during the pause. He still chose to pack Davis and defend hollerty. If you don't let him go. Davis and hollerty are far more threatening than Rondo. Besides, he believed in his own judgment that Rondo could not have been so accurate all the time. And a little push out of the three-point line by Westbrook, ANLO, and Paul George's zone defense, Rondo's chances are much less.

In this way, both sides have reached the second half of the second section. At this time Anluo has been sitting on the bench to rest. He was still playing the first half of the second quarter. After all, when he comes out with a rotation, he's much more efficient. But this time, hollerty was on the court. ANLO didn't take advantage of it personally. But Cantor and the company commander are in the black. All the people were staring at anlow, they took advantage of the opportunity and made a lot of points.

In the second half of the game, the confrontation between the two sides began to become fierce. All kinds of small actions and rubbish words are becoming more and more frequent. Although the coach and the referee are telling, but finally the conflict broke out! In fact, in the first two games, there was a lot of friction, but the players were very restrained. The reason why the game broke out, all originated from a call from the referee.

With two minutes left in the second quarter, Westbrook grabbed the rebound and started to launch a fast break. Maybe it's a little tired after playing too long. The pelican's defensive speed has become slower. Westbrook went straight in and hit Rondo at the free throw line. But it didn't affect his breakthrough. Westbrook used his strength to flash to the right and lay up around Rondo. At this moment, the referee's whistle goes! Westbrook thought it was a 2 + 1, but the referee made a gesture that the goal was invalid.

Westbrook's going to quit this time! He thought the goal was effective and immediately found the referee's theory. At this time, thunder is still 5 points behind the other side, and Westbrook is also worried. However, no matter how Westbrook explained to the referee, the other side still insisted on the original judgment.

After that, Westbrook lost both penalties, and his mood was even worse! Rondo clapped his hands.

The rebound was taken by Davis, who immediately gave it to Rondo. The latter pushed the ball into the three-point line with Moore's cover. Westbrook changed his defense and got stuck in Rondo's breakthrough. But Rondo is very fast, just as Westbrook arrives with his front foot, Rondo arrives with his back foot. The two inevitably collided.

"Bi ~"

the two people who fell on the ground did not care about pushing and shoving, and turned their heads to stare at the referee. I saw his hands clenched on the technical platform, his forearms parallel to the ground, hit twice at the waist, and then the pen drew a "0" gesture.

"Thunder 0, stop foul!"

Rondo started clapping again and gave the referee a thumbs up! Westbrook was so upset that he pushed Rondo away and went to the referee. Rondo was pushed by Westbrook and quit. He was spitting at Westbrook! Then the two of them got together. Players from both sides came together in an instant, of course, to fight.

For a time, the scene became chaotic and the game was suspended. In fact, Rondo and Westbrook didn't do it either. The two people are head on top of their heads, always spouting rubbish words.

In the end, the referee played 50 boards each, and one person gave a technical foul. The conflict was settled down.

With two minutes left, ANLO is back on the field. In fact, he had a rest of less than three minutes. But Westbrook really needs to be quiet. He can only play again.

Rondo was not on the court, and ANLO had a good time. However, after the twists and turns, the players on both sides have no desire to fight. In the end, Oklahoma did not even the score. Of course, pelicans didn't pull the difference apart.

The only goal thunder scored was from Anluo. At the end of the quarter, he grabbed his position and threw the ball under the cover of brewer. However, because of the line, the ball is only two points.At half-time, the reporters who came to the New Orleans stadium took action. Westbrook became the focus of their visit. He was blocked directly in the players' passage. If the stadium's security guards did not arrive in time, Westbrook would have been hard to escape.

Back in the dressing room, Westbrook was much calmer. Technical fouls are a good thing, it always calms down those irascible players. But the referee's question, really makes thunder's players very angry! Westbrook is just the one who stands out.

"Guys, this is the pelican's home. We should be prepared for such a decision! " Donovan began his speech in the dressing room: "as long as we are on the field, we can't avoid such things. But what I want to say is that the referee can't decide the game. When a game can be controlled by the whistle, it must be because we don't have enough lead. We just need to do what we have to do and play our own rhythm. It's not a problem , the fastest update of the webnovel!