"Pa ~"

"pa ~"

"pa ~"

New Orleans stadium is so quiet that even the sound of basketball hitting the floor can be heard clearly. At this point, there are two minutes before the end of the game. The pelican is 3 points behind thunder. After nearly three games, pelican and thunder played for the first time, and it was still hard to win or lose at the end of the game. The fourth quarter of the performance, so that all New Orleans fans are very satisfied.

Therefore, the last two minutes are crucial!

Rondo is carrying the ball a step away from the three-point line, and ANLO is now on the three-point line, bowing, opening his hands, and keeping his eyes on the other side, watching out for possible moves.

Rondo watched, then handed the ball to hollerty, who tried to jerk but didn't get rid of Paul George. Then pass the ball back to Rondo. After receiving the ball, Rondo reached for Davis and made a gesture. The latter understood and immediately raised it to give him a cover. Rondo, who got rid of Anluo, ran into the free throw line. This time, ANLO and Adams did not change their defense. ANLO pushed Davis hard and followed Rondo.

The ball was still in Davis' hands, but the tried and tested trick failed. After Adams came out, the defense under the basket was empty, but Anluo didn't give Rondo a layup. Davies also has no advantage of dislocated playing Anluo. Although he used his own personal ability to shake Adams to find a shot, but the ball went out, but failed to hit.

The rebound was grabbed by Paul George, who carried it out with him and handed it to Westbrook. After catching the ball, the latter ran to the basket, originally wanted to seize the opponent's foothold is not stable, hit a two-point ball. But the pelican retreated very quickly. Davis is under the basket, and Rondo is following. He can only turn the direction, take the ball out of the three-point line again and reorganize the attack.

"Control the time!"

Donovan, now on the sidelines, called out to Westbrook. That's a good quick break. But if it doesn't, stabilize and score before the attack runs out. Anyway, it's the pelican who should be worried.

Rondo knew thunder's plan, but he didn't act rashly. Just in front of Westbrook, in case he suddenly starts a breakthrough. He knows that it's useless to worry now. If you foul carelessly, you'll lose more than you gain!

With the loss of time, the players on both sides are getting more and more nervous. This is the key!

With eight seconds left, Westbrook is moving! He thrust forward to the right front, the speed is not particularly fast! He still used the cover of his teammates to hit in. But this time Adams didn't come out. Paul George blocked Westbrook and went down to the bottom right corner. ANLO, who was originally in that position, slipped around Adams from the baseline to the other side. Westbrook went straight to the basket and rushed to Davis. Davis is not afraid of Westbrook's breakthrough. In this game, he paid attention to his fouls, not as passive as the last one. He leaned out a little, raised his hands, and watched Westbrook move further.

Westbrook is too tough! He's going to lay up with Davis. But the ball is often thrown out immediately afterwards. Davis's physical condition, the defensive range is really too big! What's more, they are now in a reasonable collision zone. Westbrook is strong enough to make a layup. But he didn't. By this time, ANLO has already made a big circle around the court, reaching a 45 degree angle on the left. Although he has not completely got rid of the defense of the other side, but the space in front of him is enough for Anluo! Westbrook and anlow know that. So Westbrook passed the ball to ANLO at the last minute, and the latter did not hesitate. After receiving the ball, he shot it immediately. After all, there is not enough time left for him to observe the position of other teammates!

"Shua ~"

the ball is in! Westbrook raced to anlow. There was a passionate clash between the two in midfield. At this critical moment, a three-point goal really reassured thunder. Not only were the players excited, but Donovan was relieved.

98:92, thunder extended the lead to 6 points!

The pelican calls a pause. At this time, we must emphasize the success rate of the attack! If you play like this one more round, there's no hope of the game.

Back in the game, Davis went back to the basket and scored against Adams. Get some of the score back. But a two-point goal is just a drop in the bucket. But at this time, thunder gave the other side a chance!

After receiving the basketball from Westbrook, Adams missed the middle distance shot. After Davis got the rebound, the pelican had a further chance to recover the score.

Unfortunately, the thunder made up for its mistakes with its own defense. The pelican is still focusing on Davis, but Adams resisted this time. He is not afraid of hard hitting. Once he keeps up with the rhythm of the other party, Davis will not be so relaxed.

Finally, the basketball was passed back to Rondo. The key moment to give the ball to Rondo, is the opinion of Jintai, is also the pelican team up and down unanimously approved.Rondo doesn't have much time to think about it. He waved directly, then pushed himself in with Davis' pick and roll. He's coming by himself! After all, the other Pelican players on the field are not in a good position. But ANLO followed him. Although Rondo's quick stop jump shot was very sudden, ANLO handled it perfectly. He took off directly. Although bilondo was half a beat slower, his long arms forced the opponent to adjust his most familiar shooting rhythm.


This is probably the last sound New Orleans stadium wants to hear! It's heartbreaking. And the rebound was snatched by Westbrook, which made them heartbroken!

Donovan didn't call a pause. The rhythm on the court was good and he didn't want to interrupt it.

Westbrook made a quick break and gave the ball to ANLO during the March. At this time, the players on both sides are running in the same direction, and the pelican has not yet built its own defense. ANLO took the opportunity! After catching the ball, he takes two quick steps close to the three-point line, pulls it up and throws it out.

For a moment, everyone's eyes were focused on the orange ball flying to the basket.

"Shua ~"

at the moment of the goal, Kingley held his head in both hands, and he thought it was over!

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