In the second half, the pelican launched a final counter attack.

Rondo and Davis took over the pelican's attack, and the two channel used pick and roll to attack the thunder's forbidden area. Davis's hook, middle distance, Rondo's jump shot and break layup have become a rare bright picture in this period of time. Unfortunately, the trend is gone! Thunder didn't give pelicans any more chances. They simply gave up defense and began to fight pelicans. After all, defending takes more energy.

Westbrook and Adams's pick and roll match is still as efficient as ever, ANLO and Paul George also began to make trouble on the outside. Pelicans come in together, and thunderbolt immediately returns. Under such circumstances, the game became wonderful.

At the end of the third quarter, thunder did not continue to open the difference. However, the situation has not changed much. The pelicans don't have the momentum they just returned to New Orleans. The reason why they were able to draw with thunder in the third quarter was not that they played well, but thunder relaxed. The other side is building up strength and preparing for a wave to take away the game. But even so, no one thought the pelican had a chance to turn around.

To the last quarter of the game, thunder as expected and everyone thought the same. Westbrook, Angelo, Paul George opened fire. The fierce attack of thunder makes the pelican, which is already very low momentum, unable to resist. Davis saw that the trend was gone and fouled Adams directly in defense. Before that, Davis had committed five crimes!

After being sent off, Davis sat next to cousins, looking very depressed. Once again, he found that he couldn't move a team. He never doubted his ability, but there was always something wrong with him. But it took him a long time to think about it.

For the next few minutes, thunder continued to maintain a very strong output of fire. With Anluo a dry pull three-point hit, the thunder has led to as much as 30 points. Subsequently, Donovan will Westbrook, Anluo and other major players withdraw. Only Paul George was left on the field with a bunch of substitutes and played out the time.

Finally, thunder beat Pelican 117-99 away. At the same time, we also won the whole series. Since then, the first team to reach the division finals this season was born! Oklahoma City Thunder beat the Minnesota Timberwolves very strongly in the Western Conference semifinals. Two years later, he successfully entered xijue again. And their opponents, warriors and rockets, are playing hard.

When the final whistle sounded, Westbrook and anlow rushed into the court. They huddled in the middle circle, laughing loudly. Donovan was also very excited, afraid to clap, and then hugged his main coach. Last time in the western competition, he was turned back by the warriors and missed the chance to compete for the championship. But now, this opportunity comes to me again. This time, he didn't want to miss it again!

Of course, that's after. Now, enjoy the victory first!

"I can't believe it! I can't believe it After the game, Anluo received a live interview from domestic reporters. He looked very excited. It may be due to the influence of Westbrook and others that he may be exaggerating when expressing his emotions. But his mood at this time is really great. He shook his head a little grandiose and then said, "I know we can win! This series is not our end of the year. But I didn't think it would be this way. They were strong, they swept the team in fourth place. But we did it! It's not a miracle. "

"You didn't attack and score like you did in the last game. Is it the pelican's defensive role or your adjustment on the offensive side

"All of them! As we all know, they defend very well. Especially outside defense. Including Lillard, they fell on their outside defense. It's a big problem for me to score. But I don't have to score. I can give full play to my ability to contain myself to create opportunities for Russell and Paul

When he was interviewed by domestic reporters in Anluo, Westbrook was also interviewed by on-the-spot reporters. At this moment, he can finally say what he has repressed for a long time. When asked what he thought of the series, Westbrook was very straightforward. He told reporters with pride: "I believe we can easily solve the opponent! The pelicans were strong in the first round, but we were better than the Blazers. Their defense can only limit us to one of three, or two. But there are always people who can stand up and score. And they have no good way to deal with our defense

"So what are you going to do for the next round?"

"Maybe we can take a two-day break. After all, they only played three games. I think they're going to play at least game six. Even snatching seven is not impossible. Both warriors and rockets are very strong teams. In addition to home court advantage, what we have over them is that now we have plenty of time to prepare. We will study their games, find their strengths and weaknesses, and then combine our lineup to make targeted adjustments and arrangements. Of course, that's what Billy and they do. For me, it's always being ready and doing everything I can in the gameCompared with the joy of thunder, the pelican is indeed a little depressed. There have been too many twists and turns this season. But they can come to this point, enough to smile at the alliance. In the reimbursement of a core player, but also the following gram, and sweep the opponent to advance to the second round. There's no team that dares to do better than the pelicans!

"They did better in the game! Whether it's the lineup, tactics or the state of the players, it's a better side. Congratulations to them, I believe they can go further this year

Kingley praised the thunder at the post match press conference. It looks like you lost. But the heart is how to think, but no one knows. Maybe he is also thinking, if cousins has no season reimbursement, can compete with thunder!

When it was all over, thunder's players returned to their hotel. They will return to Oklahoma City the next morning. After all, I was very tired after a game.

But tonight is destined to be a sleepless night. , the fastest update of the webnovel!