May 14, 2018, evening. The Chesapeake energy stadium in Oklahoma City is full of people. Everyone has been looking forward to the upcoming game. Whether it is the fans of Oklahoma City or the Golden State fans from Auckland, the mood is very high.

There are some warm performances on the court. At this point, the players have completed the warm-up training, all returned to the dressing room, for the final preparation of the game. In addition to the 20000 fans, there are countless people watching the game through TV and Internet. Thunder and warriors who can win the first opportunity in the western finals, to a large extent, determines the trend of this round of series.

No one can predict the situation of the game. Both teams are strong. One is the best team in the West in recent years and the other is number one in the regular season. No matter attack or defense, they are no match.

"By contrast, I prefer thunder. After these two seasons, Westbrook has become a mature leader. Despite his performance on the offensive side, his organizational ability has always been excellent. Under his leadership, Paul George and Angelo played their best scoring ability. And their defense is my favorite. They have a lot of good defensive players: Robertson, George, ANN, including Westbrook and Adams can contribute a lot of energy in defense. Their defense is tough and passionate. The reason why the first two rounds can sweep the opponent, this aspect is very key

The interpretation of this game is still the famous old brothers Buckley, O'Neill and Smith. Every key game is basically this combination. Buckley is in support of the thunder, he in many games this season, has shown the affirmation to the thunder. O'Neal, of course, was the opposite of him as always. He preferred warriors.

"You have to believe in the strength of a championship team. And it's a team that has made it to the championship in a row. Oklahoma City have played well this season, but there are still some problems with the depth of their lineup. No matter attack or defense, warriors are not worse than thunder. And they have more experience and know how to play such games. I think it's hard for Ann to play his normal scoring ability under clay's defense. Paul George and Durant's opposition, it is difficult to play the advantage as the last round

With the debate among the three players, the players come out! The warriors in the field took the lead in the field, and curry, as the star in charge of the Warriors team, was still the finale. But in this field, he is not the most responsive warrior player. Applause is not, neither are boos.

When Durant leaves the factory, once again all Oklahoma fans boo. In fact, Durant's return to the Chesapeake energy stadium has been much better this season. Time has indeed diluted the enmity between the two. More importantly, of course. Thunder did not degenerate because of Durant's departure, especially after Paul George joined, we have gradually forgotten Durant's good. Without love, there will be no hatred. People are fickle!

But this time it's a little different. As the biggest obstacle to thunder's impact on the championship, warriors' players are unlikely to play easily in Oklahoma City. Durant, as the focal point of contradiction, is naturally the first to bear the brunt.

No matter how loud the boos were, they couldn't catch up with the cheers of the home fans. When curry came out as the last warrior player, the spotlight hit the other side of the court. Westbrook rushed out with his teammates. Thunder home appearance ceremony, although a little less ceremony sense, but it is the most passionate.

When they are in the channel, they gather together and have a series of complicated interactions. Those movements, which Anluo has been learning for two years, haven't learned yet. Westbrook and others came to the court. He took the others to form a circle to encourage and encourage each other.

"Boys! For OKC! For ourselves! Kill them

"Kill them!"

At the same time, the Chesapeake energy arena as usual sounded "OKC" shouts. All Oklahoma fans in blue T-shirts stood up. Every night, they cheer for their players like this.

ANLO stood on the court, a little excited. Even though they are well prepared for this round of competition! But he couldn't calm down. The main thing he needs to do is score. Try every means to score! It's very difficult, the other party can't give him an easy mobile phone meeting. He is likely to be in the same situation as in the last round. But in the last round, Paul George could take over the offensive side, and this one was tough. Therefore, Anluo must play more actively to find and create opportunities to score.

When the referee comes on, the starting players of both sides appear.

Thunder or continued the previous starting lineup. Westbrook, anlow, Paul George, Robertson and Adams. After a season of honing, these people in the combination is the most stable, the highest efficiency.

Basically, there is no change in the warrior side. Curry, Thompson, Durant and green are all there. It's just that green is not in position four, but in position five. The remaining position is filled by igordala.This set of lineup can really be a little unexpected! Of the five players, only Durant in position three is over two meters tall. Thompson, green and igordala are all 1.98 meters. It seems that Cole has given up his height and opted for a smaller, faster conversion and faster attack and defense lineup.

As a result, the jump ball became a duel between Adams and Durant. Adams didn't miss the chance to bully his old teammates. He jumped up and gave the ball easily to Westbrook. After the latter gets the ball, he speeds up to cross the middle line. Adams is covered by a step within the left-hand three-point line. The warrior's retreat was a bit chaotic, originally followed by Westbrook's Kuri was blocked by Adams, did not go around again. But green didn't change his defense either. They didn't communicate well, so they bumped into each other.

The front of Westbrook was suddenly empty. For a moment, he hesitated and chose. Although he knows his three-point goal is not good, but this kind of opportunity is really good!

After a quick run of the basketball in place, Westbrook threw the ball out. Orange ball in the Chesapeake energy arena over a beautiful arc, hollow into the net! , the fastest update of the webnovel!