On the night of May 24, 2018, the whole league's attention was focused on Oklahoma City. The Chesapeake energy arena was full an hour before the game. All the thunder fans wear special T-shirts. Look around, a deep blue. Occasionally a few golden, like an island in the Pacific Ocean, can be submerged by the storm at any time.

"Six foot six guard from UCLA, OKC's No. 8 player, Ann lo!"

With a shout from DJ, the spotlight hits ANLO. He stood between the pitches, reached out his right hand and waved to the fans. The whole stadium was filled with neat shouts.





After anlow, there were Paul George and Westbrook. After all the players had been introduced, the "OKC" cry was heard again over the Chesapeake energy arena. The atmosphere of the whole stadium was at its peak.

After a two-day break, the fifth game between thunder and warriors will begin. Donovan once again took Westbrook and anlow for an inspection on the day of the game. After the doctor confirmed that there was no problem, the names of the two people appeared in the list.

Both sides are determined to face the game with a certain mentality. Thunder in particular, they can't see the old things happen again two years ago. They want to use that momentum to end the series tonight. After all, the longer you drag back, the worse it will be for them. For the warriors, it's a game to win but not to lose. If you lose, the season will be over. For the warriors who are determined to defend the title, such a failure is obviously unacceptable.

Therefore, at the beginning of the game, both sides have entered a white hot stage.

As with every return to the Chesapeake energy arena, Durant exploded again. It's like booing at the scene, it's never absent. As a core member of the thunder team that was reversed by warriors two years ago, Durant is undoubtedly the most eye-catching person on the field tonight. For the most part, he wants to win more than the rest of the warriors. Because once he lost, people would say that Durant was defeated by the warriors in the thunder, but now he is defeated by the thunder. Moreover, if you win, it may have little to do with him in people's hearts. After all, two years ago they were able to beat the thunder that had him.

Durant is very active in this game. He frequently asked for the ball outside the three-point line and used his advantage to play Paul George. Although the opponent's defense is very strong, but he feels better. In the first quarter, Durant made 5-for-6 mid-range shots, and each shot was not made in a particularly relaxed manner.

ANLO found a very interesting phenomenon. Every time Durant comes to the Chesapeake energy arena, he prefers to attack with the ball. In the rest of the league, he's more likely to be without the ball. As soon as he returned to Oklahoma City, he did not fit into the warriors' tactical system. In the first two games of the series, Durant did well, but the warriors couldn't win either. Maybe it's staying in this stadium too long, that habit has penetrated into the bones.

Of course, the reason why the warriors lost the previous two games was largely due to the poor performance of curry and Thompson. But in this game, they did well. Although the ball is not concentrated on them, but Durant in the three-point line to attract defensive fire, they get a lot of opportunities.

In this way, the thunder side of the defense suffered a lot of pressure. The three strong points of the opposite attack are in good condition and feel hot. Although their defense is still excellent, but can not stand others can always throw in. Although Durant seems to be out of the warriors' system, the others are still the same tactics. Keep running, constantly covering each other, cross cover, involving the thunder defense, pull out the space, get the chance to shoot. When thunder moves the center of gravity to the outside line, Durant is another point which cannot be handled.

In a word, the warriors now are like a torrent of water. The attack is so strong that the thunder can't resist it. Donovan can't help it! He can only remind his players over and over again to score as much as possible and keep the situation steady. He doesn't believe that courage can stay that good throughout the game.

But the facts made him nervous. Throughout the first half, there was no sign of the warriors' condition falling. But the good thing is, the second half of the second quarter, thunder side of the attack also played out. They took advantage of the warriors rotation lineup, played a wave of 13:5 small climax. The leading role of this wave of attack, is the last game by green injured Westbrook.

He played his best offensive ability. With Kanter, they bombard the forbidden area of warriors. Although Westbrook's eyes still looked bloodshot, it had no effect at all. What's more strange is that after being hit in the eye by the other side, his shooting is accurate a lot. Especially the three pointer!

Facing curry, Westbrook dribbled the ball from his crotch a few times, then his shoulder shook, and he pulled the ball from his hip to the left as he broke forward to the right. Then there was a step back and a three-point shot. It's like that mustache!"Shua ~"

the ball is in! It was the third three-point shot by Westbrook in the first half. At the same time, this is his 20th point in the game!

The Chesapeake energy arena immediately fell into a boiling. They have forgotten how long they haven't seen such a Westbrook!

In fact, at the beginning of last season, before Anluo and oladibo played, Westbrook was such a man who carried the thunder. The scoring and organization are one hand grasp, and do a good job! At that time, Westbrook often handed over 30 + triple double. And from time to time, you can perform 40 + or even 50 + performances!

After this wave of offensive, thunder pulled its own disadvantage back a lot. But that's all. At the end of the first half, the warriors still led the thunder by nearly two digits.

I can see that the warriors are really determined to win the game. What's more, Durant and the water brothers have proved that they are worthy of the title as a championship team.

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