Compared with last year's finals, this year's Cavaliers and thunder's Duel obviously less some resentment. However, people are still looking forward to this finals. After all, after watching so many years of chivalrous war, we are somewhat tired of vision. It would be great to change now.

Of course, these two teams still have a lot to watch.

Whether Westbrook can win the first championship is the most concerned thing. Last year, Durant finally got what he wanted and won the first crown of his career. Westbrook's subsequent admiration and anger became a joke after dinner. After all, Durant and he didn't do that when they were in Oklahoma. For a moment, the thunder delayed Durant's voice more and more loud, and Westbrook became the only one who could "defend" durat. But unexpectedly, this season, Westbrook and his thunder with action to tell the world, without Durant, Westbrook can also reach the finals. Although no one said Durant "prevented" Westbrook, but people are regarded as Westbrook's ability to lead the team had a tremendous change.

Perhaps, Westbrook and Durant are really not suitable!

Whether James can win the fourth championship is also a matter of concern. Although everyone knows it's hard, James has always been a miracle maker. This season's playoffs, is James's most outstanding career. Even better than the season he won three times! So a lot of people are looking forward to it.

Whether Paul George can win James once is also a concern of many people. Of course, most of these people are in the East, including Indiana and Cleveland. At that time, Paul George monopolized the big three and won the championship in the Eastern Conference finals. But he couldn't cross the mountain of James. Of course, Paul George is not the only one who suffers from James, but he is the only one who can be directly opposed to James! In fact, there are obviously more people who are optimistic about Paul George this time. He is younger, more energetic and in better shape than James. The most important point, this time, there is no one around James! James, like Paul George, had no help.

And for the domestic fans, these are no better than Anluo. Although many fans like James, Westbrook and Paul George, they pay more attention to ANLO.

If thunder finally wins the championship, Anluo's performance must be very excellent. As can be seen from the three rounds of playoffs, he has always been a reliable scoring point for the thunder, and his performance on the defensive side is also excellent. Especially in the fourth game, his performance in the second half was just like God coming down to earth. Especially in the fourth quarter, he returned to the field. His accurate three-point ball helped thunder finally win. If that game, did not have Anluo that kind of play, thunder and Warriors series is really difficult to say who wins who loses. In summary, Anluo's scoring ability will also be the sharpest arrow of thunder. And he's going to do better than the Western Conference finals. After all, the Cavaliers defense, can not bring him too much pressure.

Of course, even if thunder wins, Anluo will not be the first Chinese player to win the NBA championship, or even the first Chinese guard to win the NBA championship. But his weight in the domestic basketball circle will rise a lot. Although it may not be comparable with Yao Ming, it is enough to become the leader of the next generation of Chinese men's basketball team. This is very important for the Chinese men's basketball team! Next year's men's Basketball World Cup will be held in China, as the host, although can directly enter the main match, but from the original strength, the Chinese team certainly can not go far. However, the emergence of Anluo in the past two years has brought us hope.

For all Chinese fans, international honor is more important than the honor of professional league like NBA. They can't wait to see if Anluo and Yi Jianlian can take the Chinese men's basketball team further.

Although in the Asian Cup last year, Anluo has already made everyone happy. But after all, it was the Asian Cup, and the Australian men's basketball team, which was the only one in strength, only sent their three teams. Of course, it is not easy to win the championship, and the Chinese team is not going all out. But, did not accept the baptism of the world basketball real strong team, the Chinese team and Anluo, both need the opportunity to prove themselves. The world cup is a very good opportunity.

Of course, for this matter, ANLO's attitude is very positive. As a child, he felt that it was a great honor for him to put on the red shirt of the Chinese team. Last year, he helped his team win the Asian Cup. Standing on the podium, listening to the passionate March of volunteers and watching the five-star red flag rising, he felt that it was his proudest moment so far. Anluo won many titles, but even when he won the NCAA championship under the witness of 70000 or 80000 people, he was relatively insipid. However, these are all afterwords. At the moment, for ANLO, the championship is an achievement he is determined to achieve. He still has a lot to improve, but it needs more points. According to his experience, the champion always gets the most points. He had this idea last year, but the quality of the team is not good. But this year is different! Now that we have reached the finals, why not win the championship?This is also the idea of all Oklahoma people, whether the thunder team, or those fans, even the local media, experts, hope that thunder can win this year's championship. Even Bennett is already preparing for the post championship parade! The eye-catching parts of Oklahoma City have huge posters and slogans about their need for a championship. The whole city is ready for the finals!

Because the regular season record is superior, thunder has the home court superiority, so Anluo these players can rest in Oklahoma, and then wait for the Cavaliers to arrive. Whether it is Donovan or Anluo these players, are ready enough. They had already started to prepare the Cavaliers as imaginary enemies in the fifth game of the East! They know all the advantages and disadvantages of the other party. They are confident enough to win their first game at home. , the fastest update of the webnovel!