Everyone felt that the knights would be swept. Even their opponent, thunder, thinks so. In terms of strength and momentum, the Cavaliers have little hope of winning.

But things don't always go the way you expect them to. Even if all the people were not optimistic about them, the knight himself did not give up. James in particular, in the fourth game, he put his words into practice after the last game.

"The game is not over yet!"

At the beginning, thunder really played a indomitable momentum. They were 12 points ahead at the top of the first half. But the problem is, this time, the Cavaliers played a very strong attack in the third quarter. They hit a wave of attack climax with what thunder is best at.

It was not James who led the attack, but Jr. As if the previous downturn performance, is for the outbreak of this force.

In fact, in the second quarter, Jr's state improved. Thunder took the biggest lead of the game three minutes before the end of the second quarter. After that, Donovan replaced Paul George and Adams, who had never had a rest. This change, let Anluo have to put more energy on the defensive side. Brewer can't limit James. Donovan can only let Anluo pay attention at any time and actively assist in defense.

In this case, Jr is free. ANLO's defense is good, but it's hard to beat four hands with two fists. James, by contrast, is a better defensive player anyway.

James also understood this situation, he simply served as a wingman for Jr. Donovan and anlow knew what they were going to get into, but when James took the ball to the top of the arc, anlow helped. They wanted to defend the JR with their excellent defense, but NANs came out. He provided cover for Jr from outside the three-point line, allowing Jr to get out of defense.

Of course, the key to all this is still at the last moment. Whether Jr can throw the ball or not is the decisive factor for the value of this series of actions. If according to the performance of the other side in the previous few games, thunder can rest assured. But it was unexpected. Jr bypasses teammate lefoy, receives James's pass, directly pulls up, the hand rises the knife falls, three points!

Very decisive! James gave decisive, Jr shot more decisive. After the ball enters, the two men clap hands silently in the process of retreating defense. It's like going back to two years ago.

For the thunder offensive round, Westbrook will take the ball out of the three-point line, under the cover of ADAMS to the basket. TT and lefoy quickly shrunk in, making Westbrook's layup space very small. But for Westbrook, once he wants to score a layup, even if there is no space, it can't stop him. Just like this attack, he did not give up the thought of his own attack because of the contraction of TT and lefoy.

Lefombie TT is in the front. So he was the first link in stopping Westbrook's attack. He saw his old classmate rushing towards him, so he stood in a good position ahead of time, his legs slightly separated and his hands held high. With his height and arm spread, the area covered is not big. But still didn't let Westbrook stop.

Westbrook rushed to the right. When he was about to bump into Lefu, his body suddenly changed direction. His right foot pushed hard on the ground, and the whole person pulled to the left. At the same time, Westbrook's right hand, which had been in control of the ball, took the basketball from his back and easily bypassed Lefu.

After passing Lefu, there is another TT. However, Westbrook's rhythm is very well controlled. He pulled the ball from behind to the left without pausing. The left foot then kicks on the ground, just from the right side to the left side of the body, suddenly twist back to the right side. It looked like a spinning top, whipped around a corner by a whip. Westbrook flew out to the front right and shifted the ball to his right hand in the air. A pull rod dodged the big hands of black and white and threw the ball onto the board. Basketball with xuan'er, into the basket.

This series of actions made Anluo's eyes hot! This is the most handsome move of an NBA guard. He's had this idea more than once. Even immediately want to point out their own breakthrough ability. Fortunately, his brain is still clear. Otherwise, it will be the next bull shirt boy! However, there is a long way to go. ANLO believed that one day he would get what he wanted. Now! Envy!

If it was in the Chesapeake energy arena, Westbrook would be met with deafening cheers and shouts. In the speedloan stadium, it's a shocking hiss. Of course, on the road, to be able to get such boos, but also need a lot of skills.

But James couldn't see it anymore. In the ensuing attack, he took the flag directly from George Hill. He made an impact outside the three-point line. He was quick, and pushed through brewer's side before ANLO's bag came. Brewer ran after him. James's speed is not fast, but his momentum is too strong. Anluo has no way to see, straight back to continue to defend Jr. In the end, James put the ball into the box against Adams.Once again, it turned out that no one could hold back James. Unless it's a foul, and it has to be a solid one. A little hesitation, another foul is a free point.

After that, the two sides began a seesaw battle. The Cavaliers have been trying to narrow the gap, but have not been able to play that kind of oppressive attack. But when the third quarter of the game, the Cavaliers have been looking forward to the kind of momentum, really appeared.

When Jr dropped the basketball for the third time at the three-point line, Donovan finally found out that the problem was wrong.

At the beginning, Donovan thought Jr disappeared after a shot, just like the second half of the second quarter. But one after another, it is very abnormal. It's not thunder's defense problem, it's just that Jr's crazy side is activated. What is a neurotome? You knew the answer two years ago. Now, Jr is once again the former Imperial Guard of two years ago.

Donovan decisively called a pause. He didn't blame his players, after all, it's very common for a player to explode in a game. What he needs to solve is to interrupt the rhythm of the opponent and then tell his players how to get through such a difficult situation.

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