



When Anluo hit three points again, the thunder extended its lead a little bit. He himself was very excited. He stretched out his hands and waved his hands in the direction of Tang Xiaoru and Fu Yao.

The score on the court was 44-69. The visiting Cavaliers are in front and the home team is behind. At this time, there is less than a minute before the end of the first half of the game. Thunder is trying to lead the difference to 30 points and crush the opponent in one go. But the Knights didn't let them. Of course, the problem is not big, thunder still has a huge advantage.

James has begun to take over the Cavs' possession of the ball. George Hill is only responsible for taking the ball across the midline and giving it to James, who has the ball. But James didn't show the omnipotence of the first two games. Although he is still using his body and experience to score as usual, the feeling of being unable to do what he wants is still obvious.

Once again catching the ball at the top of the arc, James habitually pauses outside the three-point line to observe the situation on the field. But his teammates are not in a good position! Especially in thunder's pressing defense, they are difficult to give James too much help in the attack.

So James still chose to come by himself! He waved to Lefu and motioned for the other party to come out and cover himself. The latter understood, quickly moved up, came to the arc top right position, made a very standard pick and roll. James slapped the basketball quickly, and when lefoy was in place, he sped straight into the interior. At the moment, it was like seeing a heavy truck rolling all the way to the basket. Then he finished the layup against Adams and Robertson. However, basketball seems to be against him, in the basket swing a circle, turned out.

However, James has always been a man who can always accomplish the impossible. He ran directly from the thunder player's encirclement circle, in the air slightly drops the basketball, completes the second attack.

This ball, caused the Chesapeake energy arena intense applause. These are the few different voices in this game. James like this deserves to be treated like this.

However, for the thunder players on the field, respect for James can only be off the field. In the competition, it is to give tit for tat!

Westbrook pushed with the ball, and he was ready to attack in person to express his attitude as the king of Oklahoma. He went to the top of the arc, pretended to observe it from left to right, and then suddenly accelerated. His first step was so powerful! George Hill can't reflect it at all! Of course, George Hill didn't react, but lefoy and TT did! TT has been guarding the basket, but there is no big action. Lefoy let go of Robertson and pounced on Westbrook. However, this is not too much trouble for Westbrook to complete. He took a jump step, took the ball with his right hand, and twisted his waist, then he went around Lefu's side. But TT blocked his way to the layup. Westbrook either hard to come, which is bound to collide with the other side, which is tantamount to challenging the referee's decision, or to pass the ball to his teammates to complete this attack.

Westbrook chose the latter. His left foot slammed on the floor, his whole body tilted away from TT, and then as soon as he wrapped his right hand around it, he threw the basketball into Paul George's left elbow. The latter took the ball and walked in with his back against James. After two heads, the roll over jumper hit the ball. James obviously jumped a little slowly. Although he stretched out his right hand at the first time, the interference effect was not big. In the end or old, in such a high-intensity competition, or some tired.

71! Thunder in the finals, with two quarters of time to get 70 + points! Such offensive firepower is too strong! After all, the warriors can't beat the team!

In the final attack, James finished the first half with a very personal step back before the top of the arc ran out of time. Unfortunately, the goal still failed to hit!

In the third quarter, knights are even more vulnerable!

Of course, the Cavaliers launched a very strong counterattack from the beginning. After all, they gave up the game at half-time because there was no difference between them. In the remaining 20 minutes, they have the opportunity to change everything.

But it's just wishful thinking. Thunder can't let them take their own victory again! And Donovan changed the tactics of using defense to limit the opponent's tactics. In this game, Donovan chose to fight with the other side! Facts have proved that thunder's attack firepower can defeat Knight completely!

James still carried the team forward without hesitation. He used his own pace is not fast, again and again into the interior line, carrying the thunder defense will hit the ball. But this is just a tragic story! Every time he attacks, thunder can respond quickly. It's cruel though! But the game is the game, in the face of victory, in the face of the championship, no one will sympathize with the opponent. If so, it's the end of the game!

With thunder one after another goal, the Cavaliers slowly lost their last momentum. By the third quarter of the game to catch the ball, thunder has been 32 points ahead of the Cavaliers. This is the biggest difference between the two sides in the five finals, and it is also the only game in which thunder's core players can clock out of work in three quarters.However, Donovan sent Angelo, Paul George and Westbrook to the court at the last minute. They almost rested the whole fourth quarter. But when they came out again, all the thunder fans stood up. All of a sudden, Saker was crying and laughing. Of course, all this is for one thing - the championship.

When the time of the last attack was over in Westbrook's hands, when Westbrook threw the ball over the stadium, when the referee blew the final whistle, all the thunder fans rushed to the court. Everyone huddled in the middle circle and enjoyed the victory of the game. Westbrook was so excited that his face was full of tears, but his expression was laughing! No one cares more about the victory of this game than him, and no one cares more about whether he can win the championship in this stadium!

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