Thunder has been calm this summer. As defending champions, all they have to do is keep their winning team. So they signed a contract extension with Paul George at the first time, and left Felton with a base salary contract and renewed grant for $27 million over three years. After that, the thunder management began to repair their own lineup. They signed Noel for $3.5 million over two years, a very talented interior player, especially on the defensive side. For three years and four million dollars, he signed this year's No. 48 suhamidou Diallo, a young man with a very exaggerated bounce. Of course, when you come, you go. Like the well-known "company commander" brewer as well as Dozier, Houston, Hamilton and other marginal figures, have not received a contract extension from thunder. I had to leave Oklahoma to find a new job.

When this summer's upsurge cools down, all teams begin to sort out their own harvest, we found that the league, still has undergone great changes.

The team in the East was relieved. In fact, last season, we saw the hope to be ahead, but James just rely on his own strength, those who have been under his pressure for nearly ten years gave a good spanking. Now, he's gone at last!

The Cavaliers must be out of the finals in the East, and many people are not optimistic about their promotion to the playoffs. So, of the rest of the team, there are few that can make it out of the East. Celtic, who lost to James in the west two years in a row, is sure to have a place. The young people in their team are so good, with Owen and Hayward coming back from injury, the paper strength is not good. The second is Philadelphia 76ers. Great deen Bede is the man who can keep the whole city waiting for two years. He has become a superstar. Simmons, who has been playing for a year, doesn't look like a rookie at all. His all-round ability is the biggest helper around him. With the addition of the tough guy Butler this season, I believe they can go further in the playoffs. Then there was the Raptors with Leonard and Denny green. They are a strong team in the East, and they were first in the regular season last season. If Leonard is fit and motivated enough to carry the team, the Raptors will be the strongest team in the East this season and the hottest team in the finals. The Raptors' replacement of drozan for Leonard is an obvious upgrade, and they also got a balanced offensive and defensive Dani green in the deal. Plus the Bucks led by the letter song that has grown up, the eastern sky basically belongs to these four teams. But who can register as king will have to wait until May next year.

Compared with the fierce eyes in the East, the west looks clearer. Of course, the competition in the west is still much stronger than that in the East. Take the players, warriors a start can not be much worse than the eastern all star starting! James's journey to the West made the situation of the alliance stronger in the West and weaker in the East. There are seven MVP players in the regular season, all in the West. But most of these teams are just foil. Even before the start of the season, it can be seen.

The Lakers want to do something this year. They got James in the first place, which is a very obvious signal. But then the trend has made them very passive. Koshins joined the warriors to cast a shadow on their plans. The deal between the Spurs and the Raptors made all suspense disappear.

The warriors' 5.3 million Mini middle-class exception should have been for the likes of o'quine, or could have been flankers like Evans, Gerald Green or hyzonia. For the warriors, signing any of the above with such a contract has been fruitful. But it's unbelievable that the warriors signed koshins, one of the strongest centers in the league.

It's not just the Lakers who are desperate, but the vast majority of the league's teams that want to compete for the championship. Many people are questioning, the new season championship is still in suspense?

Koshins may have to wait until December or January to return, but it doesn't matter to the warriors, who don't care much about the regular season. The warriors have enough capital to allow koshins to recover on his own schedule and then welcome him back at the end of the season. The warriors' starting five tigers in the new season look more like an all star start in the Western Conference. Even if koshins is only 75% of the previous level, this team can't stop it. Cousins can open space, he can also crazy rebound, make up for this comprehensive and powerful warriors one of the few loopholes.

The warriors look perfect, but that doesn't mean everyone thinks they'll win the championship. At least, if warriors want to win, they have to break through thunder. Just like last year, thunder challenged them. Although on paper, the warriors have the upper hand. But they need to run in. Whether koshins can quickly integrate into the warriors' system determines the power of the lineup. After all, basketball is not a sport that depends solely on one's ability.

In this respect, thunder is much better than warriors. They have kept their own winning lineup perfectly: more and more calm Westbrook, Paul George with both attack and defense, ANLO, who has a huge threat from outside the three-point line, Robson, Adams, who has a lot of dirty work, together with a group of good rotation players, can at least play the fighting power of this year's western competition. According to this comparison, it is really a big question whether kausins can improve the overall strength of the warriors so much.In addition, the Warriors also have to face a problem is injury. This factor has a greater impact on the game than even the team's lineup. Over the years, countless teams have fallen on the road to the title because of injuries. In the last few seasons, the warriors were rarely affected by these things and the players were at their best. But that doesn't mean the warriors are safe. Kausins' body may be the focus of the warrior's chain reaction. Of course, this problem also plagues thunder. It's the same with other teams in the league.

On the whole, the whole west is likely to be a duel between thunder and warriors. But no matter who can stand on the highest stage, there will be more advantages. After all, the whole East has been ruled by James for too long. Most players don't know what it's like to be in the finals. , the fastest update of the webnovel!