Applause, for a long time. Oklahoma's ten-year expectation, thunder's ten-year effort, all converge on the flag flying over the Chesapeake energy arena. However, when the flag is raised, it is the time when everything has become the past. The 2017-18 season is the pride of thunder and Oklahoma City, but time will not stay there.

Soon, the Chesapeake energy arena staff cleaned up the playing field. Next, Oklahoma's players will be defending champions for the first regular season of the new season.

Just like every time the warriors visit the Chesapeake energy stadium, they are always welcomed by boos. Durant is definitely the most popular one. In fact, during the regular season of last season, with the relaxation of the relationship between Westbrook and Durant, the attitude of thunder fans towards Durant has become much softer. However, the confrontation of the western decisive battle made all the previous events in vain. Durant's performance in the Western match is as good as the thunder fans hate him. To be honest, this is unreasonable, but who can blame who?

This time it's a little different. Durant did get everything he wanted after leaving thunder. At that time, thunder fans couldn't refute. But now, thunder has done it. Durant thinks thunder can't do it. Now, it's time for us to be proud. So, on this night, there were signs for Durant all over the audience.

"OKC can also win the championship!"

"We have defeated the warriors!"

"We are champions!"

"No Kd = champion!"


If these American fans like to read domestic online novels, they will definitely hold up "thirty years of Hedong, thirty years of Hexi". Don't deceive the youth to be poor! " Come on.

No one knows what Durant is thinking at this time. The world is changeable. Who can expect what will happen in the future! He would never have thought that after a year away from thunderbolt, the city would have the championship that he had been struggling for nearly 10 years. He sat on the bench and turned a deaf ear to the taunts in his ear. He looked up at the dark blue flag over the Chesapeake energy arena, feeling mixed. It's like he was sitting at Oracle stadium looking at those golden flags.

The competition has not yet officially started, the TNT big three have already chatted. Sir Charles, however, appeared somewhat silent. The reason is that O'Neal mocked him when he gave the championship ring before. Of course, this is not the first time that this has happened. Whenever these two guys get together and boast about their brilliant career. O'Neal can always hit the dead: you don't have a championship ring! And I have! Coincidentally, Smith has it too!

This has to be regretted for Barkley. Buckley can do anything on the basketball court. No one can be like him. A dominant rebounder and defender can shoot three points, dribble and organize attacks. He even forced the League to change the rules of the game. It's a pity that the quilt was under Jordan's weight. Of course, this is not his sorrow alone, but the sorrow of all the stars of that era. Ewing, Peyton, Malone, Stockton

"Charles, I think the warriors will win tonight, but Shaq is sure the thunder will win. What do you think? "

Smith brought the subject of him and O'Neal to Buckley. He was not used to the silence of his old partner.

"Yes? I agree with Shaq. Kenny, the thunder is in full swing now. There's no reason to lose on a night like this. What's more, the lineups of the two teams haven't changed a bit since last season. If that big man can play and play at the normal level, thunder may be very difficult. But now, he's sitting on the bench in a suit

"Charles, you still have a good eye!"


Buckley said it's good, although the warriors are known as the five-star lineup, but cousins is still a wounded man and will have to wait for a long time to play. Before that, there was no change in the warriors' lineup. Of course, thunder didn't change much. This can be seen from the starting lists of both sides. On the thunder side, there are still five people, Westbrook, ANLO, Paul George, Robertson and Adams. The warriors changed a little bit. Pachuria and McGee left the team in the summer, and koshins was still recovering. They could only put Damian Jones in the fifth place of the starting line. However, with green, Durant, Thompson and curry on the court, the problem is not big.

When the players came on the court, Curie expressed his congratulations to ANLO, Westbrook and others. However, from the other side's eyes to reveal the fighting spirit, for the defeat of last season, warriors are still very concerned.

After the referee came on, the game began.

Thunder got the ball right for the first attack. The reaction of both sides was very quick, just as Westbrook caught the ball, the warriors' players returned to their defensive positions. And thunder side, also entered the offensive state.

Thunder's attack formation did not change much. Westbrook held the ball at the top of the arc, and ANLO and Paul George were scattered on both sides of the three-point line, looking for opportunities. Adamsra reached the free throw line and took the opposing center away from the basket to make room for Westbrook and Paul George. Robertson hovers in the right elbow, ready to provide cover for his teammates. And as long as he's close to the basket, he still has the ability to score.Of course, it's just a flash. Anluo shuttles around the court, he rarely needs teammates to cover for himself, usually in the process of running, by the position of teammates to get rid of defense.

Basketball moves back and forth between Westbrook, Paul George and Adams, and finally, back to Westbrook. Against Durant, Paul George is not good at hitting. Adams moved forward as he handed the ball to Westbrook. But he's not covering for Westbrook. It's not difficult for Westbrook to break through Curry's defense.

ANLO ran from the left-hand three-point line along the baseline to the right, then suddenly turned the horse's head and ran towards the top of the arc under Robertson's cover. Green didn't change his defense because at this time Westbrook came in. Damian Jones saw enrol, but he was held back by Adams. For a moment, there was no warrior player in front of Anluo. , the fastest update of the webnovel!