Thunder lost two games, just like losing the championship! Those reporters and commentators have made detailed re examination, comparison and Research on thunder through the media and the Internet in order to tell the world that they have found the lifeblood of thunder with a set of seemingly scientific things.

Whether it was last season or this season, thunder is not the majority of people. But thunder's strength this season, let those people feel fear. This time, he showed his fatigue and strengthened the ideas of those people. Next, the thunder will have to face a much stronger opponent than the hawks and the Lakers. The people waiting for the good play are in high spirits.

Unfortunately, thunder let them down!

In the first game after two consecutive defeats, thunder challenged 76 people away. Before that, the other side had won three games in a row. This season, with Butler's joining, the 76ers have finally developed a strong strength. In the first eight games, their opponents were all teams with a winning rate of more than 50%, 76 players, and won five of them. It can be seen that the state is good!

In this battle, the 76ers went all out to defeat thunder and compete with Raptors for the second place in the West. As it happens, thunder is holding his breath. There was a fierce battle at Wells Fargo's central stadium. Especially in the last 15 seconds, it was breathtaking.

With 14.5 seconds left, nbid fouled Westbrook outside the three-point line. The former got three free throws and the latter six left! The situation, all of a sudden, fell to the team's 76 person advantage.

Enbid, who's on the free throw line, three shots and three hits! Even if Donovan called a pause after the second penalty, it didn't affect the tempo of enbid. The 76ers rewrote the score to 113:113, and the two sides drew again.

Then, the 76ers used the full court press tactics, Felton in the opponent's bag under the hasty pass to Adams, was suddenly rushed by Butler intercepted. Then, Butler quickly rushed to the basket and headed Felton up the ball.

The 76ers had a 2-point advantage with 6.6 seconds left. Thunder, once again stood on the edge of the cliff.

Donovan arranged for grant to serve the ball from the sideline, Adams was at the top of the arc, and ANLO, Paul George and Ferguson, the three shooting players, were waiting for the ball.


With the referee's whistle, the most critical moment of the game has come!

There was a shrill scream at Wells Fargo central stadium, and the 76ers' fans were helping their team in their own way.

ANLO and Paul George pulled in the opposite direction in front of the free throw line. Paul George and Adams went straight to the basket, followed by enbid and butler. Anluo is to pull out to the right three-point line, and then under the cover of Ferguson to get rid of Simmons, at the top of the arc to receive Grant's basketball. After receiving the ball, Anluo did not hesitate at all, turned to the basket, pulled up and threw the ball. Reddick flew over and didn't disturb him.


The sound of the basketball brushing over the net is transmitted to everyone's ears in Wells Fargo central stadium through a loudspeaker on the basket. The fans let out a neat chagrin. Two minutes ago, they were cheering and ready to celebrate another victory. Now, the whole stadium is silent. Ups and downs, but that's all.

Thunder's substitute seat directly exploded the pot! Westbrook has been on the sidelines, and his absence at the end of the game is very frustrating, but he believes in his teammates. After the ball goes in, he just jumps up!

With a hug with Westbrook, ANLO was relieved.

"Man, I didn't let you down!"

"Yes! Never! "

Looking at the jubilant celebration of his teammates, Anluo himself is not excited. Over the years, he has made countless three-point shots, but few of his best shots. It's a great feeling!

The last goal of the 76ers went to Butler. At the critical moment, you have to be a tough guy to be reliable. But in Paul George and ANLO two people's bag, he threw out the basketball and failed to find the basket.

Finally, thunder in the away game to 116:115 breathtaking victory over 76 people, the end of their own consecutive defeat, also ended the opponent's winning streak.

After the game, the thunder once again returned to the invincible posture.

On January 21, thunder played away against the New York Knicks. In this game, they played with ease and kept the lead throughout the game. In the end, they won easily, 139-118. Westbrook clocked out of work in three quarters, handed in the triple double answer sheet of 17 points, 10 rebounds and 13 assists; Paul George cut 32 points, added 6 rebounds, 5 assists and 3 steals after the last 30 + game; Anluo was relatively low-key, 26 points, 4 rebounds, 4 assists and 1 steals. Of course, like wesbrook, he did not play in the fourth quarter. In addition to the three giants, Adams, the "fourth giant" in 34 minutes, scored 28 points, 16 rebounds, 5 assists, 3 steals and 2 blocks, and became the real giant of the night.

On January 22, thunder away against Portland Trail Blazers. The two teams are back-to-back, from the physical point of view, thunder also has an advantage. After all, they had a good time in New York, while the Blazers had a hard time beating the Jazz yesterday.The result of this game is thunder laughs finally. They beat each other 133-127 to win two games in a row.

The two sides set out to fight a confrontation. The drama of the thunder three giants' war with the pioneers' three brothers is also wonderful. In this game, there are as many as 6 players who have scored 20 points on both sides! Among them, ANLO, Paul George, Lillard, mcclem scored more than 30 points! Adams and nurkic two big men both cut 20 + 10, make the game more colorful. Westbrook is again handed over three double, 15 points, 10 rebounds and 16 assists. Scoring less than assists has become the norm for Westbrook.

Two days later, the thunder played New Orleans Pelican at home. Anthony Davis and Julius Randall were absent. Even if hollerdy's supernatural play, it is difficult to support his own tree, and it is difficult to change his life against heaven. In the end, hollerty had to leave the Chesapeake energy stadium with good data and a defeat.

A wave of four wins in a row, so that those who come out to talk about "the thunder can't work" disappeared. This is the case in this circle. Whether it is OK or not, many people will jump out and point out. In fact, there is no need to use too many words to explain. Action is always the best counterattack to those who talk about it.

However, the next game is likely to push thunder to the top of public opinion again. , the fastest update of the webnovel!