A big win, let everyone see thunder's strength. In fact, ever since kaoxins was injured again, thunder's call to defend the crown has been growing.

So far, it's been a week since the playoffs. Thunder became the only unbeaten team. Of course, the clippers were the only team that didn't win. This means that their players can get more rest before the second round, and the coaching team has enough time to study the next opponents and make more targeted tactical deployment.

The premise of all this is that thunder must win the fourth victory faster. The best situation is to settle the battle directly in Los Angeles two days later. Of course, Donovan and his team think so and prepare like that.

As the saying goes: keep up one's spirits, decline again, and exhaust three times. The clippers have run out of steam in the first three games. Although rivers and Beverly are still fighting after the game, but everyone knows that the Clippers want to overturn the hope is very slim!

"Everything is possible." Rivers said what Garnett had said. At that time, he led the Celtic three giants all the way through, and finally won the championship. Don't underestimate the heart of the championship, including the champion coach. Rivers's expression is very flat: "this series is not over, we will try our best to face each game."

As rivers said, the clippers have a good attitude to the game. In the last three games, they've played their best to win. Even the thunder up and down are very annoying Beverly, also have to admire his kind of desperate attitude for the game. This kind of player who dares to defend is the most troublesome opponent of every team and the most trustworthy player of every team.

But Beverly is just a role player. In a playoff game of this intensity, he can help the team to win, but he doesn't have the ability to do more.

The fourth game came as promised. That night, staples fans gave the Clippers the most support. They were cheering for the Los Angeles players from the beginning to the end, and the thunder booing was accompanied throughout the game. You know, in the city of Los Angeles, only the Lakers have been able to enjoy the treatment of home combat.

However, they have not been able to change the situation of being swept. Thunder is a fierce, to end the series on this night. Anluo is basically the thunder big three has played the least time that one, this game all played 39 points! Both Westbrook and Paul George are about 43 minutes. We can see how determined Donovan is.

In fact, this game thunder attack efficiency is not very efficient. ANLO had a minimum income outside the three-point line, and Paul George and Westbrook were even lower. So that the two from the second quarter began to choose more of the impact of the basket, leaving Anluo a man in the outside shot.

But the Clippers didn't have a good offense either. Thunder's two or three joint defense, coupled with the players' mobility, almost all the Clippers' offense has been trapped in the package. Especially Luwei, Alexander and Harrell, who like to score under the basket, Adams, Kant and Noel played in the basket. For a period of time, Donovan even sent two big men inside. Of course, one of the important reasons for this situation is that the clippers have a low shooting rate.

The whole game was full of collisions and confrontations. So the referee of this game is the most nervous. Maybe it's to try not to blow the game apart, the referees' whistles are very tight. This also gives us a kind of information, the action can be bigger.

Anluo's environment outside the three-point line is relatively relaxed. But only relatively speaking, he rarely gets the space to make a move. Basically, it's all about getting rid of the defender with the cover and then shooting right away. The pressure of attacking with the ball is even greater! How thunder defends, the Clippers almost follow suit.

In this way, the two sides played to the last minute. It's not how anxious the score is. It's just enjoying the game at the end. In fact, Oklahoma has always maintained a 10 point lead. The advantage is not as big as last game, but the clippers have not been able to level.

The last attack, thunder has more than 8 seconds. Westbrook pushed the ball to a stop in front of the center line and neither side made any more moves. Finally, time is cleared and the game is over.

The end of this game also means that the whole series of both sides is over. Thunder as the winner to the second round, the Clippers are out of regret.

Donovan and rivers shake hands in the middle line. After getting rid of the tension in the game, everyone was friendly. Players like this, everyone hugs each other, there is no sense of tit for tat in the game. Even Beverly hugged Westbrook. Because of basketball and resentment, the best way to deal with it is on the basketball court. Next season, fight again.

At this time, thunder will be relaxed! Their opponents in the next round, the rockets and the Blazers are playing 2-1, and it will take at least two more games to win or lose. However, judging from their first three games, it is not like they can tell the winner or loser so quickly.Chris Paul of the playoffs changed the downturn of the regular season and made him worth 40 million. More importantly, with his help, the whole rocket became more fluent. At the same time, there are two rockets that can shoot and pass. Under the magic ball tactics of d'antony, they play a huge attack power. However, the pioneers are not easy to deal with. Lillard has been in fantastic shape this season in the playoffs. Position two mccullam also showed the all star level. Inside there is a healthy nurkic, enough for Capella to drink. On the bench, Collins, hood, Leonard and Seth curry are no inferior to the Rockets.

For thunder, both teams are strong. But they all have one characteristic, that is, take the outside line as the core. Whether it's Houston's light bulb or the Blazers' double guns, they are super backcourt combinations of the league. But thunder is not particularly worried about this. Their outside defense is still the best in the league.

Now the thing that thunder wants to do is sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight. If the rockets and the Blazers play two more games, they can get more time to rest and prepare.

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