The whole game down, Westbrook contributed 21 points, 11 rebounds and 13 assists, which is still very comprehensive. ANLO scored 32 points, including eight three-point goals! As thunder's most stable scoring point, he did very well. The most explosive, of course, was Paul George. In the 40 minutes of his appearance, he shot from the inside out and got 41 points, 8 rebounds, 4 assists and 3 steals.

It's hard to see Westbrook, Paul George and Angelo all breaking out together in the thunder game. Because in most cases, one or two of them are good enough to win the game.

But the strength of the warriors forced them to do their best. Curry and Durant were brilliant enough in the game, with 35 points for one and 32 points for the other, which were not inferior to ANLO and Paul George. However, not everyone can break through the thunder's defense lines like the two of them. To win the game, more people have to come forward. For the warriors, Thompson's play will greatly affect whether they can win the game. But Thompson in this game, has not been able to break through the thunder defense. As a result, he did not provide much help to curry and Durant when the three thunder giants broke out together.

After this game, the situation of the series once again changed a lot. Thunder not only avoided the elimination out of the situation, but also took advantage of it to reverse their own disadvantage and brought the game back to its home court.

However, the two sides have captured each other's home court, so that the thunder home advantage of the weight of a lot of light. It's the performance of the players that ultimately affects the result of the game. Thunder, by contrast, looks better. They had a good time in the game, while the warriors had a hard time winning at the Chesapeake energy arena. Once the thunder big three can continue this competition's condition, the warrior's victory is very low.

"The reason why we were able to win the game was not how much pressure we were under before the game. We have always been confident in ourselves. As long as we don't lose heart, we can win any game

At the press conference after the game, Westbrook was very calm. At the end of the last game, he said he would take the game back to Oklahoma. At that time, many people scoffed at Westbrook's words. But now, the thunder has defeated the warriors, and those people have naturally stopped.

However, not everyone is optimistic about thunder. They thought that thunder could defeat the warriors so cleanly, first because of Paul George's outburst, and secondly, because of the warrior's own carelessness. Once they've adjusted well, thunder and thunder are also five to five. As for Paul George, no one would have thought he would have been able to stay that way. After all, Paul George hasn't been very good in the playoffs this year.

To the Western Conference finals, every game, there will always be countless people watching. The more people are concerned, the more right and wrong. But no matter how the spectators guess the score, it's the players on both sides who decide the game.

There are two days to go before the final battle of seizing the Seventh World War. These two days are of great importance to both sides of the war. Therefore, no matter the warrior or the thunder, they have no leisure to deal with the endless arguments.

After ANLO and his party returned to Oklahoma, they immediately began to prepare for the next seven wars. Donovan also knew that it wasn't nonsense when he didn't like Paul George. Paul George's performance is not very good, but Donovan believes that Paul George has that ability, as long as he finds his own state, it is an important basis for the thunder to win the game.

What Donovan has to do now is how to keep his players in the same state as they were in the last game. It's not just Paul George, but Westbrook, who need to be at their best. His way is to practice. Of course, it's not the kind of intense training. It's not wise to spend all your energy in training.

ANLO didn't even go home. Since returning to Oklahoma, he has been with the team in the Chesapeake energy arena's training facility. Shoot, lay up, practice some tactics with Westbrook and others

Time goes by quickly, the game that decides the fate of warriors and thunder will begin.

It's rare for Westbrook to look formal without his fashionable clothes. It has to be said that these NBA players, although few of them are well-rounded, have the best body shape. Paul George, Adams and others are also similar. They come to the dinner party more than the competition.

From the moment they stepped into the Chesapeake energy arena, they were surrounded by reporters who had been waiting for it. Westbrook, Paul George and anlow, of course, became the focus.

"What I want to tell you is that we won't let them take victory away from Chesapeake again. This is Oklahoma, and the whole city will fight with us. Victory always belongs to Oklahoma! "

"Every night, we try our best to win the game. To me, everything is meaningless except victory. I will do better than I did two days ago, and I believe it. "Westbrook and Paul George are outspoken about what they think. They are full of confidence and momentum. ANLO also wore a light colored suit. He was not as domineering as Westbrook and Paul George, but the confidence in his words was the same.

"Tonight's game is bound to be tough. But we are determined to get it. The taste of the championship is endless. That's something that any team in the League yearns for. Last year, we met the warriors in the west, and we had the last laugh. This year, we are still confident. "

At this point in the game, those tactics and personnel arrangements have not played a very important role. As the old opponents who met three times in four years, both sides have already studied their opponents thoroughly. At this time, the players' fighting spirit and toughness are the factors that can most affect the trend of the game.

At this point, thunder is ahead of the warriors. After all, they came back home with the momentum of a big victory away from home. But before the last game, the warriors were in the same situation as the thunder. But as a result, the warriors were defeated by thunder at home and lost the good situation. , the fastest update of the webnovel!